Greetings Everyone!
On January 16th, 2007 the Official Vanguard Forums will close. We’re excited to provide this opportunity before launch for the community and our Affiliated Sites to adjust and familiarize themselves with one another. The Affiliated Fansites are dedicated to serving the community and its needs and will be the primary source for information and discussion about Vanguard; while the program will change and grow this goal will remain the same.
We will provide a seamless network that promotes an active community without the hassle of finding information when you need it. The center of this community will be the Vanguard Community Site,; this site will continue to provide constant updates and links to the discussion on the sites that concern the community. In addition to updating the site with links and news we will provide the community with tools to find the Fansite that is right for them. To view a list of our Affiliated Fansites please visit
We understand there will be questions and concerns, and invite the community to share them with us here: and we will be happy to answer as many as we can.
Thank you everyone, we look forward to seeing you in Telon and on the Affiliated Fansites!
- The Vanguard Team
*Please note that the Beta Forums will remain open, and those that have yet to receive access will. Thank you for your patience.
Could have just left a forum up and ignored it. No wait, then anyone could come along and say whatever they thought. Oops, can't have thoose free thinkers around here. Need to lock them up in a distant fansite. So only approved positive posts consume our precious little time that will go into dealing with pesky customers.
Typical dev sentiment. Hatred of forum posters and open discussion about their precious game that the dumb whinny forum elite keep trashing while the mythical content player just soliders on marveling in the awesomeness of the developers infaliable genius. Okay! Message recieved loud and clear. Sigil does NOT want a place for players to discuss things related to vanguard. Even less to respond to.
Well it was news to me and felt like someone just slamed the door in my face and no I am not smiling as if they did me a favor.
Explorer: 87%, Socializer: 60%, Achiever: 47%, Killer: 7%
If there are official forums, they're at least expected to respond to consumer sentiment.
They can now very happily avoid commenting on issues they don't wish to, and maybe throw out a post of encouragement here and there when they so desire.
Plus, whatever is debated on fansite forums will always be just that, unofficial fansitey stuff.
Just sounds like damage control to me, but then I don't know the Devs' posting habits of the past. Really does sound like a cop-out though. Hell, even EQ2 and SWG have official forums...
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
And I guess history has taught them a lesson. Watching those two forums, I would also be hesitant to start another one.
In all honesty, Mythic did the same with Dark Age of Camelot, no company forums, and it really helped in the constant "flaming/troll" department. Because in allhonesty, how many posts in percentage are really useful, constructive and helping bring the game forward in a game forum? Less than 1%.
I might not like it... But I really really understand them. And I think this is a sign of a future to come. And remember... Its the posts the users write that force such a decision. If people were of more help, a forum would be a must. Now players are so little help a forum is better closed. So who is really to blame? And no you cant say "Yeah, everyone else write useless posts, but MINE are really really useful and constructive" We have all read a normal Community forum, we all know exactly how those posts look.
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
10 million people play WoW but I have yet to find one who admits liking it?!"
"Aion has the grind of EQ, the PvP of DAoC, and the smooth playability of WoW."
Brad has been turned off from forums from the original Everquest forums that were still run under Verant.
Basicly his "vision" for the game didnt mesh with what people wanted for their individual class etc, etc.
Can't have customers challenging his vision you know.
Sony are supposed to have a forum for technical support. Which is different to a general forum.
This seems to be the trend nowadays. NCSoft are doing the same for Tabula Rasa.
I don't like the controls. I can't move the camera angle using the right click button. I am used to this type of control like wow, guildwars.
I understand why they're doing this, even if I personally disagree.
I think you have to interact with everyone in your community. The haters, the fanboi's, the undecided. Muting a portion of your community isn't really beneficial to anyone. Except for trolls. But I find that, contrary to popular belief, a ban-hammer is far more effective against a troll than any mere flame spell.
Still, it's not a bad idea. At least during release. No MMO ever has a perfect release, but they usually have a lot of angry, angry users.
I'd just wait til a month after release, then re-open their personal forums. It should allow a good portion of the buy-it-try-it-leave-it people to filter off, and the release problems should be under control by then as well.
Just my 2 cents.
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...
This time around they will challenge his vision. Unlike the first time around where the only real competition to his vision was Ultima Online, he has far stiffer competition and punters now demand a whole lot more from their gaming experience.
I'm sure McAradune knows this, or soon will.
Have to agree here. They could be handing out free winning lottery tickets and the whining would continue. An obvious SOE hater judging by the sig. They just can't stop bitching, it's hilarious that someone's life is that pathetic that all they can manage is to hate on videogames! Madness!
yes you can move your veiw just like wow try the left mouse button
They do not.
Blizzards biggest mistake was to have a msg board, look how well that turned out. People like you would just abuse the board to complain, because you can complain, not to bring anything constructive to the table.
How tall is your horse again?
We've known the OVF was closing before release for a really really long time. Like...years long. And personally...I've seen official boards. Can't stand them. Look at WoW and EQ1. Those are discussion boards those are bitch and whine boards. They are troll boards. And usually the community managers are powerless to stop it.
It's an interesting move, but not something I would call a bad move. The devs that are focusing on a particular class or sphere or whatever will visit the affiliate sites and make announcements through them. All the affiliate sites will be listed from the Vanguard page, it'll fuction in much the same way, only Affiliate sites don't have to worry about being fired for being too harsh on trolls and flames.