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Is Runescape The Worst Game?

havenonamehavenoname Member Posts: 3
The answer?  I can safely say, YES.  Personally, I've played this game from 2002-2006 on a level 89 and 93 character quited in October.1 year as a f2p and 3 years as a member.  Your asking yourself, how does someone play a game for 4 years if its the worst game? Well it never use to be the worst game, infact I'm about 90% sure it use to be in the top 10. This game started out as a decent game, then from about 2004 and on it started to go down hill. The updates started to have less quality and mainly all about quests. In my view from 2004 and on Runescape seemed like "Questscape"

Anyone who has played Rs CLASSIC, will remember the "good ol days of Rs" Where you were a pure with 40 attack and 75 strength and about level 50 combat with your r2h sword in the wild, owning and actually defeating other players when you were beating them. That all ended when "rs2" came out. In rs2 player killing is all about using protect prays, ancient mage's ice barrage, and teaming. Ever since Jagex started to have ads on "Miniclip" is when the community really started to take a nose dive. They started targeting younger and less mature audiences 13 and under. Now dont get me wrong, not ALL younger players are immature, but MOST ARE. If you dont do what somone asks, you're a noob!

But pking,the community, and the poor updates is not even the worst part about Rs. The worst part in my view is the randomness,luck and grinding in skills, the worst being the combat skills. I've always liked the woodcutting skill on this game but...Getting yew and magic logs does NOT get any faster past level 75 woodcutting. When I played on my level 93 account my wc level was 89, yet I could get a full inventory of magics faster than a 99 wcer, and  I was beaten by somone with solid level 75... It takes many HOURS to get levels in some skill, just to get beaten by the lower levels... And its the same thing with combat, its a fact that the lower combat person will win more times against a higher level.

When I became a member I was really into "stake dueling" against other players at the duel arena. I quickly found out from many duels that the lower combat level people always did better against higher levels... Even with ALL stats lower, they still tend to win more. The combat stats are attack, strength, defense, range, magic, hitpoints, and prayer. But in Runescape as a melee person, strength is the stat that determines the outcome of a fight. It wont matter if your attack and defence is 10 levels higher than the other guys, if his strength is higher than you he will do better. But the worst part about combat in Rs is...RANGE. In most other games the range or "archery" skill is as good if not better than the other skills, in Rs thats not true.

The only way you will ever get kills as a ranger in Runescape is to work for HOURS as a "pure ranger"  Forced to keep your defence and prayer at 1, but you will be about 70 combat with 99 range, the highest level. Only to do half the damage of 99 strength... In Runescape, there is something called a "combat triangle" like many other games. This is what Jagex says their triangle is... Melee beats range, magic beats melee, and range beats magic. But if you have ever ran into a good ancient mage as a ranger, you will know that is not true. He casts his Ice Barrage spell on your black dragonhide armor, and freezes your for 20 seconds as he laughs and runs off, no kill for the ranger.

The last part of my post is about reporting. Jagex NEVER has really taken reports seriously. Your report a level 3 thats a macro, never to hear from Jagex saying they took action. Now, I know that SOME people have gotten a response, but most dont and I never have out of the probably hundreds of people I have reported in 4 years of playing.

To PROVE my point of how bad Runescape is, do this if you want proof. Go to the rs forums and to the rants section, It will say there is 60 or so people in there. Next go to "compliments" and you notice there is only 5 people there... Anyone that has taken time to read all of this you have my respect, thanks for reading. My two cents


  • Warlord_XVIIWarlord_XVII Member Posts: 6
    You forgot to mention the random events they were bombarding us with in a hopeless effort to rid Runescape of macros, not only did it fail miserably, but it also ticked off a good 70-80% of the community being forced to play pinball with some retarded trolls and keep getting that stupid gravedigger only to achieve some lousy rewards like an emerald.(After you have ahcieved all of the zombie clothes and the lame emotes)

    Don't get me wrong, there is a chance you will get a half-key aswell, but those are close to worthless with the release of the onyx gem, getting the dragonstone is just a waste of time, seeing as you can make more money doing something else.

    And about the lower 'level wastes higher level'thing, yes that's ridicolous. Lower level non-pures can waste people 10-20 levels above them, even if the higher level has better gear. I've always thought the place was a bug, and I wish they didn't take out dueling everywhere, that was great and most people did enjoy it and we wouldn't have to deal with a place where stats are worthless.

  • jimbo833jimbo833 Member Posts: 158
    ok u name a mmorpg like rs and is cheap like rs ( rs owns )
  • Warlord_XVIIWarlord_XVII Member Posts: 6
    Originally posted by jimbo833

    ok u name a mmorpg like rs and is cheap like rs ( rs owns )

    You know, it's really hard to find a game like rs, you see, most other mmo's have functional customer support that actually listens to reports and offer in game support, instead of sending automated messages apologising because they were unable to look into the matter......Only I can think of must be age of mourning, which by the way, was the worst game ever released.

    Anarchy online is now a free game and it's thousands of times better than rs.

    There you go, although it was hard to find a game as BAD as rs.

  • arcranger71arcranger71 Member Posts: 2

    havenoname, i agree with you about what not to like about runescape... however, name one other game that is as diverse(has 22 skilled trades to advance) as massive(might not be as hard in maps) and can be run on a 56k connection with under 100MB of RAM without having any lag.

    oh, and one more thing... it can't be a game u have to buy or download!

