Well... I just quit WoW cause it was very extremely boring. I might go to FFXI but I cant decide... I use to play but my account was hacked and I got another and quit. Should I come back or just not waste my time?Cause I really loved the game but having my acc hacked was just gay and I dunno what server to go to or what class to pick... I like healing but WHM makes me fall asleep. Any suggestions on a class and server?
Class wise, try a red mage so you can do more than heal.
And as you should know from playing before, you dont get to choose your server unless you buy a world pass.
If your planning to play be ready for some total grind fest fun. I just sold my two accounts after farming and spending close to 2 billion on the new armor they just put in. Its the gayest thing ever , its not even original graphics , they are repainted Bard RSE and stuff , they look horrible on a Max setting.
Hours on hours grinding assault missions , then trying to collect the super rare ingots to make the damn thing. Prices are pretty unbelieve too , for a newbie on 60% of the servers I tried , there was no newbie armor , almost no armor on the Auction til almost 20. Most of the people playing are alts or 10th job grinders.
Ontop of that, none of the new features released for the game are accessable to almost 50 . You want to raise a Chocobo? the food is between 7k to 20k each , farming the stuff to make it or trying to get it on the Auction is pretty much impossible.
Last event , half of the low lvl people didnt even get to try it or anything .. because it cost 10k for a santa hat and I dont even know about the trees. Then you got these quests that do for the next item (you gave treats to kids) , which was running all over the place , which if you didnt have a chocobo or airship pass would take you 3 hours to get anywhere on foot.
Oh did I mention the rank and fame grind? Its so mindless I was ready to become an emo and start cutting myself .. then crying.
Then you move on to groups .. Average wait in the Dunes is something like 4 to 6 hours .. I seen people lfg for 8 hours. Godforbid there are not enough white mages or red mages. Then you get into the upper 20s , its easier slightly getting a party , but if you pull an add you die , party wipe.
Diffently not a good game to start , the revamps to the jobs , so so ranging for useful to useless.
It saddens me that you see it this way, maybe you were on a bad server if you only could find elitists to play with.
I've seen the same thing happen before, you set a high goal for yourself and start working intensively towards it and less than haflway there you seem to realize what it actually takes to achieve your goal, it's just like the people who start unlocking relic weapons without considering what it actually takes to do it, you have a choice not to do it and you don't really have to.
The Aht'Urgan expansion is aimed for level 50's and up yes they are the ones that really need the content there is so much content anyway, besides the awesome things in Aht'Urgan like Besieged, Assault and so on wouldn't make sense at low level.
Chocobo food doesn't cost a lot you can grow it yourself, the only way to get food is to grow it so if you buy it from the auction house you are paying other players for their efforts.. besides raising a chocobo isnt ment a free pet it's ment to actually be something more which it is, I just mated my female chocobo with a black imp str imp end one and hoping for a nice new baby.
All the whine about "grind" is a bit tiredsome, all games based on "levels" or "ranks" or whatever that you can gain has what you define as grind, how else would you progress? The difference is the feeling of achievments and rewards for your work which you really feel in this game.
You are into healing/helping people Paladin, Corsair, or Bard may be right up your alley, these are all very beneficial to any party!
I have came back to the game myself, and even though it isn't as popular as it was, I still enjoy it very much. So if you want I can give you a world pass and you can check out the LS I'm a part of and I can help you out too. alright, PEACE!
Here's a lockpick, it might be hand if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you.
Everything else in the game is detrimental to having a life.
Without further ado...
I would say no. WoW and Final Fantasy XI are polar opposites. FFXI was probably the worst MMORPG I have ever played, and I've played over a dozen MMORPGs.
