Does anyone here know of any completely free and fun MMORPGs that
do not have magic, demonic things, or things like that? No offense to any of you who do like these, but I would not like to play any MMORPG with magic or demonic things. However, I don't have much money to be able to spend on games, so having it free would be nice. Please post any information in such games. Please limit the games to those in Beta, Released, or should be coming out within the year. Thank you very much.
Well you narrow your search down to 0 when you say "completely free". There is NO good MMORPGs that are completely free, nor will there ever be.
A Work in Progress.
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I want to cast magic missle. go there for Naruto episodes!!
Well... actually.
Hostile Space
It doesn't have magic persay, but it has magic LIKE abilities.
And pretty much all the classes have some sort of "magic" ability. But those are the ones that go by "psi" (mana) points. It's a good game, kept me amused for awhile. But it's totally hack'n'slash and those games get old pretty fast. Even the manufacturing type skills require killing lots of mobs to get the items to manufacture.
And it's not free, it's in Beta. But I played over a year or 2 ago and it's still in beta, the clan I established is still around and they said that it still has a ways yet before release.
It's 2D. Nice game, mostly because it's just totally original.
Oh and....... Don't be a Merc. Mercs just plain suck. Very Very Very Very Very weak.
A Work in Progress.
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The only one I can think of without magic is A Tale in the Desert. it's listed on this sight. Free downlad but you pay $13 a month.
I've never played it but from what I read it sounds like it's a crafting game.
Paveth 50th Armsman (retired)
Maeotha 50th Eldritch (retired)
Prexes 41 Warrior (active)
I prefer not to play MMORPGs w/ magic, because it really takes alot of the RP aspect out of them. You will never catch me even thinking about becoming a Mage Class in any game. Though... there isn't alot of games w/o magic in them because there is a super huge player base of players like me, but oposite, who will only play Mages.
I'm not religious one bit.
A Work in Progress.
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A Work in Progress.
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Magic does exist and im not surprised how it ended up in childrens games & cartoons. now where was i? oh yea! i want some one to make a mmorpg without magic! Good day to you!
no free mmos are good, indeed.
No. /thread