Yes this is my first post here. I apologize for this first post being somewhat dramatic. I do, however, feel the need to gather how other gamers feel about the current status of the gaming market. I apologize this will be a bit long, so skip to the 'Body: ' if you want the meat of what I'm saying. A little about my gaming experience before I divulge my thoughts... Grew up playing flight sims. I absolutely loved the original C&C series. Enjoyed Civilization of various releases, as well as Sim City. Played FPS online shooters quite a bit through high school and college. Halfway through college, the MMO bug bit me and I dove into Star Wars: Galaxies way before the CU / NGE / ETC happened. Yes, I'm part of those who hate what happened to that game. Currently I'm waiting on Burning Crusade for WoW, which bores me at this point in time. I'm also waiting to see what the full release of Vanguard is like, yes I'm in beta.
Is it just me or is there are severe lack of interesting and exciting games currently on the market? Sure all games have their moments, especially when you pull them right out of the box for the first time. But what about a year or so down the line? I ask this because here I sit, having strolled through various electronics stores and major retailers like Best Buy and Gamestop, searching for a game that piqued my interests enough to buy it. What did I find? Nothing on the shelves even caused me to stop and pick up the box to read what the game was about.
Being bored with WoW at the moment, and finding the beta of Vanguard a little less than I expected (it is in BETA after all), I find myself turning to some older games such as KOTORII and Sim City 4. After having my fill of those games, I'm back to where I started sitting on my thumbs while having no computer games to play. I present my initial question again here... is the video game market currently stagnant? I'm hoping that it isn't just me who finds the current lack of interesting games somewhat disturbing. Let me add that I also find the current list of "hot games to be released or in development" to be lacking in many aspects as well. No doubt games like Vanguard and Age of Conan will have their interesting aspects (the crafting in Vanguard is neat, and I would like to see what the player city setup and combat is like in AOC.) But even thinking about these games, they leave me decidedly unexcited about their releases. Granted this is an MMO forum and as we are all used to spending quite a bit of time playing MMO games, we're used to playing the same game for a months at a time. We all get various forms of "burn out" and the like, which I'm probably suffering from right now. But I think my question is a valid one. I'm sure im not the first to post such a post recently, and if anyone has links to other similar posts, please reply with them as I'd like to read them.
However, XBOX360 has Rainbow 6 Vegas and Gears of War
On PSP I'm playing Lumines 2 (which is more fun and vibrant than tetris)
MMORPG preview: Darkfall has everything but it looks like it's lacking in graphics and 'level' design.
PS2: Guitar Hero 2 - very fun and the music is good
I find myself searching for free internet games occaisonally. Flash and shareware for instance.
Theres a lot of good games I could be playing. Either I forgot about them or I don't know what they are,
I spend more time waiting for games than actually playing them.
One day I might spend time creating my own ultimate game even if its just on paper.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Errr... how exactly?
Do you mean games made in places like China lol?
O_o o_O
The state of gaming as I see it, people are expecting next-gen top of the line, polished, full content games, practically for free.. With consoles (mainly 360 and PS3) they can get that however the PC (mainly the MMO industry) they wont get that Vanguard is a huge example on this from a guy who is not 'tained' by the console indrustry VG is a good title and will grow into a damn sight good game (better sill if they bother to get the pvp right first time), but those who are deem VG a disapointment as it isn't polished, content out the ears, etc etc like WoW, EQ2, or console games are right off the bat..
Because Sony and Mircosoft are in a next-gen power race everything is effected by it, and now that a huge chunk of MMOers are now console gamers they are expecting 'PS3/360' quality games in ALL their games, poopooing 'Nintendo' quality games stright off the bat. Basically MMO devs shouldn't be looking at the high numbers thats 'next-gen' territory, they sould be looking at the 'Nintendo' players out there, cuz unless their game is a console hybrid, it's got no chance as a 'big' title (thats if all games now have to match WoW's succcess).
Bottomline is that because of this arms race the consoles are having the pc indrusty will stuffer heavily..
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
Nice first post, vbahab. Much better than most on this site. Get an avatar and post often. You will be remembered quickly in the OT section, though not the Pub. Pub is the devil. Just give up on MMO's and whore the OT forum on this site.
