I mean i get you wanting the game to look nice but personaly im more concerend with how the game plays. Granted i would like a game with ok grphics cause who would want to look at something crappy looking all day. But my point is it seems people are basing all their game choices on graphics and not so much on game play.
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When you're staring at a character for hours on end, you kind of want him to look pretty cool, don't you. And don't you love exploring new places that look completely awesome? Part of what I like about MMO's is getting to check out new lands and caves and stuff.
Enough said
But in some genres, in order to make the gameplay great, you simply need good graphics.
I'm Here. I'm Awesome. Get Used To It.
sorry for the dbl post
I'm Here. I'm Awesome. Get Used To It.
GamePlay is still more important.
But a lot of Effects and such can hurt the eyes, depends on how it made. There is some games with good Visuals but after a bit you getting tired of all that (eyes hurt, headache). So leaving off some effects and investing effort in better gameplay is usualy best
I can't talk for others. But for me: Gameplay is 70% and Graphics are 30%
So if you make the BEST gameplay on an old ATARI, you still score 70% and odds are I will want to play the game. However, it is also nice to get that extra 30%. Most of my favored games doesn't have top of the line graphics, still they have "nice" graphics I guess. Nintendo is stretching it a little far IMO, as graphics still matter somewhat, and the best graphics they can provide on their system is usually already down to near half the points for that area, still, might interest me...but it has to be awesome, gameplay-wise...nearly perfect, and even for Nintendo that is quite a challenge to reach for perfection.
If you do the reverse, BEST graphics with the worst design ever, you score 30%, I don't even want that for my trash. No time to waste, move along.
Still, each point you score on the graphics help for weakness you might have gameplay-wise. Raiding-enforced is an automatic failure, regardless of anything else, since this mean you lost more than half of the gameplay points right away; as I don't want to raid, I want to PLAY (group/solo...maybe tradeskills and other silly stuff).
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
sorry for the dbl post yes, back in the days with the old 3d graphics; the style of graphics hurt my eyes...so I lived with it at the time. But now going back a few years I try to play old style graphics and I cant play more than 15 min without my eyes becoming sore...cant really explain it *shrug*. It wasn't just Morrowind, it was all the 3d games. Except the horror ones, I never played those as I was young and hated horror games. i have to say the only game that has ever hurt my eyes or gave me a head ach was city of heros dont ask me why it just did
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Still one of the best games I've ever played.
Graphics are art.
Gameplay is important, but a sexy chess set is better than a cardboard one.
Graphics are very important
The game doesn't have to run on the best hardware and have the most realistic graphics but it needs to have a look that is pleasing to the eye. Ragnarok Online is horrible graphically, but to some that cartoony style looks nice. What I look for in a game is immersion - I want to get the feeling I am my character. Choppy animations and boring graphics don't help get me into a game. No matter how good the gameplay is, if the graphics are that bad I'm not going to want to play it.
This is of course my opinion.
I can''t help feeling the graphics of Starport (bottom screen) are etter, even tho both games are just 2D.
B:) people like eye candy
C:) people are uncreative
) sets the mood for the game
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
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