Wonder if they have had to call the law on any swg vets.If it was where i could make the drive i would have ruined at least one persons day there.Would be awesome to vent off what i think of them if only verbally.Would be funny if they had to hire extra security.
Emmanuel Egelid <GECKO>
/lights bag of dog doo
/puts it by front door
/rings bell
/runs away
We can wait by Smed's parking spot, it's the one that says "Asshat Parking."
John Smedley beat up my grandmother.
Yes I have -- at the first fan fest and the Indy Summit meeting.
Past that... no, although I have been lucky to have dialog with Raph to Mr. Smedley.
My overall statement would be to this effect:
Mr. Smedley is (was) in a tough spot between LEC and SOE with what was expected from SWG... not sure this worked.
The Dev's in most respects were clueless as to what was going on in the game and what it needed, they always seemed to miss the mark on what we liked and wanted , not only that -- they over promised and underdelivered all the time. THEN they would not communicate at all for months on end. This was a major blunder as far as PR goes... these people should pretty much be fired and replaced with Monkey's because I wonder if they could better if not the same with alot less talk.
The overall company issue was that LEC and SOE did it together... both have creative rights... THAT IS A TRAIN WRECK alone.
The game got worse over time, unlike some that get better.... after talking to them in person and asking Devs such as Tim Timmerman and him telling me to my face "That igorance is bliss" right now in the game (NGE)... I realized these people are in it for the money and buck and that is now the product your getting.
The NGE is exactly worth the 10k players it has give or take and is pretty much reviewed, revered as such. For those of us that talked to SOE and thier staff, we begged, yelled, tried to warn them and explain to them why the NGE was going to fail.
Now the statement we hear is "I wished I had not done it" or "If I had to do it all again I would not have done this"... from Mr. Smedley.
Yep-- alot of us have talked to SOE face to face... what you find is some skinny little guy that pretty much takes orders and seems to have lost the excitment they should have once had.
But I admit, if you were a SOE employee right now would you be proud?????? lol.... I think not.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog - https://www.facebook.com/GoodOldReliableNathan
I went to the Indy summit. And I stuck with NGE through September waiting on them to deliver on the promises that they made. I spoke with Grant "Rogue 5" McDaniel for some time as well.
Only one thing that they promised happened from the summit, the combat expertise. Almost nothing else made it.
They GROSSLY overpromised and underdelivered.
Which is why there are where they are now, in a state where the game is likely to be shut down any month now.
HA, cool man... I was the guy at the front table drinking the Bass beer.. as they got mad at me for just watching them spin crap.
You had to like all that they said...lol Promising yet again, not being able to deliver. That is 50% of the problem. But see the other people here DONT know about that, or they choose to ignore this. It's as if you tell them and they don't want to know it... they just don't think your being honest.
How about the yelling and heckling when the guy from Ahazi brought up Jedi and it's current condition..??Lol -- Omg I thought riot might break out...lol People screamed at them... man did Grant hang his head down on that one.... They spinning they tried there was unreal.
But see, here we are again... and people just either think that was "OK" or people like Obriak do not want to know this.. they want to think all is rosey and nothing like what they said was bad... or a lie or missleading.
I just try to understand at what point do people realize that this team has no fucking idea what is going on... they did not ONCE again do what they said they would, not only that... (BUGS are still there) and this as you know was the topic of all these said (then) publishes.
If you look at then and now.... it's proof that the NGE and the Dev team are not working... plain and simple, but see this stuff is hidden to most people and the Devs sure as Hell won't bring this up on the boards.
(I liked how some tables and servers did not even show up) ----- what a change from the previous fan fest.... sad really.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
Iskareot (cool Fragglerock) make a lot of sense in his first post particuliarly.
However, I think you are a tadbit harsh, it is normal that the overwhelming majority of the staff who are SKILLED are there for the bucks as you say. On a personnal level, acquiring these skills and understanding FUN is almost a contradiction. I mean, I respect programmers and try to befriend them, but I don't think that ANY programmer would ever try to tell me that programming is actually FUN. Programming is an art, and art of tediusness. To be good at it, you almost have to be weak at other aspects...related to FUN.