Anyway, I agree with pretty much everything Kremlik said.
The problems:
1. The MMO population is dwindling as people are tired of the same old thing with better graphics. See VG, AoC, etc. Those that try to think outside the box ultimately fail. See RV, etc. There are also those that promise big and don't deliver the "next gen" gaming experience. See RV, PoTBS, DF, etc. They may end up being great, but people lose faith after a few months of screw-ups.
2. As Kremlik said, people are tired of unfinished games. Basically a restatement of what I said above. Devs are biting off more than they can chew, and the MMO players are tired of it. See RV, PoTBS, DF, Horizons, and that other shitty game that evreryone griped about upon release...basically any MMO to date. They told us they would allow more freedom than anything we had seen before, and they realized it wasn't feasible, and released the game anyway. We bought it in hopes of the promise, were let down, and these companies at least covered cost.
3. As Kremlik said once again, the last succesful MMO on release was WoW. A shitty, pointless game with a huge equipment grind, all to participate in pointless PvP. This watered-down version of an MMO boomed, and the genre is now accessible to a much larger crowd. This is great for the industry, but horrible for the true MMO players. Now we can expect shitty EQ clones for the next few years; all of these companies hoping to cash in on the new found market. WTG Blizzard (Copyright.)
4. Then is the final problem he addressed: People are tired of half-finished betas being released for full price. Every MMO in the last few years, with the exception of Korean games/ WoW and SWG, have been half-finished pieces of shit that people pay full price for, hoping for what was promised. These promises aren't fulfilled, and people give up on the genre altogether. Or the devs ruin a good game: See SWG.
Sorry if I ripped your points Kremlik, but I felt the need to elaborate. Must be these cookies I crushed up and ate through my nostrils.
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Ta for the complement but one question...
How do you deem a game finished/unfinished in beta? Yea certain devs overpromise as you've said however it's not the 'overpromising' thats always the case like I said in my first post it's my beleaf that with console gaming's 'what you buy is what you'll ever get it'll never be different', people are expecting the same from MMOs... When devs say 'X will be part of the game' people are expecting it to be there from the start, and with the way console gaming is they tend to beleave if it's not there now it'll never be there.. Take for instance those gamers that are first timers in WoW, up until VERY resently their console game never updated it never gained new content past the game you bought on CD, so seeing WoW add content for free must have been a huge shock for them, certain players aren't used to the fact MMOs aren't your standand 'what you see is what you'll get' console game, MMOs grow in content over time.. Point is no MMO will deleaver every single bit of content promised off the bat, people don't see that, so in fact the devs aren't really overpromising, it's just the fact the players expect every little detail of the game to be 'to their word' on release due to the fact their console games do that (mainly cuz they have to)..
I do agree with you that 'certain' games offer practally nothing on release, but others offer quite a bit just not 'everything' and they get treated just as badly as the devs giving practically vaporware, where should the line be between 'finished' and 'unfinished'?.. A simple solution would be devs only should desclose details and features they know would be in on relase however that wouldn't make a very interesting MMO would it?
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
I think if the devs promise a feature, it should be included in the release. I have played many MMO's where all of the primary features were included in the release, so I think every decent dev should live up the this standard. For games that delivered upon release: SWG, Lineage 2, GW (whether or not it's an MMO), DAOC. Notice all of these had fully functioning games as promised on release. Apart from minor bugs, the game was fully working upon general release.
I think it is a newly developed flaw in the genre when companies promise something on release, and don't activate these features until weeks/ months after release. This is false advertising in my book, regardless of their ability to update with ease. Players shouldn't be duped into buying a half-made game, i.e. DnL / Horizons, with less than half of the features implemented.
If a company says that something will be in the game, it should be in the release. It is this deception with companies that is the downfall of the genre, imo. People wouldn't get excited over these games if the devs told the truth....
There is a clear line between "unfinished and finished." When the game offers everything promised, it is "finsished. "
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where is the computer game industry headed?
The industry is really in need of pushing innovation over same gameplay with better graphics :P
Alan Wake
^ looking forward to these games