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How long did you take to get to 60?

kbombkbomb Member Posts: 7

Ok, I understand that everyone's first time through the game takes longer than their second or third, but really, how long did you all take?

I'm not speed leveller or anything (as you'll see in a second), and I have a full time job, go out on weekends and even weeknights, and it took about a month the first time through (in a duo or trio most of the way). I might also mention I wasn't grinding (just quests), wasn't always playing -- sometimes in BGs or just sitting around talking with friends, or screwing around doing nothing in particular.

My second 60 took about 3 weeks, doing the same. I've heard of people getting to 60 in what is it, 4 days? Maybe the record is better now. Of course playing literally non-stop and farming/grinding out stuff a lot.

But the real question I have is, how do some people take so long to reach 60? I have a couple friends who've played for MONTHS and aren't even close to level 60.. hell, some haven't even made it to 40. What are they doing?! Is there anyone here who can shed some light on what they might be doing? :P And they're actually out playing the game, too, like in instances, or in various areas, and they're on the damn game all the time, too. Really people, WoW is so ridiculously easy to level up to 60 in, how can these people take so long. It's just saddening, especially if you want to group with them, but when they say DM they mean Deadmines and not Diremaul.

Sorry, just a rant/question. So really, how long did you take? And what are my friends' problems? ADD? :P

And don't tell me it's class related, I levelled a paladin and a priest up to 60 before, and they didn't take much longer than my hunter.


  • severiusseverius Member UncommonPosts: 1,516
    My first hunter took 13 days /played, and that was at launch.  My second hunter took 8 days /played and my shammie took 10 days /played.  Also with my shammie I did the 50-60 thing in the battlegrounds, but being horde it wasnt like I had to wait more than 10 secs to get in :P

    Sucked that the 0-60 thing went by so fast... that was where the fun was in that game lol.
  • kbombkbomb Member Posts: 7

    Seriously. 1-60 was fast and fun (the first or second time through). After that it got rather stale.

    What is up with my friends though, really? How can someone fail at gaming so much?

  • NadrilNadril Member Posts: 1,276
    I've been playing for just a little over a month and my main is almost 47.

    In my deffense, however, I have made way too many alts. My actual main I've only made a few weeks ago and I have had a ton of alts within the time period I've had the game.

    I should be 60 now.. but whatever ;p. Just aiming for a level a day now so I can be close to 60 for BC.
  • kbombkbomb Member Posts: 7

    Alts can do that to you, but really, you're not as bad as some of my friends who have no alts, and STILL can't get to 40 :P

    I'm surprised you haven't hit 60 by now though, coming from L2 where the grind is much, much longer. Unless of course you used a bot (not accusing, just mentioning that I've known a person or two who got to 6x in L2 by botting).

    I know after going to WoW from Ragnarok Online, it was like, wow, this is so ridiculously easy.

  • coffeecoffee Member Posts: 2,007
    First toon (hunter) took 21days played or 504 hours.  Played about 20 hours a week took a little under 4 months.  I missed alot of content too, never went to shadowfang keep, Deadmines or Uldaman... which left plenty of things to do with my alt.

    I guess it took me so long because me and my mate decided to play together 90% of the time, was much more fun that way and would attempt the ORANGE/RED quests which were always a challege. We also never rushed to level either we just went with the flow.  And do plenty of ganking too.


  • xrebelxrebel Member Posts: 133
    24 days for my warlock (first)

    14 for my warrior (I hate lvl'ing warriors)

    somthing like 10 for my Shaman

    7 for my hunter

    Now I hate the game, go figure

    Retired from WoW
    Rebellion - 60 Warlock || Kalaa - 60 Warrior
    Littlerebel - 60 Hunter || Albie - 60 Shaman
    Played: Erm, a lot more.

  • UgottawantitUgottawantit Member Posts: 146

    MMm, you know it's really not all about how fast you can level. If you do that, then you will miss half of the game,(more than half actually)

    Four months for me to hit level 45, this is my first char. I'm not always leveling. I love attending different events, dark moon fair, scavenger hunts for my guild etc... I also spend time with my secondary proffesions.

    I'm in no rush. BC will still be there when I get ready for it. I am a balanced druid and we level slow anyways. I am looking forward to flying in outland, without a mount :)


  • fwhitefwhite Member Posts: 34

    This is simply the worst thing about WoW ... any jerk can make 60, attend raids, and be uber in less than a month.  Its almost like there is no reason to play the game because it is so easy ... except for all the cool easter eggs and storylines you find along the way.

