I downloaded the Play the Fae trial a couple of days ago and I have to say that I am pleasantly impressed with how the game has evolved. I originally purchased EQ2 in December of 2004, and ended up giving up on it due to my PC's system specs.
I can pretty much only run the game at the "Very High Performance" setting, and it some cases only at the bottom level. Animation worked just fine, but it was the zoing every 30 seconds in Qeynos that was killing me. It would take my PC about 3-7 mins to load each time so I would scream if I ever took a wrong turn in the city.
Play the Fae was an excellent trial letting me see a large portion of the new starter zone with no zoning. I also like the ability to choose my career path right at the start as well. The new race is cool - I like never having to worry about falling to my doom. Overall, the music, animation, and quality of this new expansion seems very well done. I'm seriously considering picking up the expansion since it comes with all the content up to date.
My question for you vets is - Is the zoning toned down throughout the world and/or in the cities, or is it just in these new zones?
I've always been into the EQ world lore-wise, I read the novels, play the Norrath PS2 iterations, etc, but I always have technical issues with the MMOs. I purchased EQ Titanium and couldn't get the game to work at all, I had to download all kinds of direct x patch tools, never got a mouse pointer and gave up on it (Any hints on this would be great I'd like to try it out), and someday when my PC gets an overhaul I'd love to dive headfirst into EQ2 and see it how it was meant to be played. Any tips on good rigs that run the game on extremely high settings?
Unfortunately except for on the new continent the zoning is still the same as when you left, try getting a gig or two of ram, usually not very expensive and it helps your performance alot
However, there was so much feedback on the new expansion that the devs have said on they producers letter they want to decrease the amount of zoning in game how long this will take, i dont know, but its somthing to look forward too!
The new EQ2, better than ever befor !
don't click this link...