The challenge of any such staff is to be able to strike a balance between "professionnals", "artists" and "players" factor in their staff. Too many players and it will be bugland and won't be good anywhere than on paper. Too many artists it will be beautiful but have an horrendous gameplay, it will be aggravating just to play the game 5 minutes. Too many programmers and you get to forget what fun is, and extra tediusness like raiding actually see the day and get hardpressed forward while it should be hunted down; on the very few peoples who actually like raiding in my friends, all of these are either programmers or have a similar job as programming. Now, you always have these 3 aspects in any team, but which aspect will be able to promote what they want in team meeting is another topic althogether. Lead programmers are in a position of power, weither the company and the direction want it or not, since they can say the magical sentence: "It is possible/impossible" to do; however when they do abuse it, it almost invariably lead to desastrous consequences for the game. Having a Lead Programmer who actually want to work a LOT and don't care too much about the game is prolly 1 of the best asset a team can have, since he won't try to advance his personnal agenda, will want the work, and answer truthfully to designers and staff. If the Lead programmer care too much about the game, he actually end up been a designer or even the Lead Designer of the game, weither it is official or not, and regardless of his affinities to make a FUN game and to actually face both challenges at once...
"PROMISING" as you call it...well, it appear to be promising, yet, it isn't. It is more like an internal war. Each member of the staff would like to see an aspect or another implemented into the game, althought most just back off and you never even hear what they want to say, a significant minority get there. On the meetings, rather than discard all these ideas, the designers keep all those that would be cool and put them on a priority list. Life's been what it is, most of the stuff on that priority list end lower than what can be worked and implemented. The designers job is to place priority and then to get as much cool stuff as possible into the game, there are other peoples who will say you have a deadline and this is X (which is always too short).
See, everyone want to make the BEST game ever, no matter if they work on a big project, on a flash game or on a mini game inside excell. Having the best/worst designers is irrelevant if they are not the persons making the design decision, thereby you programming team matter a LOT, either by allowing the designers to actually do their job without putting artificial constraints, or by actually been skilled designers themselves and drooling over the game. But as I said, skills to be a good programmer and to be a good designer are nearly in contradiction, it is possible to possess both...but then you do have to put twice the time, which again is possible only for some persons...twice the time...it is a LOT. Of course, a designer may work at home, while sleeping, while eating, while driving to job, while doing about anything, since designing isn't limited to actually writting anything, thinking about it...a LOT is what matter....and someone designing can't stop thinking about the project because he isn't at work...nor can he start, all of a sudden, as he enters the office, it is continuous and many aspects are out of his hands.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
You are correct, I admit to being harsh. I know I come off alot of times a asshole, or brazen to the extent of rude and outright disrespectful. However, in my rants or raves (only since the NGE) I always try to have some tidbit of truth and fact added to them.
I try alot of the times to include things said or done by SOE/LEC themselves. This way I have a crutch besides my words to go on.
As you may not know, I am a IT dir for a large firm outside of Chicago. I have a programmer handle that for me... I agree, it is a ART hands down. Not only do him and I argue constantly but after 7 years of it we both do it in a fashion to get the job done.
I know that programming is insane.... HOWEVER I also know that LEC/SOE made some huge blunders that even the basic proggy masters would not have made. I also understand what your saying and you obvioulsy have a clue into our industry on this level. I will not make a excuse and say that I know all aspects for and of programming, I pay someone to do that... no way could I deal with that on a deadline level, due to the fact you never know what will happen 7 times out of 10 when somthing goes live. You also have to trust them in thier creation to get the job done as well as it's delivery.
I have learned over the last 5 years of SWG, that I have NEVER see a product go so bad , so wrong so fast that has a label or franchise like this. In fact, I have never seen a software company shit on it's customer base or fanbase if you will this bad. I wonder sometimes who was actually driving the bus at any given day. I have had dialog with Mr. Smedley and he seems genuine to me now, he seems very sorry for what has happend and has expressed that to me and alot of other people. I know that his hands are tied in doing this on the SOE boards, I know that he cannot go on them and say "I wished I never did this", due to conflicts of intrest. BUT he has done it on several other sites and in emails to people here.
