true, skill counts.Lvl might not sound very big and long to achieve,but its in the most addictiveness atmosphere a game can have.This is so intense....After lvl 20 the pvp is the next step...pvp is big and quality in GW!
i think your wrong PVP is not the next step at all by the time your level 20 you only just started the game there is some much still to do if you think when you hit lev 20 that the end your so wrong its all about the skill off the player
At level20, you can focus on getting better armour and weapons, aswell as unlocking more skills and exploring the continents to find yourself unique elite skills from bosses. Achieving all that can take awhile also, PVP can be fun when you get the hang of it and winning nets you faction points which can be used for a number of things, and you get some interesting titles and abilities from it. And then there's titles which your character can achieve through PVE, like exploration titles and mission completion titles. The game just doesn't end at level20, and chances are, you'll find yourself wanting to make several characters with different professions, since combat is fun, and if you delve into PVP, you'll want more options during play.
i would like to buy this game but i cant play it . can anyone tell me about this game. lots of games have lag and i have a bad internet connection (256K) so should i buy it or to find different game pls help me
i want to buy the game but , like deepface , don`t know if it will run well with my connection (256k) and once i buy the game do i have to pay a monthly fee to play it? and one more Nightfall standalone or just an update to Prophecies and Factions?i mean do i have to buy Prophecies and Factions in order to play Nightfall?...sorry for the noobish questions but pls help
All three games are standalone, however having more than one chapter gives you more possibilities since every chapter has features such as classes and skills that other chapters don't. The game is not going to have a monthly fee ever but instead is financed by releasing additional chapters every 6 months (I think). So far I have Prophecies and Nightfall, not going to buy Factions but definatly the next chapter.
Whether the game will run well I can't answer since I am playing with a 3 MB DSL connection, While I'm personally getting close to zero lag I am not sure how well the game will perform with your connection.
thanks for the information.i saw some ingame movies and i will buy it(i think i`m inlove with it ) and if it doesen`t work on my connection i`ll get a new connection...the game looks 2 good.thanks again
Thanks, i just read most of this and it answered many of my questions! Im going out and buying Nightfall... btw should i get nightfall first, or do you think i'd be better off with another version?
That's actually a bit tough to answer so I'll try to list some advantages of both of them.
GW Prophecies: Basically the core game and thus the largest. It also felt a lot more easy for beginners than Nightfall due to the the great tutorial (it's basically its own mini-world). Of course Prophecies is also the cheapest of the lot and regardless of its age there are still many players around to group up with.
Nightfall: Not the same size as Prophecies but still very vast and with slightly improved graphics and also the world felt just a bit less restrictive than in Prophecies to me.
2 additional classes. While this is debatable the game feels quite a bit harder than Prophecies very soon after the tutorial since the majority of it's content appears to be made for level 20 toons. You also get heroes which are essentially like the NPC henchmen from Prophecies with the exception that you can order them around and equip them yourself.
It will be up to you I guess. I couldn't decide for either one so I just got both and I wasn't disappointed. If I had to choose one then I'd most probably go for Prophecies though.
Bonus: Even without buying GW Factions you can take part in the alliance battle feature if the leader of the guild you join has Factions himself which was pretty convenient for me since it was pretty much the feature that had me thinking on getting Factions as well.
Thanks, i actually bought nightfall yesterday, i went to play it, and i was so confused i stopped playing it and read the manual today in science, i feel pretty confident now. Maybe i should have started out with the original guild wars, but its too late. Also i have another question, Can you be an assassin in nightfall... can't seem to find it.
Nope, the asassin is a class from Factions so you would need to buy that in order to be one. Also you shouldn't worry about Nightfall being too hard since it just starts out faster than Prophecies but shouldn't really be impossible without having played Prophecies before. Just keep on reading the manual, espcecially about classes/class combinations and you should do fine.
nom nom nom
Whether the game will run well I can't answer since I am playing with a 3 MB DSL connection, While I'm personally getting close to zero lag I am not sure how well the game will perform with your connection.
GW Prophecies: Basically the core game and thus the largest. It also felt a lot more easy for beginners than Nightfall due to the the great tutorial (it's basically its own mini-world). Of course Prophecies is also the cheapest of the lot and regardless of its age there are still many players around to group up with.
Nightfall: Not the same size as Prophecies but still very vast and with slightly improved graphics and also the world felt just a bit less restrictive than in Prophecies to me.
2 additional classes. While this is debatable the game feels quite a bit harder than Prophecies very soon after the tutorial since the majority of it's content appears to be made for level 20 toons. You also get heroes which are essentially like the NPC henchmen from Prophecies with the exception that you can order them around and equip them yourself.
It will be up to you I guess. I couldn't decide for either one so I just got both and I wasn't disappointed. If I had to choose one then I'd most probably go for Prophecies though.
Bonus: Even without buying GW Factions you can take part in the alliance battle feature if the leader of the guild you join has Factions himself which was pretty convenient for me since it was pretty much the feature that had me thinking on getting Factions as well.