I'm about to say screw it and not even play the game when they say it's possible.... this isn't what you do to contest winners, they should've had that ready by the end of the contest....
This game better be a hell of a game, or they will pay! lol j/k
As some things can be right and useless, can't some things be wrong and priceless? -Viktor Suikoden I
Paradigm, an Accretia Clan
"I'm not suffering from insanity, I'm enjoying it every moment of it"
Bartle Test #234954
Socializer: 66 %
Explorer: 60%
Killer: 60%
Achiever: 13%
Bartle Test #234954
Socializer: 66 %
Explorer: 60%
Killer: 60%
Achiever: 13%
I agree ...they should at least tell us the truth instead of emailing a lie (2-3 days my ass).
Well in 3 days l2 is open beta....and I know that l2 is a prettier cookie cutter mmo.
So I guess we shall see if I have time to even try there french game now..
Own, Mine, Defend, Attack, 24/7
Forget about beta testing this game, it's poo. Dosent run on ATI cards, you have to do some kind of crazy work around and then it video lags to hell. Theres only 2 playable races at the moment with crap character creation so everyone is a clone like in Lineage2. Skill system is very un-riendly and if you hate those little windows xp balloon help popups then your gonna hate Ryzom. You get little comic book style balloons over peoples heads when they talk and they are not even semi-transperant so they layer on top of one another causing huge screen clutter with the help balloons.
I'd like to see them TRY to relase this game in June, good frickin luck. Too bad, game had a good setting too. Poor frenchies.
Yeah, it's getting pretty long, as we got told that we would just wait 2 or 3 days before getting an e-mail about the beta acceptation.
And btw, you can have your opinion, but don't impose it. We still have the chance to try it and maybe people will still like it even if you don't.
And btw, don't know if the "poor frenchies" thing was kinda racist, but anyways.
Racist? Cause I said "Frenchies" PLEASE DOOD. I think you watch a little too much MTV or something, save your PC crap for a different forum and topic. What was I supposed to say, "Poor French people that live in France." That more PC for ya? Moron.
And btw, imposing my opinion would be somehow stoping you from playing the beta, I dont think Im doing that, all I did was state my opinion on the beta's current state. Go ahead and wait and play it man, no one here is stoping you, so relax. If you think my reply was imposing and you feel the need to follow my words, then go start your car in the garage and roll up the windows please. Gosh, guess internet access is not for everyone eh?
And btw, everything after the first sentence in your reply was stupidity, but anyways.
Really, just calm down.
Now you are just trying to be a bitch.
No one ever insulted you at the first place.
"And btw, don't know if the "poor frenchies" thing was kinda racist, but anyways."
Don't call me something I'm not cause your not intelligent enough to comprehend what being Racist means. Walk into a store and call someone else Racist cause they said 'Frenchies' or 'Mexicans', see how others will react to your fanboy stupidity in the flesh. I bet you wouldent even say anything and would keep that trap shut eh? And now you got me wasting time posting stupid crap like above cause you just got your l33t broadband installed and are new the 'net.
Sorry for going off-topic, I dident start it and my original reply was on-topic unlike the following replies..
Obviously, you like waisting time.
But now, i'll just let you post some more crap.
Control is an illusion!
In truth, I agree with optyk, though he coulda been a little less harsh.
He never said anything that you should have mentioned any racism. Talk about liberal. He gave his honest assessment of the game, he did not say you had to agree. In truth, I value his opinion because he has played the game, and we haven't. The point of beta testing is to be critical. To say, 'Oh! It's great!' is just being stupid. It gives no information. Optyk told us problems in the game, giving specific references. His opinion should have been respected.
-[SoF]Marauder for Dark and Light
-Linkster for Delta Force: Land Warrior and Black Hawk Down
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Linkster from:
-Battlefield 2
-Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (Retired)
-SWG (Retired)
-EQ2 (Retired)
Its true.. its being too long.. but im still gonna wait.. Im not gonna hit the roof just yet
Will Smith "smoke the cigar when the fat lady sings"
--Currently Playing--
Earth and Beyond
--Waiting On--
STO(Long Ways away)
-[SoF]Marauder for Dark and Light
-Linkster for Delta Force: Land Warrior and Black Hawk Down
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Linkster from:
-Battlefield 2
-Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (Retired)
-SWG (Retired)
-EQ2 (Retired)
-[SoF]Marauder for Dark and Light
-Linkster for Delta Force: Land Warrior and Black Hawk Down
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Linkster from:
-Battlefield 2
-Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (Retired)
-SWG (Retired)
-EQ2 (Retired)
--Currently Playing--
Earth and Beyond
--Waiting On--
STO(Long Ways away)
I am hoping that the end of that was sarcasm. However, I have heard that we are supposed to hear from Themis when they get back from their trip this week-end. Assuming this is true, and all goes well, we will be getting an update after 6 business days. I personally am not overwhelmed with sorrow from this extreme delay(sarcasm). We will get the information when we get it, no use being frustrated or whining over it.
-[SoF]Marauder for Dark and Light
-Linkster for Delta Force: Land Warrior and Black Hawk Down
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Linkster from:
-Battlefield 2
-Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (Retired)
-SWG (Retired)
-EQ2 (Retired)