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Well, it's official now, AoC has been approved by MS for the 360, but what does this mean for AoC?
Will it hust the game? Will it help it? Will it cause them to lower the graphics? Will it simplify play, or will they require 360 users to use a keyboard? Will it even be the same game, or completely seperate servers with seperate rulesets? Will it bring in more players, or drive away more?
Feel free to vote in the general poll, but be sure to add your comments.
as for the graphics I doubt it'll take a hit on the X360. None of the screenshots or movies from AoC shows anything that the X360 shouldn't be able to match. If the graphics does take a hit on the X360 I'll consider it as Funcom's fault, not the console's...but then again I'm also a fan of my X360! I'll surely be joining in on AoC on the X360
The PC release will not be delayed due to the console. In fact, Funcom fully intends to release the console version about a year after the PC version
And just in case there were any lingering doubts:
There are no plans at all to modify the game due to the console release.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Sinister Savant MMORPG Community
to me i feel that MMOs shoudl be played on a computer however i do feel the 360 will get more players to play even though we already ahve enough devoted players right now even before the game comes out
only problem i have is that too many little kids will get a hold of the game cause the parents dont care about the raiting and kind of ruin the game but who knows
the PC will always be the best gaming system becuase of how you can upgrade it and the only system for MMOs i will be playing ti on my PC (just got a new video card =]) however i dont really have a problem with the 360 release i just cant imange PVP and some of the other effects in the game on a game controller however i do feel some of it might be easyer but PC for life!
That's because the 360 is a Gaming PC.
If you don't believe me, snag a copy of CoD2 for PC & 360, and plug in a keyboard to the 360. IMO, the 360 plays and looks better.
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
In fact, forget the SWG!!!!
FFXI was completely playable with a mouse and keyboard (on either PC or PS2) but almost everyone played with a controller and just used the keyboard to communicate. I rather miss those controlls now and then, especially when I realize how often in MMOs I am using a very limited number of actions repeatedly and macros on a controller would be more than adequate while being more comfortable for my wrists.
If AoC works similarily I might have to bury my old Nyko for a 360 controller...
edit: many many typose
i cant wait for it on the 360
it is going to be awesome!
GT lethalape
Ya know, people who might not be used to servers crashing or screens freezing and would get scared off because they don't understand how shit like this works.
Personally though, I really hope Logitech makes an Xbox360 keyboard controller. If you've seen the one for the ps2 and played FFXI, then you know there's no going back once you have a keyboard and your console controls all on one piece of hardware.
I hope the only problem I have associated with this game is whether or not I play it exclusively or with Vanguard.
Here's to another hyped game not completely sucking when it comes out.
Yes, I also find that shallow and pedantic.
It will help the game, by making it more money
It will hurt the community by making an influx of fucktards who will whine till their parents ignore the M rating and give up the credit card info...
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
With the new Real-time-combat system the controller will fit excellent! And, It would be a shame for a norwegian like myself not to buy this! I enjoy reading Conan every now and then...
I think it will help by getting more people playing but will hurt when all the pre-teens start playing. Gonna be like day care at some times and I hate to think about the summer. It was bad enough when games were only pc but throw in the 360 and that opens up a whole new group. I'm still gonna play though
― James O'Barr, The Crow
“Sarah: "Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever...”
― James O'Barr, The Crow
Sinister Savant MMORPG Community
Don't do it!!!!
Keep PC gaming PC gaming.
You can't have a good mmorpg on a console system.