alright well, im just coming off of PSU (god, what a mess) and am looking for a new MMO to play. I definetly prefer the games where you actually play as a person (so none of the space games) and I dont have a ton of time to invest into the game so either: A: it cant be just a grind fest until you reach the highest level and then you can do the fun stuff or B: have the grind be very fun/rewarding I also want there to be SOME depth, I think games like PSO and ragnarok are alot of fun but there was nothing to it other than collecting stuff. I dont really care about the setting or the cost and this isnt a must but for some reason I absolutely love player housing (and not the gay my room crap like in ffxi, an actual house that other people can come into. so anyway, if anyone can reccomend me an MMO I would be most grateful.
Starwars Galaxies is my pick. Please, don't listen to what everyone says about it. I played pre-nge and CU and I'm still playing now. Yes, they changed everything, but its still fun. Now, they even added a respec guide so if you ever get bored of your character, you can change professions. It costs though, first respec is free, second is 100,000, etc.
Yes, there is space combat in SWG, but it's not manditory. I think on Kashyyyk theres a quest or two that you need to go in space and deliver a package or something. But, I mean, its not combat, its just getting in a ship and docking. Done.
There is EXTENSIVE housing in SWG. There's a lot of player made, and quest, furniture. There are schematics that you can sell to traders so they can make more stuff. You can choose to let people in your house or to keep it private. The three month veteran award is basically a house in space, the yacht. If your house is ever full, think of the yacht as your garage .
So, anyways, atleast use the SWG trial, you won't regret it. Don't take the biased opinion of everyone else on the forum.
P.S.- If you do decide to play, use the Bria galaxy, it is the most active and since a lot of players quit, having a lot of players is good.
Id have to say VanGuard as well..
I played SWG, and yes it has taken alot of bashing. And although i wish it wasent true,
Star Wars Is so Washed up.
SWGalaxie Housing Had so much potential.
But with its financial Situation I dont think anything in this game will Ever devlop into somthing more then a shadow of its full potential.
As for vanGuard Im hoping Its going to be the next big hit!!!
If people Are craving EQ style Thinking like i know i am, im perty sure this ones going to hit the market well.
U just have to look into its forum and ull see right away that EQ1 attitude.
And Housing are on the agenda.
I really have to hand it to"Age of conan" And W.A.R
Ill be watching them as well.
Starwars Galaxies is my pick. Please, don't listen to what everyone says about it. I played pre-nge and CU and I'm still playing now. Yes, they changed everything, but its still fun. Now, they even added a respec guide so if you ever get bored of your character, you can change professions. It costs though, first respec is free, second is 100,000, etc.
Yes, there is space combat in SWG, but it's not manditory. I think on Kashyyyk theres a quest or two that you need to go in space and deliver a package or something. But, I mean, its not combat, its just getting in a ship and docking. Done.
There is EXTENSIVE housing in SWG. There's a lot of player made, and quest, furniture. There are schematics that you can sell to traders so they can make more stuff. You can choose to let people in your house or to keep it private. The three month veteran award is basically a house in space, the yacht. If your house is ever full, think of the yacht as your garage .
So, anyways, atleast use the SWG trial, you won't regret it. Don't take the biased opinion of everyone else on the forum.
P.S.- If you do decide to play, use the Bria galaxy, it is the most active and since a lot of players quit, having a lot of players is good.
Please don't listen to this guy. That is like the president of Phillip Morris coming here and saying, "Please don't listen to the non-smokers. Smoking is NOT bad for your health and will actually pro-long your life."
Seriously, this guy is that ludicrious. Hundreds of Thousands of people have left this game over the past few years. There is something like 20 or so servers of which only 2-3 have ANY people on them whatsoever. (If you play, I hope you pick the right one, or it will cost you $50 to transfer your character....)
If you take this guy's BIASED opinion you WILL regret it. You can choose to either listen to this noob or to the other THOUSANDS that have rejected this game. As you can see, he even admits in his own words, "If you do decide to play, use the Bria galaxy, it is the most active and since a lot of players quit."
