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How the matrix? Is it cool? I don't know about it but I want to know now. What its like?
I really want to know though, please. I'm thinking about to buy it later on.
Don't you flame over me? I'm just little kid ='(
Can you video yourself how you play? I want to see what its like.
Can you do mission? is it hard?
how far can you jump?
can you create your own character? can you delete your character?
if you die, will you beable to revive without using rescurrtion skills?
I don't know what it is. I wanna know.
Can you create your own character with clothe selection?
Can you wear hat?
can you choose gun on the beginning chreation ?
If you begin, will you just like normal people? then matrix poeple will come to you and put you in chair and window gooey thing go over you?
I don't know.. please?? I want to play something fun.
please don't lie to me. It hurt my heart.
Can you tell me everything about it? thanks.
damn, your nice person ever.
SO I live in Newport News, Virginia, USA>
Is there collector editor dvd rom game? I wanna know so I can buy it and use shotgun ^_^
And I'm not 100% sure if there is a special edition out
Can you video yourself how you play? I want to see what its like.
If you're asking if there's a possibility to record what you see on screen, yes, there is, but I don't know it, so I can't make one.
Check out some videos on, there are lots of them.
Can you do mission? is it hard?
Missions are as hard as you choose them to be, either Easy-Medium-Hard and on a size scale of Tiny-Regular-Large
Apart from very rare exceptions, missions don't require thinking. The toughness depends on different factors, such as number/type of enemies or your own load-out, or the difficulty selection, but all in all, they aren't that hard.
if you die, will you beable to revive without using rescurrtion skills?
You can be revived either waiting for someone to revive you if you know someone who can, or by pressing the 'Reconstruct' button which will send you back to the loading area.
Just in case it needs clarification: you can return to any hardline (teleporting spots in the city) from the Loading Area.
You only lose "code" items (a type of items that you can "upload" at hardlines; so you won't lose any if you upload them regularly) from reconstructing, and get a more or less insignificant "death effect" that makes you a bit weaker for five minutes.
Death isn't an issue.
Can you create your own character with clothe selection?
Yes, you can create your character from face, hair, tattoos, beard, makeup, body type, skin colour, and gender. You then get a small selection of clothes to first choose from.
After which, you get a much bigger variety to buy from city NPCs.
If you begin, will you just like normal people? then matrix poeple will come to you and put you in chair and window gooey thing go over you?
In a sense you do, you get to hear a speech from Niobe and are given the choice between the red and blue pill. Taking blue will close the game but save the character, and red will continue with the tutorial with you waking up sliding down the tube, and being picked up by a hovercraft.
Not really. You get to "search" for a bluepill during character creation, and after you've created your character, you are sent into a "Tutorial", where you start out as a bluepill and then go through a construct training as a new redpill.
But that can be skipped, and isn't really a part of the game. When you get to the city, you're a redpill.