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From here, need opinions...

KoalanKnightKoalanKnight Member Posts: 26
Okay.. so.. for the next week I'm working on my learning skills.  I've got all +1 implants in and working.  Got my crusier skill @ 3 (or 4.. I forget.  I'm piloting a Rupture.)  I've got Medium artillery and an assualt launcher with some drones for frigate harassmet.  What should I am for next?  Battlecruiser?  Battleship?  Hmmm...


  • EschiavaEschiava Member Posts: 485

    I don't have a great deal of experience, so consider what I am about to say as an idea, certainly not advice.

    I am currently working on my frigate skills with the intent of training assault frigs afterwards.  As soon as I hit frig V though I will take a break to train all of my small weapon skills (including the advanced ones) to level IV.  I can use the weapon skills on my frigate, and when I finish my assault frig skills I will have great weapon skills for that as well.

    So, I'm doing frig->small weapons->assault frig, maybe you would do, cruiser->medium weapons->battle cruiser?

    Just my 2 isk worth.

  • TsaisTsais Member UncommonPosts: 20
    ok... Advice:

    Being generous about it, EVE has a  90 : 10  isk grind to combat ratio.  so, your early skills should be optimized to make grinding isk quicker and less annoying.


    If you prefer combat to get isk, you should train up to battleships as quickly as you can, and for the (relatively) easiest isk grinding, join a 0.0 alliance and go kill NPC ships in the asteroid belts in 0.0. (gets boring fast, but is easy and effective.  You do have to keep watching local for hostiles so you don't get ganked.)


    the harder way of making money with combat is being a mission runner.  mission NPC ships are a LOT harder to kill and a LOT more likely to kill you, than the 0.0 space belt rats, yet you get less money for it.  Level 4 missions (the highest paying missions) are almost impossible to solo with first year skills, unless you chose a raven as your mission running ship.


    If you prefer trade, train up an Indy and start buying and selling goods in empire (the economic stuff is the deepest part of the game, for those who like that kind of thing)  Personally, if I'm gonna have to be a merchant of any kind, I'd rather get paid real money for it


    Mining...  in the early days, we called eve a mining simulator...  if you can stomach aiming a laser at stationary asteroids for hours and hours while being unable to go afk, cause you constantly have to move chunks of ore into a jet can, before your cargo fills up and mining stops dead,  mining out in 0.0 can make you very good money.  For this, you'd first train up for a barge.


    Research and BPO's  you need money for this and some standing from regular missions first, so this isn't an immediate option really.

    Further, few T1 BPO's really make (much) money.  There is a 2 class society in eve...  those with T2 BPO's who can basically print money and enjoy the game to its fullest without a full time isk grinding job, and those without a T2 BPO, who have to grind isk to get their ships.  Depending on your efficiency with isk grinding, you can spend a week or 2 to get a ship and the fittings for it, and then loose it in a 15 second fight, so its better if you get good at pulling in isk's.

    As for skills, in case you didn't read it elsewhere on the forums, make sure you do all the learning skills first!   Well informed people spend a little over a month just getting all the advanced learning skills to level 3, which greatly speeds up your future skill training.  And there's a LOT you need to make your ships work well.

    Basically, eve is a game for the jobless - they grind you for time, you'd think they were charging you by the minute, like the old Ultima Online....  myself, I've been trying to figure out since 2003 why I still haven't permanently quit this game, with its  instability, massive bugs and game mechanics that mostly annoy me, I think its the open sand box aproach, that still has me putting up with it, but I'm all ready for a new space game, where I get to fly, instead of a braindead AI...

    A further annoyance is the fact that ship fittings to kill NPC's are completely useless for fighting other players, so if you're grinding isk, you're easy prey to gankers, and when you got a good pvp fitting, its no good for killing NPC ships...  Invariably, you get caught with the wrong setup a lot, and all the "skill" is mostly in the correct fitting of your ship. 
  • BaxslashBaxslash Member UncommonPosts: 237
    If your going to train your gunnery skills, don't forget those ever important tanking skills also, especially if your going for a Raven, shield tanking is a must.
  • BahemothBahemoth Member Posts: 126
    as the person above said makesure you can fit a good tank. i would follow that by doing engeneering and electronics to 4 these are very important fitting skills after that i would get energy management and energy system operation up to 4 as the best tank in the world doesnt help you if you dont have the cap to support it. also aswas said i would get all the gunnery skills that affect all guns and do them (stuff like sharpshooting and rapid firing) also your a minmatar you will need passable missile skills aswell so get those aswell. if you want an order heres what i would do

    1. engeneering and electronics to 4.

    2. tanking skills (dont worry about resitance compensations right now).

    3. the cap skills next (energy system operation and energy managment).

    4. the gunnery skills that help everything (wouldnt worry about burst fire yet as your weps dont use cap but you may want motion prediction as artys have bad tracking and then ide do rapid firing as artys fire SLOW).

    5. the missile skills that help everything.
  • taz1989taz1989 Member UncommonPosts: 10

    With you skill set I'd go Battlecruiser.  Battlecruisers are powerful, flexible and relatively cheap.  You can do up to Level 3 mission in a BC and it will let you rat in up to .1 space.  There is lots of room to grow skillwise in a BC. 


    I'm currently skilling up  an Amarr alt that is going the Frig --> Crusier --> Medium Gunnery skills --> BC route.       

