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When you are done spread the word. I want this posted on as many forums as possible. Exspecially forums that Elders Frequent. Thanks for you help and Hopefully we can get enough Signatures to make SOE open some PRE-NGE servers. I doubt they will go PRE-CU but I guess we could make a petition about that also. I was fine with CU becuase it still had the Profession Diversity. NGE was just to far.
The petition is about wanting like maybe 5-10 pre-NGE servers opened for those who want to play on them. The players still pay to play and the devs dont have to make any updates other than a few bug fixes every now and then.
They can still concentrate there efforts on NGE. All people want is to play on there old servers. Now if they refuse this its because they know when they open the 5-10 servers it will take 90% of the players from NGE and they will have to revert more to make room. But thats not the point. All we ask is a few servers.
Some people like NGE and I understand why. Had it been a seperate game I would have loved it. If I still had PRE-NGE to play on, I would probably still play on NGE with an open mind. Having 2 accounts (one for NGE, one for Pre-NGE) However the way they did this makes it difficult to swallow. We may think it wont work but if you agree with the petition it only takes 2 seconds to sign it. And if it dont work you only wasted 2 seconds of your time.
I know its been a year, but it never hurts to try. I have seen Petitions fail, This is because they ask for a COMPLETE REVERT. SOE/LA will NOT do that. However this one is not asking for that much. Its not even asking for them to work on the servers, Only asking them to put up a few servers with the latest CU code so some of the veterans come back and in the same shot Make SOE more money every month so they can keep working on their Precious NGE..
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Ugh this has been and done ages ago so many times. Petitions had no effect back when the NGE was first released and they still don't now.
People that dont like NGE have either given up and gone to play someting else or tried to adapt to the new system. At the moment SWG is reaching a new peak. Updates and bug fixes are now frequent and actually useful, people are being listened to more and support levels are increasing. No it won't bring the greatness of the skill trees / points and the player diversity back but this is how it is now like it or not. This IS SWG, pre NGE no longer exists and will not exist live on servers again. As hard as it was to see it go, it has, get over it.
/burn petition
John Smedley beat up my grandmother.
The window of opportunity to have done this and made things somewhat right has long since passed. A lot of folks have moved on never to look back on this Brokeback product.
SWG - Killed by $OE
WOW - Retired
Playing WAR
You do realize that SOE has already said there is no way in hell that they are going to rollback the servers or even create a "classic" version. What the fuck are you wasting your time for?
Maybe bake them a batch of chocolate chip cookies and send them some male stripers, that might change their minds.
Maybe bake them a batch of chocolate chip cookies and send them some male stripers, that might change their minds.
Oh, did not just go there!
"Hurray, finally a game where I can fulfill my lifelong dream of taking emotionally dead women and finding the most financially viable means to exploit their bodies with the ultimate goal of making them Hugh Hefner's personal furniture."
If you report posts and whine about them being off-topic, you'd better take the rulebook from up your arsehole - it'll chafe terribly.
Whoooo It took a whole 30 seconds to sign. I bet it took longer for you people to type your dead horse comments. C'mon guys.
Any effort at all, even wasted effort, is better than just watching SOE do whatever it wants. Every name on that petition is a customer they COULD have had.
signed the last couple, why bother again?
SWG Veteran and Refugee, Intrepid server
NGE free as of Nov. 22, 2005
Now Playing: World of Warcrack
Forum Terrorist
I'd love to see a pre-NGE server. Many of us would. However, I also think that many have concluded that SOE simply doesn't listen to this kind of request, or respect petitions.
Having said that though, my main reason for posting here is to encourage my fellow refugees to focus our anger and frustration on the people that took away all our progress, and wrecked what we enjoyed.
It's easy and just basically human I guess to vent on each other in here at times, but if we do that too much, these boards start to read like the SWG boards. Never have I seen so much player in-fighting and back-biting etc.. I think they turn on each other so much because they are in such an unhealthy environment. When you can't get a reasonable response from those that hold power, those that don't are inclined to turn their frustration on each other. I hope we can avoid getting sucked down the same sewer hole.
To summarize: ya I'd love to see a pre-NGE server available for those that want it. No I don't think SOE listens to our opinions or petitions. Most importantly though, I hope we can share our thoughts and feelings with fellow refugees in a compassionate manner, and direct our anger at the injustices and apparent indifference of some of the decision makers at SOE.
P.S. I went to the petition, but read the fine print. It asks me to only sign if a pre-NGE server would lead to me restarting my account. It wouldn't, so this isn't the petition for me. I'm one of those vets who will only play a Star Wars MMO if it is offered by someone other than SOE--someone I would trust with my money, my time, my online friendships and emotional investments. SOE has proven to me through their actions, that they are not worthy of my trust, or my finacial support.
The idea of a petition at this point is a GOOD idea! What is a BAD idea is giving it to people that will ignore it, namely SOE. SOE can sweep the things under their control under rug. If you give them the petion you give them the control. I suggest you give it to someone else.
In 2005 when the NGE hit, there was a NBC (i think) article that had letters posted to them about the destruction of the game. The letters writen were very real and you could feel the pain of the players that wrote them. Even if a non MMO person read them you got a full sense of how a company lied to and showed disregard for paying customers. This is something most people can identify with.
What I suggest is a new petion be made. But not just from the handful of people here. I suggest all the vets and current NGE players that would prefer the PRENGE versions of the game find all of their old guildies, current friends that like the sound of a more in depth game, and real life friends and family that wish to help bring them joy, then write a new petion. This petition would then be given to the original writer of the NBC article for a year later follow up.
