I will give some references that will pretty much blow out any WoW arguement...
http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060809-7459.html 40% of WoW players addicted. WOW, we are talking about 4,000+ just on these forums ALONE!
http://www.blizzard.com/press/060228.shtml"World of Warcraft's European customer base is currently at more than 1 million players, with the worldwide total now at more than 6 million players."
Barely beats out other MMO's...can't really give that much of a statement.
http://www.mania.com/52187.html"There are more than 3 million players in China and slightly fewer than 2 million in the United States. And as with most video games, a clear majority of players worldwide are male.
The game has a very strong following in South Korea and more than a million people play in Europe."
1.2mil+1.8mil=3mil. Still puts most the game in Asian.
The information is a bit outdated. The fact is, around 2 million American players and less then 1.2 million are European...
http://gigaom.com/2006/08/15/world-of-warcraft/For example, as of May, 4.3 million of the game’s players were Chinese.”
Asain Grind fest say what what?
It was a great idea but, with most Blizzard games, they get BORING!
http://nogg-aholic.blogspot.com/Ouch....that is a hurt to pride, lets look at a VERY descriptive look at 8 reasons why World of warcraft is a bad game (right side of the website, scroll down a bit for #1)
1. Every Character/mob in the game look alike
2. Quest Design are all the same
3. Pathetic skill system
4. A game that has a very obvious ending and becomes just another game you beat through grinding
5. Pointless environment, why even have it really?
6. Not even fresh ideas, ouch!
7. Making a few places indict most the game
8. Lack of work on the content (7mil and not making it counting)
I could go on and on but, I hope atleast a few of you see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Edit: Didn't put No as an option in the pool because, if people didn't think that changed their minds, they don't have to read this post and/or comment. They can just keep playing WoW.
Here's some more facts for you:
theomega5000 doesn't like WOW. OK so who cares if you don't like it?
If people want to play WOW they will play it because they enjoy it and not because someone Say's they should or shouldn't play it. Millions play it, Blizzard is rich, you are stupid, just another day in the life..
FYI: I don't play WOW. I play EVE, another game people love to hate.
Clearly some bloggers opinions are facts.
I dont play WoW, havent in nearly a year, but all you did was make yourself look like an idiot hater.
Grats you dont like WoW, dont play it.
EDIT: If I make a blog and say "theomega5000 has sand in his vagina from WoW" does that make it true?
The fact is my topic wasn't to suggest that this thread is just another one among the millions. This is an original post with tons of small facts that help conclude my opinion (not opinions that conclude my facts). If you do not want to read well, maybe you are 15-16 and should be doing drugs and not reading post.
My post was to show you that this isn't just a game anymore. This is a game that is dominated now by the very thing that most of us hate, Asian MMO's. Now, don't get me wrong, there is a few out there that are not too bad (especially free one's). World of Warcraft you defend like it is your life you are protecting.
Figure the 1st comment was just a random flame for no reason, it seems a lot of you are the 40% that are addicted. You stick firmly by the game and try to downcast anyone who gives an opinion with facts about the game.
Now, if you want to flame, go to a bar or somewhere in real life and take all your anger out, oh wait, you wouldn't, would you. I am glad a lot of you come on here flaming and have no life probably and stick up for WoW with every bad post.
I may be one of the few people who actually turn down a game. Why? Cause I get sick of everyone going, "DUDE! L33T! THIS GAME PRONS ALL OTTERSZ!" The game is a joke, the facts show that this game is going away from what it was and that it isn't changing.
Now, you could just laugh it off and flame with every post but, you seriously arn't proving a point with any facts and even if people don't take me serious, maybe a few of the 40% will go, damn, maybe I should seriously think about getting a life, going back to school, working hard on that job, or exploring different games.
Give the pride a break. Whether you haven't played in 2 years, you never played at all, or you play all the time to get pvp gear and tier, you are probably affected by this addiction and bad game. Most people don't see how much they do not like out of the game because, they are addicted, and addiction usually has nothing to do with being "that fun". It usually involves loading up the launcher without thinking twice and always wanting to play.
Have fun, I will keep an eye and see if anyone can give critizism in the form that actually maters or provide solid points as to how WoW is better then what I stated. Everyone can have opinions, you just waste time/thread space with random flames, lol.
It is neither asian... nor is it a grindfest.
Any game where you can max your character in 2 weeks game time is not a grind...
I've heard of people maxing out characters in 10 days (game days).
Double that for the expansion... or even triple that...or even QUADRUPLE that and you still don't have a grind.
... and of course... it is still not asian.
And it is so very aweful that it has become the most popular mmorpg's ever made.
The only point you managed to prove in your post is that YOU don't like the game.
Good for you.
Absolutely meaningless, if the game is so damn bad why do 7mil people play it? It is the most successful MMORPG and blows away any other MMORPG behind it. WoW applies to casual gamers not hardcore gamers and this is the recipe that made WoW where it is today.
Okay, please stop being stupid:
1P. EVE players who grind have no time to beat their families.