Firstly, FFXI is built upon the old-school principle that MMORPGs should not be fun. It's clear once you get to level 12 - you will never have fun in FFXI unless you are a masochist. Firstly, you cannot solo. That's right - if you see any monster while you're out on your own, it will kill you and desecrate your corpse. You can never log on FFXI for 30 minutes and get something done - you will need a group for everything. Groups often take anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours to put together, and they often disband after the first wipe (which is often very soon, as most of FFXI's playerbase is inept.). Every nanosecond of progress you make from level 12 to 75 MUST take place in a group. Imagine a run of Blackrock Depths, the most agonizing instanced dungeon in WoW, every damn day you play FFXI. Sometimes two or three times a day. Even "good" groups which stay together for hours are no fun - simply put, the way you're forced to advance your character in FFXI is agonizingly boring.
If you enjoyed running around regions doing quests at your own pace in WoW, FFXI will disappoint. Let's say you get a good group. You're six awesome characters wielding swords, magic, and amazing skills. Whereas in WoW a full group could cut a swath of destruction across any zone their level, in FFXI your 6-person group will find a little corner and hide there for hours at a time. No group bucks this trend - you WILL find yourself standing absolutely still in one place for 95% of your levelling career. Your group can't roam around because getting aggroed by a BUNNY will wipe you all. Imagine if WoW required you to put together a full group, sit at the border of Westfall and Elwynn at level 12, and stay perfectly motionless as one person in your group walks out and aggroes a monster then brings it back to you. The monsters aren't even interesting - killing crabs for 4 hours standing on the same patch of rock sound fun to you?
So let's say you're a more patient person than I am. You don't have a problem with camping in the same crevice for four hours killing rabbits, lizards, and fish. Do you enjoy storyline? Too bad, FFXI has none worth seeing. Whereas WoW has tons of soloable quests that provide pages upon pages of interesting lore, FFXI gives you a scattering of quests to do from level 1-70. Just a handful. You'll be able to do ONE every few levels. In WoW, it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to be anywhere in Azeroth without having a near-full quest log filled with reasons why you should fight so-and-so. It gives you PURPOSE, it sets the mood and atmosphere of your character's life and journey. In FFXI, you'll spend nearly all your character's life killing monsters FOR NO REASON. There is no reason why you need to be sitting here killing lizards for five hours. Yet do that you will.
So you got past the tedium and blandness of levelling. Well, it's time to upgrade your equipment. You sell the pelts, fangs, and bits of fluff you got from that 5-hour levelling session. The gil you get from those sales...make up 2% of the value of one of the 8 pieces of REGULAR, NON-UBER-RARE equipment you have your eye on. You will get very little loot in a party. So if you actually wanna upgrade your equipment at any point after level 15, you WILL need to farm. That's right, you spent five hours in a group levelling and you have nothing to show for it except EXP - your character did not complete any quests or advance any storyline, you didn't find any good equipment to use, and you earned very little money. You must go back to an area with monsters a dozen or more levels beneath you and kill them over and over (these are far past the point where they would grant EXP) for hours and hours. After about six or so hours of farming, you can then afford one of those pieces of equipment. Now do it all over again seven more times. The economy in FFXI is just screwed. Gil farmers drive up the prices by camping extremely rare mobs like Leaping Lizzy. A rare drop off this super-rare mob can give you enough gil to sustain you for up to FIVE WHOLE LEVELS. Desperate newbies often camp Lizzie and other rare mobs for a chance at this goldmine. Even I did. It's depressing, standing in Gustaberg waiting for Lizzie to pop - after seven hours, she spawns a hundred feet away. A max-level hunter who has no real use for the gil gets her, gets her rare boots, and gets a raise from his boss. Gil farmers win again!