At some point one has to wonder when you start over or just call it quits. I do think that they will merge servers, do another small change.. add what content they had on the table and then ride it out.
I cannot see SOE/LEC investing a large amount of money in this product now. It is so tainted and misshandled that it is one to write off and start over in another form. I want to know that NOBODY from this staff is there for the next version, is that harsh? Yes.. it is but this is also a business and if they want money, (SOE or LEC) I think they will do this as well.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
/lights bag of dog doo
/puts it by front door
/rings bell
/runs away
It's another one of those flaming bags....STOMP STOMP. It's poop again!!
hehehe- He called the sh*t poop!
Agreed and you are correct, I tend to just mention SOE alot of the time. LEC is just as much involved IF NOT MORE on some decisions from what I understand.
Forgive me on not adding them more into this, I stand corrected for sure.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
HA, cool man... I was the guy at the front table drinking the Bass beer.. as they got mad at me for just watching them spin crap.
You had to like all that they said...lol Promising yet again, not being able to deliver. That is 50% of the problem. But see the other people here DONT know about that, or they choose to ignore this. It's as if you tell them and they don't want to know it... they just don't think your being honest.
How about the yelling and heckling when the guy from Ahazi brought up Jedi and it's current condition..??Lol -- Omg I thought riot might break out...lol People screamed at them... man did Grant hang his head down on that one.... They spinning they tried there was unreal.
But see, here we are again... and people just either think that was "OK" or people like Obriak do not want to know this.. they want to think all is rosey and nothing like what they said was bad... or a lie or missleading.
I just try to understand at what point do people realize that this team has no fucking idea what is going on... they did not ONCE again do what they said they would, not only that... (BUGS are still there) and this as you know was the topic of all these said (then) publishes.
If you look at then and now.... it's proof that the NGE and the Dev team are not working... plain and simple, but see this stuff is hidden to most people and the Devs sure as Hell won't bring this up on the boards.
(I liked how some tables and servers did not even show up) ----- what a change from the previous fan fest.... sad really.
Yeah, I remember especially the bugs part... They promised the game would be bug free by now... It was the top item on every publish they listed. ROFL.
Remember when the guy asked the crowd if Jedi should be earned and not given away and everyone stood up and cheered?
I was the guy with the lightsaber from Bloodfin.
Well who cares who's fault it is! I don't care who fault it is really and I do blame SOE more than I would LA because when it was going real good back in the day I tell you what SOE sure took the credit for that so now that its going bad its only right that they take the blame for it now but all in all no matter who fault it is they need to FREAK'IN FIX IT FAST!
It's like the forums except with food.
BUT... they really are passive... they try to use words to get out of things... i.e. they spread the blame around fast -- because NOBODY stood up at the Indy one and said "GREAT JOB WITH THE NGE!" --- In fact it was somthing worse then here or anywhere because it was live.
People could get in line and ask questions from a panel at the front of the room while they all took questions from a person with a mic -- she was the worst PR woman I think I have ever seen and she had no clue what was going on. She got defensive at times because of the countless rips and comments made to the dev teams face.
For instance:
One woman (whom was a entertainer) walked up and said --- Thanks Dev team for further making my profession useless and pointless.... now I have to FIND people to be social with and dance with. (NOW ask yourself is she lying??? Did she make this up?? --- No for most of you, you know damn well she is right) -- BUT THE DEV SPIN was like this: "We are working on getting you some content" ... sorry you don't like the NGE.. NEXT
Then a guy comes up there with his 9 year old little boy who loved to watch daddy as a CH with his pets, roam and run around freely comes up and asks.. "Why did you take this away??, this was not unfun... this was somthing I enjoyed with my son and family??" -- They would respond: "Well sir we felt we needed to take the game a different direction then the open choices we had" -- THEN the crowd would all look at each other then maybe at them and BOOO them... etcc
One thing that is for sure is that the public relaitons between the two was horrid... at one point at the Indy one -- and this is on video somewhere... this happend.
