I've noticed that like 90% are topics like "RUNESCAPE IS GAI" or "RS SUX". I don't really think this place is about what you think about the game. I was thinking this place would be about "My Clan" or "I need a bit of help!".
Ordinarily id agree but i think most people on this site hate RS for graphics...I dont though iactually like RS...yes start flaming me and saying 0mg J00 n00bl3t j00 l1k3 run35c4p3 y0u5 g41 ub3r n00b or something like that...i see things like that a lot in games lol its funny and you learn it after a while
Originally posted by iampieman Ordinarily id agree but i think most people on this site hate RS for graphics...I dont though iactually like RS...yes start flaming me and saying 0mg J00 n00bl3t j00 l1k3 run35c4p3 y0u5 g41 ub3r n00b or something like that...i see things like that a lot in games lol its funny and you learn it after a while
Im kinda starting to question how closely you have looked at the RS haters posts. Because if you actually HAVE taken a good look at them you will see how many of them have graphics as their main argument: 0
Life is full of choices--dont make RS one of em ---------- 98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
I think thats a bit of an exageration. there are some people who will just post rubbish like that but lots of people have posted constructive agruments about what they dislike about runescape and are being flamed for it. people are entiltled to their opinion and this would be a really boring forum if everybody had exactly the same opinion.
well actually i typed that wrong i meant that most people on this site hate runescape....the graphics was meant for other sites search on different sites and you will see so very many people complainging about graphics
Originally posted by Arkei I've noticed that like 90% are topics like "RUNESCAPE IS GAI" or "RS SUX". I don't really think this place is about what you think about the game. I was thinking this place would be about "My Clan" or "I need a bit of help!".
Well, if you look at the forum folder description thing, it says this forum is for discussion about "anything related to Runescape." RS SUX falls under that category, doesn't it?
Life is full of choices--dont make RS one of em ---------- 98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
piepiepiepie i is master of pies!
Life is full of choices--dont make RS one of em
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
there are some people who will just post rubbish like that but lots of people have posted constructive agruments about what they dislike about runescape and are being flamed for it. people are entiltled to their opinion and this would be a really boring forum if everybody had exactly the same opinion.
piepiepiepie i is master of pies!
Life is full of choices--dont make RS one of em
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
I like pie.....
Just took a look at the screens of this game - People actually play this?