So, here we are. You're level 20 now after hours and hours in Valkurm Dunes. You've had zero fun so far, but it has to get better sometime, right? Nope. You will repeat this process in Qufim and Kazham and in god knows where else. You cannot do anything without a full group, and groups only form in a tiny handful of the game's many areas. The game world is beautiful and huge, yet you'll miss 90% of it because only a select few regions are utilized by the game's players. Though FFXI may have around 100 zones, expect to really only get to explore and fight in 20 of them on your way to 75. Let's say that you get to 75. What awaits you near the max-level? FINALLY, A STORYLINE. The bad news is that you still need a full group for it. There is one class that can solo - Beastmaster. However, soloing as a Beastmaster is very difficult much of the time and even this limited soloing ability comes with a price - you must level a regular unsoloable character to 30 and do a quest to unlock the class. Then when you change to a BST, you begin from level 1 all over again. Even soloing as a BST is boring - there are still no interesting quests and 75% of all creatures are too difficult to fight. As a BST, you must fight certain creatures that are generic and have no interesting moves in order to survive. Even as a BST you will do a lot of running.
My good man, I leave you with this: Close your eyes and picture yourself in The Barrens. You are a level 12 Tauren Shaman just crossing the border into the region. You approach a level 10 plainstrider and attack it. It begins to kill you very quickly, hitting as hard as a level 25 mob would. You run, you run, but you can't escape it. It will not stop attacking you until you cross over into another region. In submission, you go LFGing for five other characters. After 40 minutes, you find a group. You cross back over and are instructed to wait next to this tree. One of your group members is designated as a puller. He goes out, shoots a plainstrider, and returns to your group with it in tow. You fight it over 3 minutes. Everyone rests for an additional two minutes. The puller brings another plainstrider but someone got disconnected. The remaining five level 12 players die to the level 12 plainstrider. The group disbands after these seven minutes of confusion - because you died in the wipe, you have lost EXP and have deleveled to level 11. Now you must kill an additional ten or so plainstriders to make up for the lost EXP. You take another 40 minutes to get into a group. This group does not wipe - your reward is standing by a tree for three hours while a puller brings you plainstriders to kill. After four hours, you are 1/3 of the way to the next level. You return to Orgrimmar, dying along the way because you aggroed two level 9 monsters at once, and find out that a piece of green armor, completely unremarkable and non-rare, will require about 8x more gold than you have on you. Since you cannot kill monsters of your own level, you must kill level 3-4 mobs in Durotar/Tirisfal/Mulgore for about five hours to get enough sellable loot to net you the money you need. You get the green helm and see five or six other things you would like. Forget upgrading as you level, you're going out to farm some more. Halfway through the fourth five-hour session of grinding, you collapse and die in real life. The end.
FFXI has great graphics and a beautiful world, but it's gone to waste. There is too much tedium. You will never have a moment like the confrontations aboard the ship in the Deadmines - these happen at level 75 in limited doses. You will never get a rush as you singlehandedly put down a group of five thugs - enemies eight levels below you will own you. Everything you do, you do in a little corner of a zone, thwacking/shooting/magicking enemies to dust over and over and over and over. I hated it. I never made any good friends in the game because I was always irritable - everything was a grind and I was sick to death of it. It's a miracle I got to level 40 with my Bard. I realize this is a massive post but I might as well write it now and use it anytime a fellow WoW player thinks of going to FFXI. If I can save at least one fellow gamer from it, I will die a happy man.
If you want you can give it a try, but do not be fooled by the fact that levels 1-10 can be soloed - stick around 'til level 20 and you'll realize FFXI is like doing Molten Core for a reward of 50 silver and one green item three times a day, every day you play this game. Run and do not look back.
Edit:By Reinjin
Yes, I also find that shallow and pedantic.
Here's a lockpick, it might be hand if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you.
Oz sumed it up pretty good. The equipment section is about the same as a current Korean MMORPG , you will run into a alot of clones and most people will look alike no matter what you do. There are 2 prime pieces of equipment , at 20+ to 25 the equipment is beyond ugly , think of 2 year old finger painting. The best stat equipment is fugly as hell.
Oh and if you think about switching servers based on how poor things are for newbies. I just called Square , they confirmed about 80% of thier servers arent in the random server rotation. The choices will be Remore , Bismark , and Ceburus (spelling) for the most part. The newbie game on Remore and Bismark is completely dead.
