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For The Ones That Play and Enjoy

KrymsonSykkeKrymsonSykke Member Posts: 45
I want to know exactly when creating an army do you have to creat a guild?  Also would like some tips on the game because like I said before I just started given it another try since the beta...I know the beta had bugs in it as in floating characters...But since then they have fixed that...To play the game for free you need to by the game install it and just reg it and play...For those who help thank you...


  • ottaconottacon Member Posts: 13
    Originally posted by KrymsonSykke

    I want to know exactly when creating an army do you have to creat a guild?  Also would like some tips on the game because like I said before I just started given it another try since the beta...I know the beta had bugs in it as in floating characters...But since then they have fixed that...To play the game for free you need to by the game install it and just reg it and play...For those who help thank you...
    - To be able to do guildwars or to fight with party in the battle square u need to be in a guild.  To just enjoy the pvp 1vs 1 / 3 vs 3 in the fields, u can just party up with whoever u like and go for it.

    - There arn't that many graphical bugs anymore, atleast not those who make a game unplayable...

    - to be able to play the game u need to buy the box. that contains a game serial + friend serial for 7 day's. U only have to register the game serial to ur account and ur ready to go.

    hope this helped u out


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