I know the answer to the topic will be very easy but for God sake couldnt they make it more obvious. I've been trying to kill stuff in this game for two days now but each time i attack an animal my punches just dont seem to take effect, its just like i'm punching air.
Can someone please help a stupid n00b??
Also when you attack something you dont have to repeatedly click unless you have an attack you want to select. Basically just click and let it go until target is defeated. Hopefully I answered the questions or maybe you can reply back with response to this with more info of whats happening.
This is not a game.
This is not a game.
For me, it was the foxes. You attack them, they run, and the worst part is your damage sucks. You end up chasing them for a bit, but that's how you make money at first.
Also, follow the quest line. It keeps you on the right track.
i guess i am a victim of modern washed down mmos with tutorials and stuff - i.e. too stupid or lazy to test more. dunno, i don't mind exploring after say level 5, but until then i don't mind some intro guiding you a bit more around. call me care-bare
I'm afraid you'll have to get used to the point and click.
I should be the one to complain. I have a touchpad ^^
My bad, as you cannot always follow the quest line.
For the Wu-Tang starting area, I had to grind foxes for a bit to make enough cash to proceed. After you reach a new level, attain a new skill level, or complete a quest chain, you will usually get a new quest. If all else fails, just grind.
Just grind.