i cant make up my mind to make a infiltrator, nightshade, reaver, thane, shadowblade or berzerker. how good are each at rvr and pve? mind ya i started the game about 7 days ago and am enjoying it i just having issues deciding what i want to play any advice?
Do not play any of the assassin classes if you intend to get the character to level 50. Here is the reason why you should avoid them:
1. You have no role to fullfill in a PvE group. You will just be a weak light tank. If you do your strong attack (your critical strike) you will easily take agro.
2. In RvR they were great. They still are good up until level 40-44. After that they become virtually worthless to play. Assassins need to strike from hidden positions to do the most damage. You can drop a target in 2-3 hits. You can often leave the poison to finish off the target as you escape. All of that is fun. Archers can get this realm ability called Mastery of Stealth. This allows archers to see assassins. By the time they get to MoS3 you have very little chance of being able to get to the target to kill him. And, if you do not want to kill archers, it won't matter. They can shoot arrows at you from stealth and pop you out of stealth. This will usually result in your death from arrows or spells. Your only chance to avoid this is to drop stealth and charge the target. This sometimes works depending on how close you are. Many times you are going to die before getting to the archer. Even if you do not, this is only a good idea if it is one on one.
If you want to stick to the battlegrounds you can have fun. Archers cannot get MoS so you can actually perform your class abilities. Once you hit level 50 (actually it can start around 44) your life starts to suck. You will need to resort to bridge camping. This is where you wait at a bridge for a very long time hoping for a solo person to come by. You then attack and kill and wait again. Besides the boredom of having to wait, chances are it is already camped by someone from your realm or another realms assassins will show up to claim it. You will then need to travel with an entire group of assassins. So basically the life of any of the assassins is traveling with other assassins killing other assassins. You avoid the main fights in RvR because MoS makes you an easy target.
I have found that in the Labrynth things are a little better for assassins. There are many curves, it is highly populated, and many low ranking people go in there. This gives you a decent chance of killing. Not to mention you can stalk a person down there farming and kill him while he is distracted.
If you want to play a stealther then I would go with an archer. Albs/Mids complain about Rangers so you might want to try them. Not much for PvE in a group but you can level and you do great in RvR. As for the classes you mention I would go with a Thane, but that is just me. Your AoE spells are pretty nasty.
In order for assassins to have a chance to kill they need to strike from hidden. MoS makes that impossible. Next to ToA this is the biggest fuck up Mythic ever made. It prevents assassins from being assassins. I am sure someone will say you can "melee" them, but if that is the case you should play a ranger. You can bow and melee and you have MoS to pop stealther. It is like saying a person standing 1000 feet away from a man with a gun has a chance to kill the guy using a sword. Does it happen? Sure. It is likely, not most of the time.
To be in the top 25 this week for Rangers you need over 9000 rps. In order to made it as a NS you needed 1600. 9000 rps places you at 13. Only 8 NS were above 20k compared with 13 rangers. The only way to make it as an assassins is to group up with other assassins, use buff bots, and then camp briges or hunt other assassins.
what a drag right?
but you put a ranger or hunter RR5-7 against a Inf RR 4-6 the inf get bonus to damage, assassination and stealth expands since that last class upate 500meters
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Hunters have got some love with this patch. A few patches ago they made changes of giving all 3 assassination classes access to all of the RA's. 2 of them in the stealth line and remedy for all of them at RR5. But this now makes the RA useless because everyone has acccess to it.
Until MoS is removed making assassins uber all you want (which they have not in any patches only minor unwanted changes) it makes no difference. If they are strong enough to be poped out of stealth and go to an archer to kill him then why play an assassin? I would be better off on a vamp. I have a lot more health, can cast in combat, and self buffs. I can climb walls and I can see in stealth.
If I am not made strong enough to get to an archer in time to kill him with minimal loss to health then any changes you make are pointless.
For the record they are "reviewing" all of the classes. Patches come out every 2 months. Assassins already had their turn and were screwed. So if they are going to make assassins "uber" in any way, it is going to be another year. The best assassins can hope for is that when archers are improved they will remove MoS. Until that ability is removed there is no reason to play an assassin if you really want to be one (or you like dying 90% of the time).