Looks like another korean mmo with a pirate makeover...waiting for pirates of the burning sea.
I can't compare it to POTBS, because I'm not in that beta. Will POTBS be much better? Sure, maybe, but I will say the vast majority of games fail to live up to thier hype and expectations, when they're released. At least VC is out now, and I can judge it for what it is, not what I hope it will be.
Comparing it to other Korean MMOs is way off, though. It's much more of a sandbox type of game, with all sorts of non-combat things to do. Every other Korean MMO that I've tried has been the opposite, nothing but grinding through mob spawns.
VC seems to have way more depth. It's just lacking the polish of a high-budget game.
Granted, it is lacking lots of polish, though. They could add so much, as far as graphics go. More diversity to different cultures, give them each thier own style of ships, more variety of buildings, clothes, etc. Would make the world much more interesting to explore.
And it could all be brought into the 21st century as far as higher res textures and polygon counts go... but of course, then they'd have to charge for it, to afford to do all that.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
The number one reason I'm waiting for potbs is the player owned economy, which I've been missing ever since the demise of SWG. The number two reason is because it's a skill based game where you control your ship using the wasd keys and a cannon ball is just a cannon ball no special damage modifiers because this player is 20 levels higher.
Disclaimer: All the above is taken from devlogs on the site so in essence all hype.
The number one reason I'm waiting for potbs is the player owned economy, which I've been missing ever since the demise of SWG.
I can understand that, but it is a matter of preference. There are some things I like about being able to deal with NPCs, especially when it comes to the economy. Ideally, I prefer a middle-ground, where players have some influence, but don't totally create/destroy it.
VC has lots of player vendors, like so many other Korean MMOs, but seems to mostly involve dealing with NPCs, and thier predictable prices.
The number two reason is because it's a skill based game where you control your ship using the wasd keys and a cannon ball is just a cannon ball no special damage modifiers because this player is 20 levels higher.
In VC, it does take some skill. Outmaneuvering an opponent can demolish them, because they can't fire unless thier target is in thier cannon's LOS. They also can't ram an elusive opponent, or use grappler weapons, which are very short range. The cannon fire itself is automatic, but getting your target into your side arc, and keeping them there, can be tricky.
Also there's some strategy involved, as far as types of cannons you equip, some being wider arc, some longer range, etc. Some ships can be built for speed to keep out of opponent's range, while sniping them, and that sort of thing. And there are different types of cannon ball, to do extra damage to the sails, the crew, or the hull.
So, my point being, VC isn't your typical click&wait combat, either. I wouldn't say it's "twitch," and skill levels count for a lot, but it is pretty involved.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
It is a bit of simplistic fun, but i'll tide over with Navyfield for a quick pointless game...
Let the countdown to PotBS continue
SWTOR. Face it, in the Scooby Doo Mystery Solving Van of coolness, this game is Velma. In this current MMO climate it has about as much chance for survival as a group of inquisitive teenagers in a 1980s slasher flick. -Tardcore May, 2011
You mean how it's listed here in MMORPG.com as 06-07? or on their official website when they announced back at PAX it would be june-07?
SWTOR. Face it, in the Scooby Doo Mystery Solving Van of coolness, this game is Velma. In this current MMO climate it has about as much chance for survival as a group of inquisitive teenagers in a 1980s slasher flick. -Tardcore May, 2011
I too am waiting for PoTB, but as VC is FREE, i'm giving it a shot. It's a fun diversion from the endless mining and mission running that is EVE and its a refreshing respite from WoW. It's simple fun, and for being FREE, it's quite good. It delivers entertainment, the price is right, and the graphics/gameplay is unique.
I think the big impact VC will have on PoTB will be that once PoTB comes out, it will have to prove it's not just a glossy version of VC. It will have to demonstrate that it really brings something new to the table to justify the monthly subscription and off-the-shelf costs.