    Try doing that - you succeed and i'll ask how the F***!? because i have searched every site on google, every game on the list here, and and every other possible game i have found with no luck. Other than a piece of cr*p text game.

  • havenonamehavenoname Member Posts: 3
    Hmm I can name one... Ogre Island. Worst graphics and all but atleast the game makers care.  Thats why I think Runescape is the worst game. And its not like rs never lags... If you were on when the FARMING skill first came out, you would know. I mean, I could write a damn book about how bad Runescape has become. Btw I've tried Rs on a 64 ram dsl computer, you'll be able to get in but gameplay is impossible. Jagex makes a million dollars a month or more and uses hardly any of it on the game, they'll get like 5 new servers if you're lucky. 3 will be for F2p and 2 will be for MEMBERS...
    Originally posted by arcranger71

    havenoname, i agree with you about what not to like about runescape... however, name one other game that is as diverse(has 22 skilled trades to advance) as massive(might not be as hard in maps) and can be run on a 56k connection with under 100MB of RAM without having any lag.
    oh, and one more thing... it can't be a game u have to buy or download!
    Try doing that - you succeed and i'll ask how the F***!? because i have searched every site on google, every game on the list here, and and every other possible game i have found with no luck. Other than a piece of cr*p text game.
  • jimbo833jimbo833 Member Posts: 158
    id just like to say if being playing rs for a couple of years be 3 in march i think. and im quiting in 2 weeks on reason coz i want admin rights on my bf2 server ( battlefield 2 ) and id say the games gd but to get all ur skills to 99 i think u would need to download and use an autofighter thingy. rs is good coz price and gd fun with all the skills u hardly ever get bored. i was addictid to it up to 2 weeks ago  and now id like to say c ya to rs coz it was fun. and ill try go back on it from time to time. ( lol that was long )
  • necrotherionnecrotherion Member Posts: 130
    Why are there about 359 000 000 threads on asking people if runescape is the worst game ever? I have just stumbled upon three of such threads, and said, "yes, yes it is." Plx ppl don't make another one.
  • meee2meee2 Member Posts: 6
    hey any who does not wnt there rs2 chartiers plz send there user name and pass to i would give thx to all how send me some thing
  • Lol2dLol2d Member Posts: 10

    Runescape classic was great. I stopped playing runescape when Rs2 came out.

    I used to play with my brother he had a pure ranger with liek 1 attack,defense,strength and 90 ranged. I had 40 attack(made on the dummys with beers ^^) 1 defense and like 60 strength, that was some fun pking at the wild.

    When Rs2 came out and I saw how the pvp was I just quit it was broing as hell.

  • You guy are haters. First of all: heres my honest opinion: Runescape os a free game. What do you exspect. For it to have better graphics than Eve and better gameplay than Wow? Last of all. Runescape can run on even my crappy pc and the game has TONS of game content. I'm not saying that Runescape is the best game ever because it isn't. I hate all the shitty random events to. But give RS a break for once and we'll all be happier.
  • Lol2dLol2d Member Posts: 10

    My point was not that the graphics were bad or anything, as I explained I prefered the old runescape classic than the new one it was an entertaining game, even though it was full of macros and people tried to scam you every 5 minutes.

    The pking on the wild was great it was a lot of fun, but when they brought Rs2 the game just didnt make that for me.

    i can tell you I had loads of fun on runescape and it was a fun game to play.

  • busdriverbusdriver Member Posts: 859
    Originally posted by havenoname

    Anyone who has played Rs CLASSIC, will remember the "good ol days of Rs" Where you were a pure with 40 attack and 75 strength and about level 50 combat with your r2h sword in the wild, owning and actually defeating other players when you were beating them. That all ended when "rs2" came out. In rs2 player killing is all about using protect prays, ancient mage's ice barrage, and teaming. Ever since Jagex started to have ads on "Miniclip" is when the community really started to take a nose dive. They started targeting younger and less mature audiences 13 and under. Now dont get me wrong, not ALL younger players are immature, but MOST ARE. If you dont do what somone asks, you're a noob!

    I used to play RS Classic a loooong time ago and it was a blast, community was mature and helpful, albeit very small. But combat was easy to master, all you needed to do was to grind your toon up to the latest cookie cutter and you were set. Some time ago my nephew started to play RS2 and little while ago I joined him to keep him company. Watching him PvP and trying it myself, I can safely say PvP is ten times more complex and interesting than it was back in the days of RSC, especially in high levels. It still crap, don't get me wrong, but it's much better.

    When I became a member I was really into "stake dueling" against other players at the duel arena. I quickly found out from many duels that the lower combat level people always did better against higher levels... Even with ALL stats lower, they still tend to win more. The combat stats are attack, strength, defense, range, magic, hitpoints, and prayer. But in Runescape as a melee person, strength is the stat that determines the outcome of a fight.

    By undying words of my nephew, "(uncle) you're a noob". Strenght means a lot in (really) low levels, but high levels it means nothing.

    To those who said Runescape is the best free game out there, pohliise. Go play Anarchy Online, Shadowbane or, if you have an old computer, Tibia. All those games beat RS 5-0.
  • razorman87razorman87 Member Posts: 1

    i like runescape but they take it way to far u cant even say (damn) or (noob) b/c u will get reported its so dum i thought it was kool but no its not b/c u cant do shit without members account  thats so gay  so i kinda like runescape and kinda dont but mostly dont b/c its fucking $5.00-$7.95 a month its to much they put to pay monthly.

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