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I have got the right username and password, but it keeps telling me this. I downloaded it from their website - so what gives? Has this happened to anyone else, and what did they do to recity it?!
This occurs as soon as you click "connect".
they have just the purpose to connect on the testserver with those testbuilds.
Your client version should be 2.14.28505. If it is, then theres no problem and you were just getting a message from the server that the client couldn't properly display, if it isn't then you need to download/patch to that version.
Also make sure you are trying to log onto Tranquility (traq) not Singularity (SISI)
Traq is the game server, Sisi is the test server. Traq will normally autopatch while SIS may or my not. Currently SISI is in Vox testing so is running the same version as Traq, if you are running the latest test patch then you will get the imcompatable error.
An so it begins
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