Don't take my word for it though. Read the forums here, ANYWHERE else on the web, and go read their own forums. Ask your local game store clerk even. The entire gaming community knows swg is a failure. As a matter of fact you can also check this link out:
SWG was just voted LEAST FUN, MOST DESOLATE, WORST USE of a POPULAR IP & LICENSE, MOST SHAMELESS DEVELOPER, MOST LIKELY TO BE CANCELLED in 2007, and overall BIGGEST STINKER of 2007. Especially check out the threads where their moderators have to delete and close threads by the hundreds every day due to their own customers expressing their displeasure. Those posts can be found here:
This is certaintly true. Also the definition of alot of players is probably 50.
I don't have alot of recomendations for you as I don't really care for ANY of the games out there right now. There are a few coming out in the next year which may be good.
I urge you to take the free trial of SWG. As long as you don't pay for it before you see for yourself what a JOKE this game really is, you will be allright.
Tagurit, have you ever played SWG?
Are you one of those crybabies because they took away the precious creature handling skill?
There is not 2-3 people on each server. Yea, hundreds of thousands left and all the servers are light, except for 3 or 4 that are medium. Basically its Ahazi, Bria, and Chilastra. There is atleast 100 on at prime time on the good servers. Sure, it's not alot, but having 100 people is so much more better than being in a major town seeing "ROFL! SELLING DUST 30G! HAHALOLOLCOPTER."
I don't understand why everyone hates SOE. When people say that they hate SOE, do they ever take into consiteration that millions of people play EQII? SWG isn't most likely to be canceled, it was already canceled. They made a new game, and that new game is still fun. And I strongly believe that the people who voted for the worst awards are people who left SWG because the NGE, so they though "oh, I can vote star wars galaxies in this selection." So, thats exactly what they did, chose SWG for each selection.
Anyways, if you have a slow computer, I really wouldn't recommend SWG. If you want to try the trial, go for it. Just one thing, think for yourself. Don't listen to what anyone says about any game. YOU don't know what it's like until YOU try it.
There are quite a few trials out there for existing games which I would suggest you try before anything. EQ1, EQ2, WoW, SWG, AO and probably most if not all others are giving out 7-10 day free trials. Download the game and off you go. This can be good on several fronts.
1) you get a feel for the game, if only in a limited way, before you shell out $50. After all, it is the holidays and I think everyone wants to save money where they can.
2) If you just want to relax, trials are a great way as you play when you want. You can easily go for the next few months just off of trials if you want, hopping from one game to the next.
As for Vanguard, I know there are many who have knocked the game, both here and especially on the official forums as well as the FoH boards. I myself had very very high hopes, which were probably unrealistic. I have heard a few things that I find disturbing, but not enough to prevent me from buying the game when it does come out. However, I would not expect VGSoH to be released in January as someone stated above. I realize that EBgames or some other site listed that as the launch date, but I would not count on it. Sigil, the dev company, has states recently that it will be in the first quarter of 2007, and will not get more specific than that. Just this past week, VG entered Beta 4. I would expect this current stage to last welll into January, with an Open Beta stage after that carrying into February easily. Then there is the updating and revamping time wherein Sigil will close down beta servers, do a good amount of work on them, and then bring them back up. All in all, I think even a Q1 '07 launch date is impractical and would not be surprised if that date was set back even further.
Warhammer Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Age of Conan are three other games that look interesting. They are currently in devolopment or beta testing, and should be out between now and mid-year.
Everyone Hates SOE because they Lie and DO NOT respect nor care for their customers. If its fun for you then by all means stick with it. I have 2 friends who still play. They are not happy with the game and desperately want classic servers, but can't cut their addiction to Star Wars.
I just think its wrong for you to "obscure the facts with statements like, "Please, don't listen to what everyone says about it."
If Hundreds of Thousands quit, there are a good many reasons why this is so. Notice I am trying to steer him away from this forum to get his information. Your own suckboards even paint a very negative picture of the game. Some people don't have $50 bucks to throw away on games so I wanted to make sure this guy had all the needed information before he threw his money away.