This would force a pubic venue for the petition that SOE can't control or minimize. If all the people that can be contacted were on the petion it would show the large numer of people even after a year that people were really worked over by SOE. For people to care this long would make a great human interest piece for the digital age.
When the petion is submitted, other new info could be given to the reporter like: 1. The producers of the game calling the NGE a mistake. 2. Smed stating the game would be fixed/completed in 6 months the after NGE release and to date it is not. 3 examples of Devs on official forums continuing to ignore/insult players requests from throughout the year of NGE. ETC. ETC. ETC.... The people here and those that left to the new SWG forum site all have the eamples to be given. If they pulled together they could help write an accurate and damaging report for the non MMO public to see. Sony in general is receiving bad press due to their own choices. They are under prssure to perform. A public viewing of their lack of support for paying customers and continuing incompetence at this time may actually have the desired effect. They are not showing profits and can't afford to loose more customers.
When giving info to the reporter put in the old 60k petitions plus any and all verifiable information of SOE's wrong doings and addmittence of wrong doings. There is no better time to do this. They are hurt. Profits are down. Public view is the most critical for them now then it ever has been. Don't leave a single shred of evidence out. Iskarot I know you have the links to their problems. Don't just post them here. Let's pull together, all of us and give one last final strike.
If we don't get classic serves, oh well. If nothing else it is an oppertunity to show the world Sony doesn't care about it's customers at a time when they NEED the world to think they do. It would show that paying customers do not forget and that we are in charge of what we pay for.
Anyway, thanks for letting me soapbox. I think it can be done though...should be done.
"Suddenly, thousands of Trekies whose heads are full of facts of things like the stardate when the Cardassians farted on Deep Space nine are irrlelevant." - hardcoremoviecritic
The only way people I know would return to SWG was if it were free to play and the tools handed to the community in order to add content and address the bugs that have riddled swg since launch. There are too many very nice looking games coming down the pipe: Age of Conan, Warhammer Online and Pirates of the Burning Sea.
I agree. They will never get back all the poeple they have misused and finacially can't support two versions of the game. I think giving the rights to either a third party or directly to the public is a great idea. Especially when the next SW MMO comes eventually the public development of this game would make sense. It would keep people interested in SW IP. This would be free addvertising for the second MMO to be payed for and help to keep expanding the SW franchise.
However my post was not really even for the purpose of getting classic servers alone. It was to get the people that were lied to, misled, patronized to, belittled, used, and made to feel that you don't matter by SOE together again. The OP may be late with his/her petition if given to SOE. I am talking about a follow up report through a major news outlet like CNN, NBC, Foxnews etc etc. The purpose would be to give the non MMO public more knowledge of the business practice of sony. When the NGE hit they didn't have the battery problem, ps3 and bluray taking third out of three, and bad press they are having now. This may be the time to force answers from them because they can't afford another public black eye right now. If this made it to a large outlet at a time when they are buying up mmo production houses, saying they are the future, it may force them to publicly address this debacle instead of sweeping under the rug. Profits are way down, their "quality product" reputation is slipping, now they have to address what is happening.
Shayde had on his avatar torres saying something like if you don't like the game play something else. This is obviously something all of sony is suffering from and now they are hurt. They can't afford to ignore any more. In short , they may acknowledge large scale publically they messed up. Even if they don't it would continue to show they are not the future.
Besides, don't you think it would be fun to organize a hunting party to go kill an ancient krayt dragon and get a flawless pearl. If you can't do in the game you loved, ROLE PLAY IT and do it to the people that took your game away. In the game you got a virtual object as a reward. The reward now is the knowledge that SOE or anyone else can't hurt you because you will never stop fighting and organizing.
NGE players, I and most players are not trying to take your game from you. We that want classic servers just want to be able to play the other version as well. They should have both versions accessable. I still play NGE but will be leaving in March. It does have value but it is not the game I want to play. I do have fun but I had more in CU and pre-cu sounds like more fun and challanging. My opinion, your opinions are every bit as valid.
"Suddenly, thousands of Trekies whose heads are full of facts of things like the stardate when the Cardassians farted on Deep Space nine are irrlelevant." - hardcoremoviecritic
Can we get a sticky made explaining why pre-CU won't ever happen? please?
If I remember correctly they don't even have the people to reconstruct that coding at this point.
SOE has stated over and over that there will be no classic servers. and if you look at how they handled the NGE in general, you have to ask yourself if they are trien to kill the game. Immediatly after the NGE, we saw a loss of about 80% of the content, there was barely any PVE(IE bases were broken), Abilities and classes were taken out.... i can go on for days.
First off, there was so much anger over the NGE when it was announced, i am betting they knew if they offered a classic server the player base would be playing it more than the NGE. And that would have ment they were wrong in what they did, and all the money they spent making the NGE would have gone for nothing, tho you have to also ask, why were they making the NGE at the time they were also making an expansion? And it's very evident they improperly handled both in any case.
But if your hell bent on playing classic SWG, do a google search on SWG EMU, there is a large number of ppl making SWG emulaters. Most have gotten the game to work with PVP. Yes you can probably only get 20 ppl on one server, but still, i doubt you'll even find 20 ppl playing on the normal game.
Recently, SWG has been moving towards breaking down the servers to just 4, yeap, thats exactly how bad it is right now. Think about it, before NGE almost all the servers were at medium traffic, with about 3-5 of them being high (ie corbanis Bria). Now all the servers are marked low and at peak hours, (5pm-10pm weekdays, all day weekedns). thats a large fall out of players.
So i'd like to sign your petition, but then again i've signed so many already..... and look how well they have been recieved.