No worries Vhaln, PotBS has been in development forever, and many felt it would never go. They pushed it back to add character avatar combat, and missions on land or it may have launched as early as Dec-06.
I think VC will probably go the way of Navy Field, fun for a bit. people play cuz it's free, but after a while it just gets.....
And many of us hope PotBS is not just some polished version of anything. EVE has held my interest, but i feel it slipping after the Revelations patch. ( Sorry to you who feel it was a pointless mission borefest ) My only real dissapointment in it is the lack of social interaction with characters ( yes i know it's comming soon, so they say) I have followed Pirates development for over a year now, and it's looking like what I want in a MMO. A player market, balanced in PvP, and non-Pvp, missions, an interresting crafting idea, and the graphics look nice to boot, plus the boats. I mean we all know Pirates trump ninjas, and can make even chuck norris run.
but that's for annother topic..
SWTOR. Face it, in the Scooby Doo Mystery Solving Van of coolness, this game is Velma. In this current MMO climate it has about as much chance for survival as a group of inquisitive teenagers in a 1980s slasher flick. -Tardcore May, 2011
Come now! We all know Ninja Pirates from Shanghai were the best
Seriously though I dont think VC will lose its customer base anytime soon. I think anyone who played Silk Road Online can attest that free games do have lasting player bases. Albeit they can suck.. Alot of people will probably go to Potbs though. My entire guild plans to when the time comes. Though we are divided whether to go to Uncharted Waters Online which may be coming to america...
The comparison between VC and POTBS is really just about the theme. The thing is, the theme means so little compared to the gameplay. And to be honest, I hate the theme. I wish it were sci-fi, or fantasy but I'm enjoying the gameplay enough that the theme doesn't matter.
So, why would I switch over to POTBS? The gameplay will probably be very different, simply because aside from theme, they may not have much in common. Sure, I'll probably switch over to something before too long, but I don't think it'll have anything to do with boats or pirates.
Just saying, doubt I'm alone in that. Not sure there are really all that many VC players waiting for POTBS.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
VC is good for what it does in that it gives you a reasonable strategy based form of combat. I mean if you want to take down anyone or anything you have to be able to manage you ship's location, make sure you're not taking too much damage in the process, and are able to make a quick get away if it gets too dicey. And there's no insta-gank like you have with most Korean/Asian brand of MMOs, which is quite refreshing to be honest. I have no clue as to the state of PotBS, but I hope they're looking at VC and recognizing whatever failures it has and to sidestep them in their product which is the lack of ship design. In this case, this is where VC fails, it gives you one class of ship for your given career path [fighter, merchant, explorer, and etc], so you can't have any real specialization in your ship's classification like having a warship that has a more scouting style to it. Or having a merchant ship armed enough to handle raiders. Or an explorer's vessel with some ability to outrun a blockcade. And so on. This is where VC has a weakness, but who knows what they'll introduce in the game itself. Barring that flaw, VC is still quite fun and very easy to get into without getting too attached [which I can't since I find the lack of ship design to be the biggest hurdle for me to even consider this a valid MMO in its current state].
All in all, VC still did good and it gives you a taste of what a pirate based MMO ought to have with respect to the combat system.
I think there is quite a number of people who enjoy this theme. There are hundreds of thousands of subscribers to the genre in fact. Mind you most of them are asians. At least where I live on the West coast I know maybe a hundred people who subscribe to those asian sea themed games. The genre never really was introduced into the american market though as a mmorpg until now. As I suspected when I polled my guild a large number of them will be heading to Potbs. Then I did a poll in Athens. Stands at around 75% want to go to POTBS. Of those 75% about 50% will probably play both VC and POTBS. The real attraction to POTBS is its a little more historically accurate and you can design your own ships and items per peer review. Well in anycase only time will tell hehe.
I downloaded the game not really expecting much, but I am actually enjoying the game so far. It is a grind style game, which I tend to hate, but I am finding it complex enough to entertain me, and the ship combat strategic enough to actually make me watch what I am doing. Yes, I believe PotBS will be a better more immersive game, but this one isn't bad at all.