One fellow from Ahazi made his way to the mic -- he was no fool, nor stupid... he knew exactly what to say and how to put the Devs on edge... He said right to them... "Why did you guys ruin Jedi?" -- THEN (This was a wild move) He looks to the crowd of 200 people and says " I mean do any of you like what they did to Jedi???" --- AT this point people stood up, yelled, booed and hissed the Dev team so loud, as they all hung thier heads down and just shook them. You could tell this was going to be rough... More or less and this got sticky, Grant (Rouge 5) explain this was not all thier choice... Grant wanted to keep it rare and earned... this went around thier office and as it seems WAS MORE OF A LEC marketing ploy along with SOE, they decided to give it away -- to gain people and numbers for the NGE. They needed a hook and Jedi was made into that....
This is just SOME of the stuff that happend... the Q & A is unreal, it's like the forums.. you ask a dev somthing hard and they say "Sounds like a Looting issue" --- "We will take that back to the office with us and see what we can do"....
More or less, damage control and blunder for the most part. In the end the last Summit in San Fran only had about 15 people show up --- yep, 15 people. Almost as many Devs as people. We went from a year prior of selling out a FAN FEST you paid for and over 800 people with hopes and promises made at it.. to a Shouting match of how bad the NGE was and is.
In the end, it was a waste.... more or less what they figured out is the most of the fans that showed up had balls, they had common sense and could not be fooled. There was some people that thought it would get better after them... those people were fooled.
I know some that hated me attending.... I knew some of the Dev team from beta and the first fan fest... You would have liked to seen the look on thier face when I asked them , "Oh hey, how about those capital ships and -- OH hey thanks for the FRS you promised us old Knights sitting around the table that night.... good show...lol
It was a experience....I will say that.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1
No offense towards you but more directed towards video game programmers in general:cry me a river already. As a paying customer I could give 2 shits about that whole pocess. We all have our own jobs and paths we chose for careers and we all deal with different forms of this type of crap in our own lives. It's a part of life. What is also a part of life, particularly the business world, is meeting your customers expectations according to the services or product you advertise. This is where SOE continuously fails so miserably. they do not treat their gaming customers as actual customers, but rather as a nuisance or some annoying neighbor kid.
HA, cool man... I was the guy at the front table drinking the Bass beer.. as they got mad at me for just watching them spin crap.
You had to like all that they said...lol Promising yet again, not being able to deliver. That is 50% of the problem. But see the other people here DONT know about that, or they choose to ignore this. It's as if you tell them and they don't want to know it... they just don't think your being honest.
How about the yelling and heckling when the guy from Ahazi brought up Jedi and it's current condition..??Lol -- Omg I thought riot might break out...lol People screamed at them... man did Grant hang his head down on that one.... They spinning they tried there was unreal.
But see, here we are again... and people just either think that was "OK" or people like Obriak do not want to know this.. they want to think all is rosey and nothing like what they said was bad... or a lie or missleading.
I just try to understand at what point do people realize that this team has no fucking idea what is going on... they did not ONCE again do what they said they would, not only that... (BUGS are still there) and this as you know was the topic of all these said (then) publishes.
If you look at then and now.... it's proof that the NGE and the Dev team are not working... plain and simple, but see this stuff is hidden to most people and the Devs sure as Hell won't bring this up on the boards.
(I liked how some tables and servers did not even show up) ----- what a change from the previous fan fest.... sad really.
Yeah, I remember especially the bugs part... They promised the game would be bug free by now... It was the top item on every publish they listed. ROFL.
Remember when the guy asked the crowd if Jedi should be earned and not given away and everyone stood up and cheered?
I was the guy with the lightsaber from Bloodfin.
Yes I do.. and there is a video of it out there somewhere.... it was more of a cheer... it was a angry mob cheering for the old system back... I will not forget the look on Grants face -- as I sat at the front table. They all just winced and pretty much hung thier heads in shame.. YET this stuff never made it to the forums and when it did, It got deleted. They did not want the lemmings to see just how harsh and bad this summit went.
It is kinda funny how they only brought up some of the good points or just one of them on the boards about it. It's also funny how they forgot to mention that only 15 people showed up for the SAN FRAN one as well.
lol it's kinda somthing your not proud of I'm sure though.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!! http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadFeature=1034&bhcp=1