2P. Your post was very original. I'm sure there were still people who didn't know this.
3P. Believe it or not, Asia has a lot of people. They live in houses and have internet connections too. Does it surprise you everyone isn't that different afterall?
4P. He flamed you because you are the idiot who flamed WoW. Grow up and understand everyone doesn't like the things you do. Just wipe the tears from your eyes and move on. No need to make another post...oh,wait, you did.
5P. This is a forum. Try and grasp that concept. Realize no one would talk to you in rl anyway.
6P. Stop confusing facts with your opinions, and vice-versa.
7P. Let people make their own calls on life and how it goes.
8P. Are you assuming because they're playing a game you hate they must be messed up in some way? Show me a person who lost his home, car, and family because of WoW. At that point, you may call it "addiction".
9P. And finally, cry more nub. I'd rather flame you because I can. Welcome to the www.
Haha the reason you are posting is to put people off the game it looks like. Sorry mate not going to happen the game is too fun for that. Asians may be playing it but the U.S/Aust servers are still going strong and they still create new servers every now and then to cater for the demand. Half the reason you don't see so many WOW players posting on these forums (or voting) is because they are too busy having fun in game.
It will only get worse for you WOW haters when the expansion comes in as it will probably create even more player numbers. I don't think WOW is perfect but it is the best mmorpg out at the moment that i have played. It's good enough not to worry about the ones i haven't yet. Oh yeah and as has been mentioned before it isn't much of a grind unless you choose to grind. It doesn't take long to max your character level and although great gear helps you can still play fine if you play smart with lesser gear.
Well the OP credibility took a big hit when his poll was all "yes" answers.
Doesn't help that he quoted blogs as his "facts" either. Nothing wrong with showing that other people share your opinion but you really should of tried to find some sites more credible. As it stands now the OP just came across as another WoW Hater that tries to convince everyone to Hate WoW Too.
Oh and I found the comment about addiction amusing. Taking loosely anything can be "addictive" if the person lacks the discipline or self control. Though I doubt very much if I took some of those 40% people's PC away they would start having withdrawels or maybe meet a shady guy in a back alley to get their WoW Fix. Too often people claim something is "addictive" if someone does it too much. Well I read every day, always have a supply of books on hand for when I finish reading one I can start another. Am I "addicted" to reading then?
I don't mean to be condescending to anyone, some people enjoy the treadmills, some so much that they have 5 or 6 level 60's epicd out (at least tier 2) with all the faction bs taken care of on all characters. More power to 'em and personally I am happy they enjoy that sort of gameplay mechanic. I on the other hand find it to be a shallow experience devoid of any sort of quality gameplay.
/sarcasm off
I think that the high asian subscriber numbers come from the gold farmers. Until they get caught, they are subscribing just like everyone else and paying the $15 per month. So probably a large percentage of the asian "subscribers" aren't in it for the game/fun but for their sellwowgold dot com business.
1. Why do I need to read a bunch of web pages to come to the conclusion this game is boring? Surely being an inteligent person, I would form this opinion based on gameplay and time spent within the game?
2. What will change via the creation of this thread? The people who will read it will already have a hateful/loving opinion of WoW and this will only stand to cement their beliefs of their game. Fact is people base opinion on enjoyment of gameplay and becuase everyone has a different opinion people will enjoy the game in different ways. Absolutely nothing will change.
Before the OP goes to flame the forum trolls that reply in this thread, stop and take a step back to look at what use this thread actually is. All it does is bring arise to topics well known and uncared for. Its preaching to the choir. If you want to make a 10 page topic, the only way your going to make it possible is by making a topic about stupid things like "why cant mages fly?" or "why cant I name my elf legolasioarcherlawlawlolroflhahahahahhahahahagandalf?".
point 1: 40% of wow players are addicted.
Even thinking for a moment this is true, what is this for? you claiming wow is MORE addictive than other games? LESS? Same? what?
Point 2: 1.2 millions european customers is an incredible number. Before WoW, the record was DAoC with 300k.... What was your point again?
Point 3: 2 millions americans players are an incredible amount. Before WoW, the record was EQ with 450K... Also note: china population: 1 billion+. US population: about 300 millions. Europe population: about 350 mils, depend what states you consider. is it so hard to believe there are more chinese players than americans or europeans?
point 4: WoW: 2 mils americans, 1.2 mils europeans, the rest asians.
Lineage 2, arguably the best asian MMORpg available in the western market: 1.83 millions asians players. 73000 western players. What was your point again?
point 5: well, i can't debate your opinion. mine, as expressed trough many other posts on this forum, is different. i think WoW is a very good and fun game.
