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7 Mil and raising BUT, do people know it's turning into another Asian Grindfest



  • poser002poser002 Member Posts: 19
    Accounts are up in asia because the game came out there later if i'm right.  It is what a year old there?  After about a year u start to gain more accounts as friends get the game and say hey come play this game.  Now in places like the US they have been playing since day one and the game is for major reasons the same game.  They start to cut there accounts.  Less new accounts means numbers here will drop slowly but surely.  Also there is always a  huge drop in accounts from the year markers because people normly get 1 year accounts and after 6 months stop playing.  There 1 year comes around and there account is not active any more.  (sorry but out of 7.5 million accounts i belive alot more of those are dead accounts that just have not been put on decative yet as it is better for the company to keep up the party line we have so many accounts.)
  • JoekabukeJoekabuke Member Posts: 191
    Originally posted by Coldmeat


    Originally posted by theomega5000


    Just a little bit of extra stupidity in an already stupid thread.

    Swede made me laugh what good too. Sure are a lot of bazillionaires with the bodies of greek gods, and models lounging around the house on the interweb. And they're all arguing about video games! ::::04::

  • swede2swede2 Member Posts: 975
    oh joey if you only knew lol
  • VolkmarVolkmar Member UncommonPosts: 2,501

    to findulais:

    Your post said 6 million REGISTERED (could mean trial users even) users.

    Not active subscribers. It is common practive in Asian countries to release official datas with REGISTERED accounts, many of which are not currently active. if you go check, maple story has 59 millions users. REGISTERED. not active.

    as reported by the OP, this is one of the press releases, yes, it is out of date, but it didn't magically disappear in the void as you claim, it is still there.

    about the concurrent peak users, those were ASIAN USERS 660k at the same time. if you multiply this by 5 you have 3.3 mils people. to have 6 millions you need to multiply by 10 meaning there are 10 times more people than playing at every single time, that is kinda strange.

    About current population, i must say orly?

    I mean, the hundreds of US and EU servers are all still there, most full. being in the top ten for 2 years consecutivly doesn't mean all are playing, no, but it is strange that the game would be in the top 10 and LOSE 2.5 millions players AND keep hundreds of server active!

    ...and they just opened 6 new realms, 4th of january 2007, check for the news.

    Finally: from

    "Subsequent to the quarter end with the launch of the seventh server site, we have achieved peak concurrent users of over 660,000 for the WoW game. As of September 30, 2006, over 5.9 million paid accounts have been activated."

    that little "2" reads: "Activated paid accounts represent the number of CD Keys that we sold to customers and have been activated by customers to log-on to Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft game in China ."

    So, they SOLD 5.9 millions games! they do not have 5.9 millions active subscriber and NEVER CLAIMED to have. Maybe you should check your sources better next time.

    But hey, keep you convinctions, i'll keep mine. let's be friend.

    "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"

  • calicojack17calicojack17 Member Posts: 30

    ok ill admit i dont like WoW but i will say to the OP. You sir are an idiot. i may dislike the game but i do tip my hat to it (not literally i dont have a hat on) but the OP souns like a Facist who seems to think its black or white w/o a gray area. it is a solid game but i dislike it. but im not going to insult ppl who like it. all though i do have to say there are more ninjalooters in WoW than any other games. an whilest there is "grinding" there is in every game. its just gentler in WoW (though its less interesting to me). i remeber grinding with my guild in SWG gettin ready for bid Empire v Rebel battles (which we owned). an i enjoyed it but yeah...what was my point oh yes. stupid @22.


    currently playing: Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero 2.
    Waiting for: Warhammer:Age Of Reckoning, A good Star Wars MMO
    Retired From: WoW 40 Ne Rogue/40 Tauren war/40 BE Hunter, SWG 72 Bothan Medic, CoV 40 DM/Regen stalker, GW 20 W/R 14 E/M 14 W/R, DAoC 20 Vampiir 20 BM 20 BD 20 Thane.

    how about a nice tall glass of STFU

  • wjrasmussenwjrasmussen Member Posts: 1,493
    Originally posted by ValiumSummer

    It is neither asian... nor is it a grindfest.
    Any game where you can max your  character in 2 weeks game time is not a grind...
    I've heard of people maxing out characters in 10 days (game days).
    Double that for the expansion... or even triple that...or even QUADRUPLE that and you still don't have a grind.
    ... and of course... it is still not asian.
    And it is so very aweful that it has become the most popular mmorpg's ever made.
    The only point you  managed to prove in your post is that YOU don't like the game.  
    Good for you.

    If wow is a grindfest, what are the previous games?

  • WordaenWordaen Member Posts: 203

    Looks to me like the OP, racist wow hater that he is, got his goal achieved, to start ppl arguing and flaming each other.

    Numbers, facts and figures aside, people play wow because it fills a niche for them. They like to grind, they like to PvP in the style Blizzard created, they like to farm, they like to dance naked and act like freaks, it doesn't matter the reason. They like to play. So they pay for it each month and enjoy themselves. Who really cares how many Asians play or how many Germans or French or Americans? And for that matter, why do you even care that they play? Because you are so unhappy with teh game you jsut have this burnign need to make everyone else as angry about it as you obviously are?

    For people like the OP who feel it necessary to share their obvious dislike of our neighbors across the pond, don't play the game if it's such a problem for you to be around people who are of a different culture than yourself. Or play a stand alone or a "non asian" game (and my apologies to the non racists here, but that crap really sticks in my craw when someone is so obviously biased against a culture for the color of their damn skin. We all bleed red and we all share one effing planet jerk so take that someplace else).

    I play wow and I like it. Is it the be all end all of mmorpgs? Hell no. Is it better than every other game I have ever played? Not even close. Is it the most innovative or groundbreaking MMO ever done? Nope. Is it fun for me? Yes, it is indeed. Blizzard has obviously done their research and opted to create a game that appeals to the things people like to do. They have taken many elements and ideas from other games and melded them into the success the game is now.

    I prefer to let other human beings with free will and independent thought make up their own mind. If they have a dislike of WoW then they don't play it, like many of the posters here have opted to do. They didn't need your biased, racist remarks to push them towards that decision, they made it of their own free will.

    People like you make me ashamed to be an American.

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