    WoW-Whyppet 70 Gnome Warlock
    WoW-Tarnya 70 Human Paladin
    WoW-Snaekolf 65 Dwarf Hunter
    EVE-Lucious Malfouy Caldari
    EVE-Cyrak Anguin Amarr

  • TaramTaram Member CommonPosts: 1,700
    Originally posted by KoalanKnight

    Okay.. so.. for the next week I'm working on my learning skills.  I've got all +1 implants in and working.  Got my crusier skill @ 3 (or 4.. I forget.  I'm piloting a Rupture.)  I've got Medium artillery and an assualt launcher with some drones for frigate harassmet.  What should I am for next?  Battlecruiser?  Battleship?  Hmmm...
    Short term I'd go ahead and get a BattleCruiser.  The skills don't take long to train.  You can have BC IV in a matter of a very few days and you don't have to train any special skills since they use the same stuff as your cruisers.

    After that though you really need to decide what you want to do.  Especially since you''re Minmatar and they use gunnery.  Training for battleship isn't just a matter of getting the batteship skills.  You also need VERY good fitting skills AND skills for large turrets (which are significant).  So you really need to decide what you want to do long term before hopping into a BS.  (Note: Don't fly a BS that you can't fit well, they're more fragile than people realize and much harder to fit properly than a battlecruiser).

    Personally I went BC then grabbed BS's.  I somewhat regret getting battleship because it added weeks (it's more for gunnery races, battleship missile skills are easier to get than battleship turret skills) to my training time that I wish I had back now because I've decided to stick with smaller ships (covops, inty, interdictors and recon) and am not going to get into bigger ships later (command ships).

    I may never fly a BS again except for POS takedowns (since my missile skills and BS skills are good enough that I can toss Tech 1 Torps around 130km :)).


    The only  REAL reason to train for BS is if you want an easier time ratting or doing level 4 missions or if you plan to fly cap ships.  Because a Tier 2 (hyperion/drake/etc) Battle Cruiser with good fitting sk ills and a few tech 2 weapons  can do Level 4 missions just fine.  And if you don't plan to go for capitol ships there's no reason to waste time on battleships... that time can be better spent getting to Tech 2 levels on your skills that you currently use.

    "A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell

  • mindspatmindspat Member Posts: 1,367

    "bigger is better"

    The above is a terrible misconception.  I would love for you to get into battleships, and buy them from me, since you'll be losing them frequently until you have adequet skill points to support effective use of them.

    More importantly, learn what you want to do.  If you're shooting frigates why would you need a battleship when a destroyer would work much better. 

    I can eat cruisers like popcorn, PvE ofcourse, in my Coercer.  I've been playing about 13 months and have been using a Destroyer since my 14 day free trial.  Everyone laughed until they saw me soloing rats in 0.1 or proving a point on 0.0 spawns.  4/10 complexes in a destroyer are very doable with well expressed tactics.

    A destroyer is one of the best wingmen you could have for running missions or complexes.

    Other then that, an assault frigate can be a monster if you've got the skills to support them, but that goes for any ship.

    I just moved into a battlecruiser 2 weeks ago.   This was the first ship Iv'e flown larger then a destroyer since playing EVE.  The reason why I'm now focusing on BC is to utilize that skill advancement from having a Charisma of 23. 

    I forgot to mention, the total cost of a completely fitted t2 Coercer is less then 8m. I think it's closer to 6-7m.  These are not uitilized enough in PvP and serve as the best means to eliminate interceptors, frigates, drones and figthers.

    Never fly a ship just for the class.  Use it for the function and roll needed. 

    Originally posted by KoalanKnight

    Okay.. so.. for the next week I'm working on my learning skills.  I've got all +1 implants in and working.  Got my crusier skill @ 3 (or 4.. I forget.  I'm piloting a Rupture.)  I've got Medium artillery and an assualt launcher with some drones for frigate harassmet.  What should I am for next?  Battlecruiser?  Battleship?  Hmmm...

  • godpuppetgodpuppet Member Posts: 1,416
    BC for missions. If you want to pvp, join a big pvp corp and tackle until you get a clue.


  • RihahnRihahn Member Posts: 146


    Forget the nice shiny ships for a bit, that's not the way to do it.

    Pick a weapon skill (missiles, projectile, hybrid, energy) and work your way up to 3-4 in all of the associated skills for that weapon system. A week working on your weapons skills will net you truely stupid damages and the ability to hit anything, no mater how fast it is tracking.

    Now, pick a defensive system (armor, shield) and work your way to 3-4 in all of its associated skills. I suggest armor repair as shields replace themselves automatically while armor costs money to repair.

    Now pick a tertiary skill set to improve your combat ability - navigation, electronics, engineering - and get them to 3-4. All of these apply to diffrerent aspects of any ship you pilot's ability to survive.

    Now you have the ability to (A) kill rats anywhere you like and (B) survive a one-on-one ganking.

    Now, and only now, you have the freedom to pick a ship system you like and be able to fly it around without replacing it every few hours.

  • Peryton99Peryton99 Member Posts: 6

    If you are flying Minmatarr ships, I would say it is a good idea to train up your Mechanic skills.  Make sure you have the skills to repair armor.   These will help out in the long run in battle.  Also you should train up your Learning, AB, MWD skills. 

    Minmatarr ships are suposed to be Fast and Agile.  If you do not have the balence then you will be very P.O.'d if you keep loosing high ISK ships.

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    Aerenal Imotep, Letter

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