Have a nice day
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
hehe you want others to come up with facts? when you come up with outdated blogs? O.o...
the truth is, Blizz released only estimates of population, a few times, and to grab the medias attention, you can't tell me they didn't leave out different accounts held by the same credit card? Bots? gold farmers? trial members? + the level of population fluxuates annually, if you want i can tell you how that happens,
Starting in january, the population is huge, because the recent christmas rush, thousands of people just got the game, that's why so many companies push to have their titles released before christmas, so their products can lift off the ground easily, even if it's a crap game.
it falls down quite alot in spring, having the climax they have post-december, and then lifts up again before and during summer when teachers, and school children get released from their duties and can play freely, it then falls in fall, and lifts again the following christmas.
now why tell you this? there are press releases all the time about how booming their #'s are, when of course they are when the christmas rush flies through! every1's population is booming then -.-
the other truth, which you failed to realize, is that WoW is a worldwide game, and is favored by people worldwide. The Asian population is large, over a billion, i beleieve 1st ahead of India. Europe and America? much much much much less people.
The reason more sians play, is because there are more asians to play. if everybody in the world was American, except for 1.. uh... atlantian O.o... and you come up with #'s saying "100% of the atlantians play this game, it must be an atlantian grindfest!" then yea... you're #'s are slurred.
i would attempt to compute a ratio to total asian/american population to their populations in game, but since there are no real #'s out there, i'd just be pulling shit out of my ass, callin' it a fact, but apparently it won't be much different then you, i just need to site blogs.
ALSO... i agree with you, i hate WoW, but you just didn't go about this right at all..
P.S... WoW blows
P.S.S. Eoticons rule!!!!
The reason its has so many asian's playing is because they pay about 1/10 of what North American and euro players pay per month , my friend pays 1 dollar and 70 cents U.S. per month to play WOW . He is from China go figure you know why because if he had to pay the same as you and me nobody in china would be playing WoW
so now you know the truth about why WoW has so many subs
I personally believe when you have a different continent with a completely different outlook on games, it shows. I don't hate Asians at all. I just believe that their type of games and are type of games don't mix really well. Most Europeans/Americans want a RTS or Turn Based MMO, with quite a few honorable mentions in FPS. Asian MMO's usually consider of my real life type games, 2d games, complete grind fest, and heal fest with neverending pvp.
Now, I am saying this because most EVERYONE here is involved with the EU/US market. I also believe important facts that were mentioned like multiple accounts, farming accounts, bot accounts, semi-inactive accounts, accounts that are frozen you come up with a very less number. Then, I believe, you come up with about 4million accounts.
With 2.3-2.5 million being Asians who paying only about $2 a month. You have about 1.5-1.7 million EU/US players which hardly beats out Lineage/Everquest/Guild Wars and the few others (not to mention the 3rd Generation MMO's comming out soon), let alone really makes any time of HUGE statement when 1 US/EU player pays for 5-7 Asian players monthly.
I understand these can't be proven with "HARD" facts that everyone is looking for. I am just saying that only a fraction of gamers really invest time looking into games. With a small fraction comming on here, most people on here are not first time buyers and understand the different types of MMO's. There IS still gamers out there that log on here and read stuff like this and want to flame. They have played nothing but WoW and see this as a personal insult.
I have indeed played multiple games. Now, I did not spend as much time in WoW but, it was pretty addicting to load up that BG and just kill people for fun with gear and using the different skills to win. I did not think WoW was the worst MMO nor a completely garabe one that got ruined. I just feel that even if I speak mainly to the choir, there will always be a few random one's who have never loaded up WoW. Even if the blogs are outdated, they do have some facts in them that cannot be ignored (Almost everything these days is part lie).
You read what I post and you generalize. When you put ideas and thoughts on me, you are putting my ideas, you are putting ideas on me that were put onto you and you rejected. If you have a problem with what I say, then you can contact me and explain what is making you so angry. I am here to show some partial facts atleast as well as point stuff out.
One other thing, I think blizzard will mess up with the Burning Crusade. If I have learned one valuable lesson in MMO's it's this: Fix the problems that need fixing. Don't change things and mess up people's game play. A lot of MMO's have fell victim to this and no hardly have any subscribers, some die quicker then others. WoW will be one that crashes and burns but, it sure did open the door for a lot of up-and-comming MMO's. I got to give credit to this feature.
Read some of the blogs and articles, if you do, then argue with how I am wrong. If you are illterate, I will not hassle you. I will help you understand the information and get it to where you understand exactly what WoW is a lot about....marketing and lies.
The only reason WoW is on the spotlight because it is after all possibly one of the most successful MMORPGs yet, due to it's popularity worldwide and subsciber base.
WoW may seem like it has more addicted gamers, but is that because of it's game content or amount of subscribers? Sure the game content may be also structured to "promote" grinding, but most MMORPGs do have some sort of grinding in their game, it may not be leveling but it could be in the form of time such as in EVE Online or PVP grinding/farming in Guild Wars for items or faction.
Imo, WoW was built to be a casual game, but players took it to the next level by power grinding levels, honor, and gold. To a casual gamer that plays 2-3 hours a day, it could take 3-5 months to level, for a hardcore gamer who players 10+ hours a day 1-2 months. Blizzard I don't think is to blame, it's the players who want to be stronger and richer in the fastest amount of time, instead of enjoying the gameplay as it is.