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Hello I was wondering I am thinking of purchasing one of the 2 portable consoles PSP or the Nintendo DS and I am not sure what one to buy I am leaning towards the PSP because of its good graphics and because of the wireless WI-FI connection play but I am not sure. So please EXPRESS YOUR OPINIONS and tell me what one should I buy. (remember to include past expirences and all the details!)
All depends on what type of person you are and what games you like better, though to me nothing stands out on the DS. I've never been a fan of Nintendo games consoles though. It's all justt oo much Mario, donkey kond and nintendogs for me tbh.
If you do get a PSP though pick up these games, Tekken is actually better than anyother version ever made IMO.... It's very kool because the PSP is now starting to come into it's own and really picking up with great titles.
Socom 2
MGS Portable ops
Vitua tennis
lumines 2
Killzone: liberation
Syphon Filter
Por Evo Soccer 5
Field commander
Mega man
Socom 2 is a must have same with the GTA series and WTF looks fun but Killzone dosent look to great its an overhead view appearently not 1st person but if it was first person it would be sweet, but I am wondering if maybe you can switch to 1st person is it possible? Because that would be awesome
First of all yuo should know that the Nintendo DS is the market leader in Handheld gaming systems. Also nintendo has had like 20 years of experience in this area. Nintendo are also known for amking Inovative games.
The PsP is the more powerfull of the two but....Last finantial figres are showing its selling at a loss they are simply not making enough cash from them.
Also the UMD videao system is just a gimick as all videos including those of old movies are expensive as hell and give poor resolution and no extras such as cutscenes etc.
So i voted DS Lite.
I like Advance War, on the DS.
I don't really enjoy ANY other game on either. So I would have to say DS, however, D&D might have release a miniature fighting on the PsP, just didn't check it out myself and lost track hehe.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I have both and the only advice i can give you is, if you already have a console dont buy a PSP as the games as practicly the same, and dont feel any diferent from any other console you can use on a tv set and have better graphics and gameplay, the DS is really on the oposite side, while it doesnt have the power or "versatility" (I will call the mp3 player and UMD versatility even if they end up being useless) of the PSP the games of the DS are quiet fun and original, really feel diferente from other console games and.... the DS doesnt make you feel silly when using it on travel.... lol
As for games for the DS you should check the Brain Training games they are kind of fun, Wario Ware, Under the Knife, Metroid, Advanced Wars, and other Mario games (Kart, partners in time, Princess, Yoshi's Island etc etc)
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
I would DEFINETELY go with a DS for a number of reasons as of right now:
1. The DS has waaay more games out. There is such a wide variety of games that no doubt you will find something you MUST have, and even if its not a DS game that you want out there you can also find a GBA game. There are thousands of games for you when you buy the DS.
2. Like RPGs? Like Final Fantasy? Then the DS is for you as well. FInal Fantasy 3 (never released in the US) was just released on the DS a month ago, as well as a revamp of the SNES classic Final Fantasy V, with Final Fantasy VI coming in February. There are a good number of RPGs out on the DS and the GBA.
3. Rumour has it that the PSP is coming under a redesign soon. Yes this is just a rumour but its coming from some reliable media figureheads. Supposedly the redesign will have a harddrive (no more SD cards), as well as be cheaper since they are supposedly dropping that crappy UMD feature. So if you want a PSP now is NOT the time to buy...wait a few months to get confirmation on these rumours.
4. The DS DOES have Wifi connectivity. There are plenty of games you can play online with others. Some of the best are Mario Kart DS and Metroid Prime Hunters. PsP is not the only system with WiFi anymore.
Hope this helps.
Eternally mine,
The MMO gaming blog I write for.
So it seems the DS if perfered over the PSP but I disagree with the DS because in Metroid prime it is extremely hard because of switching back and fourth between touch screen and D-pad. The PSP is just simple analog and D-pad no difficult touch pad or anything and as for all the games out for the DS none of them are actually as great as Socom 2 or the GTA series even though yoshis island and Mario 64 is fun but still I would rather be playing Socom WI-FI with my friends. (Please express your opinions in full detail.)
Thanks, Darth_Revan
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Well if you dont have a console where you can play those games, or a PC able to play this kind of games, and lot's of friends with PSP i can understand how the PSP can be interesting, but still, in all those conditions, it would be silly even asking what you should buy since you didnt give those kind of specifics.... oh and for me, playing Castlevania and the other games i stated on the other post on the DS is enough to put any GTA/Socom on a shelf for a year (and believe me, i really got them gathering dust on a shelf lol)
It is in the USA and Japan. I imported it.
I am buying a PSP for the multiplayer mostly for socom online it looks really fun same with battlefronbt 2 i want to give that a try online as well so thats why I would buy the PSP over the DS because of the 2 awesome shooters out for the portable console. (What do you think of these 2 shooters please EXPRESS YOUR THOUGHTS!!)
Thanks, Revan
I dont know about battlefront but siphon filter is a must have shooter..
And Killzone Psp is great... the camera works really well for the psp... I think it works better than first person due to only having on analog stick.
DS just isn't my style.. Tell you the truth I'm really not interested in Mario or Pokemon or the Brain games..... I was really buzzing for metroid but the controls killed it for me... there are some other interesting games that i'd love to play... but for me i would go for a psp over a DS.... mainly since PSp has more games that i personally would like... Although the crappy load times give me a headache.... and if you want it for stop and go gaming PSp is a bad choice but otherwize...its great...
here's a couple must have psp games
Metal Gear Portable Ops
Siphon Filter
Ace Combat
Loco Roco
lego starwars 2 (easily the superior handheld version)
Vice City Stories
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
from everything i've read as far as reviews of games on the PSP the biggest complaint is very long load times which happen regularly
does this thing have no ram, slow disc spin or slow read time? all three?
I don't see the point in the touch screen, its not even used good in any game but things like trauma centre, just has no point to it what so ever.
The touch screen is often used as a joystick i find Also bear in mind that in a way nintendo were being very brave and inovative to try out a touch screen which has in the end sold well, Despite the lack of good uses for it.
have to say the BIG BRAIN acadamy uses it quite well.
I own a PSP...I'm pretty happy with it. The DS just doesn't have enough of the kinds of games that I like to play. The "innovative" stylus is just an underused gimick. The only games that take advantage of it are the few and far between grade A Nintendo titles.
And yes, I do own a Wii...I'm not some Nintendo hater. The Wii's control system fundamentaly changes the way games are played, the DS touch screen is just a sidebar to an otherwise average handheld.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
it depends. end of story, depends what your looking for. i personally went wiht PSP. dont regret it.
Music, games, right up my ally. so....