Also dont get creative when leveling .. Kitting a monster will get a GM call , using the terrian to kill a mob a GM , 99% of internet radios with commericals will cause Final Fantasy to crash 20 to 30 times a night.
Your joking right? Kiting a mob will get you in trouble? If this is true, how can this game be any good then? To stand there and allow yourself to get beaten up is bullshit lol, wow now im glad im not going to try this game out.
Deleting of peoples accounts after 3 months, GMs being called b.c you kited it lol, people play this game? Wow people who play this game are just as lame as the people who still play SWG.
Sorry but i cant believe people who pay to play this game with crap like that going on.
A GM wont interviene unless its an extreme case, there are some policies there is nothing that says you can not kite a monster, but there are rules that does not allow you to "hold" monsters for the sake of griefing, this specially applies to notorious monsters that are highly camped. Imagine yourself a notorious monster that has a 24h or longer respawn timer and some ass decides it's fun to claim him and not kill it.
2. Never went to jail or even talked to a GM.
3. loved this game. But I loved it in the same way a junkie likes their fix. It took me 3 times before I finally quit. However, getting to 75 and needing at least 3-4 hours to get something done and it feeling like a second job, I simply couldn't afford the time or hassle anymore. I miss the friends I had on there greatly. Arcain, Liinx, Hotdogs, Aiirun, Avarissa, Lilmikey, Devaniel, Phrozen and Gihoon to name a few. But after I saw through the addiction (because once you get high level pretty much everyone jokes around about how they're addicted) I realized it had become a choice of my online life or my RL. That's not to say it's the same for everyone though.
As far as a GM being called for kiting, I've never heard of or had to deal with that first hand. All the times we farmed the gods w/ kiting we never had a problem. Maybe someone did, but I didn't hear about it or experience it on Sylph. Though I hated when someone would claim a mob and not kill it. Imagine sitting there for 6 hours waiting for a NM to spawn only to have someone else claim it and not kill it just to fuck with you.
Good times.
Yes, I also find that shallow and pedantic.
Here's a lockpick, it might be hand if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you.
I read some pretty interesting things here.The one post that stated why you should not play FFXI was true to some some extent but totally false if you are playing the game for all the right reasons.This game is designed for those who wish a challenge.You will not be givin unlimited healing pots and be able to solo through killing mob after mob endlessly.Those type games are total no brainer grind fests,nothing more.It is true that you may wait a long time to get a party,however the game is designed to be played more or less in a static group ,so join a LS that has players you can party with on an ongoing basis.
I have no idea what the point was in saying"in WOW you can grab a group of 6 elite and whallop across any zone easily"where as in FFXi you are huddled into a corner.Ya thats because the battle system is ALOT more skillfull and the mobs are designed to be hard to kill,this game is not about being easy,it's a challenge.I have no idea why you would want the game to be easy?to build up your ego?
On the levelling part....Yes the levels get harder and harder to attain as the XP needed rises with each level.Believe it or not this is a good thing.If levelling was too easy then you have like you see in alot of asian grindfests ,players at end game level in 2 weeks.How on earth could you possibly enjoy ANY game finishing it in 2 weeks?Even worse why are you playing the game if you just want to see your little number that shows your level go up,that is all the wrong reason to even be playing.I surely would hope you are not playing for the purpose of bragging to your friends that you got level 50 in one week,that is just sad.A mmorpg should be about longevity,people that i know who actually play this game for the right reasons ,wish the game will never end.
You should spend time crafting and also spend time farming the materials you need to craft.You can spend time doing quests or missions with your LS,the game should NEVER be all about levelling.If you want nothing more than to level each and every day then any game would be boring because you will soon reach end game level,then what?Well if you truly enjoy the game and its mechanics/people/looks then you will start all over another job/class and enjoy the game from a whole new perspective.