    But those run out  quickly as well.

    On the plus side, the game play is very dynamic and easy, the artistry (graphics, models, skins, animation) is amazing, and blizzard finally made the tank class interesting.  For all of these I thank them but cant pay $19 for more of the same.

    See also guild wars.


  • kbombkbomb Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by Ugottawantit

    MMm, you know it's really not all about how fast you can level. If you do that, then you will miss half of the game,(more than half actually)
    Four months for me to hit level 45, this is my first char. I'm not always leveling. I love attending different events, dark moon fair, scavenger hunts for my guild etc... I also spend time with my secondary proffesions.
    I'm in no rush. BC will still be there when I get ready for it. I am a balanced druid and we level slow anyways. I am looking forward to flying in outland, without a mount :)


    You, and the hardcore raider are the people who can get the most out of WoW. You can somehow spend months and months to only get to 45. Really, 1-60 was a great time, but afterwards it gets very old, fast, so enjoy it :P

    That's quite an assumption you made there about missing half of the game. I did every quest, every instance (yes i actually read every quest, too, I'm a big lore/history fanatic in games i play), went to all the events, did my second professions to 300, explored every map completely, even *gasp* (and i'll probably be ridiculed for it) roleplayed quite a damn bit. But I was still 60 in a month or less on my first character.

    I didn't rush, I just played the game at the flow it put forward for me, and there i was.

    So in conclusion, I still don't understand how it takes so long to level up (for some people). I don't think I ever will, either. Oh well, have fun!

  • hjkhjkhjkhjk Member UncommonPosts: 3

    It took me 3 weeks and 2 day for my first night elf rogue dual type sword ^^

    My hunter night elf it took me 2 weeks :D

    and my last char that made the game bored a little is my warrior that is a human

  • zeeboidzeeboid Member UncommonPosts: 7
    8 days... I must be doing something wrong!


  • darkscorpiondarkscorpion Member Posts: 89
    days!!!!!!! ha i been playign since the release of this game and all i got to show for it is a lvl 51 rogue. im the slowest lvlr out there lol and right now im workign on a warlock who just turned 43
  • End_of_a_eraEnd_of_a_era Member Posts: 527
    about 1 week to 40 after that it took me about 2 weeks to get to 60


  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    About a month.

    I hope the next 10 levels will be much faster.

    Level grinding or grinding of any sort is not the highlight of my game.

    The sooner I am equiped togo to any area of the game and do any adventure the happier I will be. I enjoy WoW's endgame far more than the leveling.

  • blueorblackblueorblack Member Posts: 4
    I have a 59 mage and i've been playing a year now but i have been hooked on twinking for 10-19 WSG which is pointless now with the latest patch.
  • viciousexeviciousexe Member Posts: 123

    i played from launch till about may or june of last year, stopping a couple times to play other games but when i was subscribed it would be for at least 2 months. I've never gotten a character to 60, and I'm quite the veteran player. I've played just about every mmo. On my last stint in WoW I had a warrior in the 50's because I rerolled on a server with a some friends who were all starting new characters. So I really don't know what it is because I would play at least 3 hours a day on the week days and probably 8 on the weekends so thats 31 hours a week and I couldn't get to 60. I used to make a lot of alts though so that could be why.

  • r0hnr0hn Member Posts: 185

    My first 2 characters took about 16 days /played each.  5 months actual time to level both to 60.  Priest first than Warrior.  I leveled them almost entire on double xp from 30+ alternating between them keeping them within 5 levels of each most of the way.  Both had enough gold to buy epic mounts the day they hit 60.  The auction house work probably took up 4-5 days /played alone on each.

    I've got a 53 paladin now with 10 days /played that will hit 60 pretty fast. 

    The levels between 42 and 49 are the toughest, once thru those it's easier past 50.

  • GodliestGodliest Member Posts: 3,486
    Played time first character 11 days, (second character was half started and had 14 days at lvl 43). Seen in IRL time it took 6 months, mostly because I like to play my alts. I got an alt of every class, the most of them 40+.



  • CaleSentariCaleSentari Member Posts: 178
    Originally posted by gamjoy

    Last time i got to a site to levels a hunter, they had finished it in two weeks ! oh my god !
    They provides some more service 

    powerleveling for $ FTL

    I don't think this is the kind of opinion *cough shameless advertising cough* the OP wanted to see.

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