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I want to know what you guys think is the grinding-est game ever is. I want to try a huge grind game out to see if I'll like it. I've been playing skill-based games for too long and want some new game interface.
It doesn't matter if it's free or is p2p. All suggestions and opinions would be great. Also, this isn't just a 'looking for a game thread', this is about the grinding-est game evah!
Mustache is a cat
That has to go to the vet
Do your taxes now
Silkroad/Lineage 2/9Dragons <--- High grind factor
above are all f2p expect Lineage 2 but there are like 200 free server around
Lineage 2 has one of the hardest grinds.
And I cant help but point out that I hate grinds .
WTB Shadowbane 2
Grind to 60 (Quests and Mobs)
Grind PvP honor
Grind factions (very many)
Grind materials for tradeskills
Grind materials to sell for epic mount
Grind materials for potions for high level encounters
etc etc etc
All of these grinds are semi-easy if you know what you are doing. Also, they tend to overlap and often some are added to others to make them encourage a group experience.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
Grind to 60 (Quests and Mobs)
Grind PvP honor
Grind factions (very many)
Grind materials for tradeskills
Grind materials to sell for epic mount
Grind materials for potions for high level encounters
etc etc etc
All of these grinds are semi-easy if you know what you are doing. Also, they tend to overlap and often some are added to others to make them encourage a group experience. im not sure if this is going to offend you or any WoW players or not and im not trying too, but WoW is not much of a grind compared to many many many other games such as Lineage 2 and Final Fantasy XI. If i were to just level up with my past Wow characters with hardly any quests what-so-ever i could level him to 60 in like a week or two but to level my Lineage 2 character to lvl 75 took longer than anything i have ever done before. So retrospectic if this offended you in anyway sorry dont know how but it might be able too, but yea takai001 if you want a great grind game go for Lineage 2 it takes a huge amount of time. During those weeks of killing mobs will be horrid but it is all well worth for the endgame.
...the difference being that CoH's first grind to 50 can be fun while L2's just made me want to cut a wrist
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
if you want pure grind - it would be hard to beat Hero Online.
the boring skill / pot spamming gameplay (mobs die very fast, and so do you if you are not spamming a pot every 1-5 seconds - depending oun your level, build, equiptment and choice of mob) make the massive grind feel even more grindy than 9drags for example.
if you try and make level 50 (1/2 way) you'll want a lobotomy first, if you make level 60 you'll feel like you've had one...
City of Heroes, gah! I played for ages and only got to 43
Have played:
Currently playing:
Age of Conan (EU)
Easy answer there.
...And is the Parent company of Cryptic that made City of Heroes ...Coincidence?
CoH Dev: "Okay, we're almost done with the game"
NC Exec: "Umm... yeah.... Listen Chobo, I'm going to need you to reduce XP plz"
CoH Dev: "Huh, why do that??"
NC Exec: "to add about 300 more hours to the level Grind "
CoH Dev: "But then it'll take as long to level in as Lineage!, Americans won't like that!"
NC Exec: "KEKEKE!!! YOU GO NOW!!! OR I PK!!"
Having played Asian games on both Asian and western servers, I'd like to point out that Asians play MMOs differently than we do. On most Asain servers, most people are just hanging out and socializing. You also see some truely massive groups on Asian servers. It's not uncommon to jump 20 levels in a half hour of playing in a 64 person group on an Asain server. Put the same game on a western server, and the all the conversation is heavy gaming lingo with parties rarely getting bigger than 4 or 5 people.
In short, it's not because Asians like grinding. It's because Asians "get it" and we don't. Koreans play these games EN MASS. We play these games in much the same way as we play Diablo. Asian gamers see MMOs as social places and western gamers are naturally antisocial. If you take issue with that last statement, keep in mind that Asian games added weddings, player shops, and "fashion accessory" items.
As for the game that was the biggest chore to play. That reward goes to the original EQ. I realize that it's probably changed a lot since the RoK expansion, but it really wasn't what I was looking for at that time. Or what I was looking for at all for that matter.
...And is the Parent company of Cryptic that made City of Heroes ...Coincidence?
CoH Dev: "Okay, we're almost done with the game"
NC Exec: "Umm... yeah.... Listen Chobo, I'm going to need you to reduce XP plz"
CoH Dev: "Huh, why do that??"
NC Exec: "to add about 300 more hours to the level Grind "
CoH Dev: "But then it'll take as long to level in as Lineage!, Americans won't like that!"
NC Exec: "KEKEKE!!! YOU GO NOW!!! OR I PK!!" Imagine what it would be like if Ncsoft wasn't there
CoH Player: WTF Cryptic, I'm at the cap here, and there is NOTHING to do, NOTHING at all! The game has just opened for a month and I'm already bored out of my mind here!
CoH Dev: can like...create a new character?
CoH Player:....anything else?
CoH Dev: well....okay, we will throw in a raid boss in the next patch, so you can raid all day/
CoH player: But I don't want to raaaaaiiiidddd!
CoH Dev: any case, we don't give refunds.
nobody mention Legend of Mir when talks about grinding?
1. Mir
2. Kal
3. Lineage
At least in some of the other games mentioned there is pvp and crafting.
You guys are wrong. So wrong. So wrong that I'm going to make sure your faces see it...
I am finished.
hahaha word up! Props to the wife!
Starwars Galaxies pre-nge crafting. Especially if you didn't have a macro and even then it was a pain in the ass grind.
My Brute - Dare to challenge?
For the record... Maple story sucks.
And FFXI is the game I would play if you're looking for a grind. It's fun enough to keep you going as you have to have a group to do anyhting... ANYTHING in that game. Lineage 2 is ok, but you can pretty much grind solo unil you get the end game stuff. The biggest down side to that game is that tons of freakin people band together to take over a castle and only one person gets to be the king and ride the damn dragon around... and if you can't read that's pronounced lame... L-A-M-E.
QFT. The cuteness factor of it grates on you as well, so it's a double whammy IMHO.