There is for some the choice to camp NM's [notorious Monsters]very challenging to actually get to fight one.For some this is very rewarding for others it's not.,but at least the point is it'sa not all about levelling.You can fish ,again this can be boring or relaxing for different people.You can garden,once again some people like trying out the many different crops you can grow.
It has been apparent for a VERY VERY long time,that MOST issues players have with any game has to do with levelling.You my friends are playing for all the wrong reasons,you want it easy and fast ,why bother ,your wasting your time and truly do NOT belong in an MMO.First person shooters have instant ongoing action,that would be more your style.They do not involve levelling nor time syncs in grouping.You logon and instantly start killing and killing the action never stops until you logoff,this is where these type of people belong.Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with first person shooters whatsoever,i play them myself.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
same here i am going to be the small guy race and then black mage i think the small guys look cool in this game
2. Never went to jail or even talked to a GM.
3. loved this game. But I loved it in the same way a junkie likes their fix. It took me 3 times before I finally quit. However, getting to 75 and needing at least 3-4 hours to get something done and it feeling like a second job, I simply couldn't afford the time or hassle anymore. I miss the friends I had on there greatly. Arcain, Liinx, Hotdogs, Aiirun, Avarissa, Lilmikey, Devaniel, Phrozen and Gihoon to name a few. But after I saw through the addiction (because once you get high level pretty much everyone jokes around about how they're addicted) I realized it had become a choice of my online life or my RL. That's not to say it's the same for everyone though.
As far as a GM being called for kiting, I've never heard of or had to deal with that first hand. All the times we farmed the gods w/ kiting we never had a problem. Maybe someone did, but I didn't hear about it or experience it on Sylph. Though I hated when someone would claim a mob and not kill it. Imagine sitting there for 6 hours waiting for a NM to spawn only to have someone else claim it and not kill it just to fuck with you.
Good times.
sorry if i sound stupid but what is kiting can some 1 tell me i really like to cuase i am going to play this game
Here's a lockpick, it might be hand if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you.
I also really love the fact that I can play all the character classes without making multiple characters. If you get tired of playing a job (class) you just switch to a different one and check it out too.
Plus, as old as this game is, I still haven't played any with better crafting.
Here's a lockpick, it might be hand if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you.
Kiting is very simply dragging a mob/creature around while running and still maintain damage,and avoiding damage at the same time.
A lot of games have what is called rooting,in this game it is called BIND.You can also sleep a mob to further some distance between you and the mob.There is another red mage spell that is used called GRAVITY[weight/slow] ,add this to the other spells i mentioned and you can basically damage a mob while taking little damage yourself.It sounds real easy almost too easy but it is not,especially to any noob.
There are so many factors that come into play,your level versus the mobs level.If your level is too far below the mobs then most likely none of your spells will stick.The other factor is related to your individual skills,wich in this case would be your magic related skills[these are visible stats you can see].kITING is best achieved as a rdm/blm.The reason why is that blm subbed gives you an ability called elemental seal.This ability can only be used every 10 minutes and what it does is pretty much guarantee your next spell on any mob that isnt too far fetched ,to stick.
Using a combination of blink spells and your bind/gravity/sleep combination,you can outrun the mob stopping after you have a safe distance to nuke/enfeeble or even heal yourself or recast your blink spells.Then rinse and repeat.If at anytime during your KITING you feel it going wrong,that is a good time to use your elemental seal,to make sure your next spell sticks.All spells in this game have timers or a time to recast it,so its not as easy as just spamming this spells to easily kite the mob,you have to use timing and stratedgy.
Another very important factor that makes kiting a little more challenging is your surroundings.If you are surrounded by tons of AGGRO or other mobs that will link,then you really have very little chance of kiting the mob unless you are extremely good and can whittle your way around all the aggro and linking.Alot of kiting is mainly done in bcnm fights where the stratedgy actually allows it and even calls for it.
Sorry i made it into a long post,but i tried to assume you don't know anything about the spells or abilties in this game.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.