I will be playing this game in the next few days, I have hopes that it will satisfy me until the release of POTBS which Will release this Fall or this Summer, haven't checked lately. Also like MANY POTBS fans I played SWG also.
The best thing I can say about POTBS and VC is they are aimed at an older more mature audience. Now if I cuss like in World of Warcraft no one will ask me what the word means. Also I won't have to baby-sit my group which made me mad. For example in WoW I formed a group. a guy asked me to make him leader to invite a friend, I agreed, we got to the final boss of... that one quest in the cave with all the pirates on the boat.... an item dropped. I needed it, but he did also. I rolled for it against the rest of the group, lost but he booted me because I didn't ask permission to roll for it. When I talked to him he explained how since he was the group leader I had to do what ever he said. Then we talked for an hour and I came to the conclusion he was a dictator... :P
(as a note I hear the horde doesn't have so many little kids, don't know if its true or not. Maybe I would of liked it more if I tried horde, in all fairness. Then again killing the kids seems it would be too easy.)
Anyway, I can't wait to try it, even if the gameplay isn't top notch it will still beat most of the MMOs out there simply because all of the kids. I admit every MMO will have some kids, but this genre interests few of the younger ages. I could be wrong, but from all the polls on POTBS half the players will be in their 30-50s. AND since this game is where most POTBS fans will hang out while they wait for POTBS I expect the same.
I can't compare it to POTBS, because I'm not in that beta. Will POTBS be much better? Sure, maybe, but I will say the vast majority of games fail to live up to thier hype and expectations, when they're released. At least VC is out now, and I can judge it for what it is, not what I hope it will be.
Comparing it to other Korean MMOs is way off, though. It's much more of a sandbox type of game, with all sorts of non-combat things to do. Every other Korean MMO that I've tried has been the opposite, nothing but grinding through mob spawns.
VC seems to have way more depth. It's just lacking the polish of a high-budget game.
Granted, it is lacking lots of polish, though. They could add so much, as far as graphics go. More diversity to different cultures, give them each thier own style of ships, more variety of buildings, clothes, etc. Would make the world much more interesting to explore.
And it could all be brought into the 21st century as far as higher res textures and polygon counts go... but of course, then they'd have to charge for it, to afford to do all that.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Disclaimer: All the above is taken from devlogs on the site so in essence all hype.
I can understand that, but it is a matter of preference. There are some things I like about being able to deal with NPCs, especially when it comes to the economy. Ideally, I prefer a middle-ground, where players have some influence, but don't totally create/destroy it.
VC has lots of player vendors, like so many other Korean MMOs, but seems to mostly involve dealing with NPCs, and thier predictable prices.
In VC, it does take some skill. Outmaneuvering an opponent can demolish them, because they can't fire unless thier target is in thier cannon's LOS. They also can't ram an elusive opponent, or use grappler weapons, which are very short range. The cannon fire itself is automatic, but getting your target into your side arc, and keeping them there, can be tricky.
Also there's some strategy involved, as far as types of cannons you equip, some being wider arc, some longer range, etc. Some ships can be built for speed to keep out of opponent's range, while sniping them, and that sort of thing. And there are different types of cannon ball, to do extra damage to the sails, the crew, or the hull.
So, my point being, VC isn't your typical click&wait combat, either. I wouldn't say it's "twitch," and skill levels count for a lot, but it is pretty involved.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
It is a bit of simplistic fun, but i'll tide over with Navyfield for a quick pointless game...
Let the countdown to PotBS continue
SWTOR. Face it, in the Scooby Doo Mystery Solving Van of coolness, this game is Velma. In this current MMO climate it has about as much chance for survival as a group of inquisitive teenagers in a 1980s slasher flick. -Tardcore May, 2011
Doesn't "countdown" require some sort of clue as to when the game will be released?
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
SWTOR. Face it, in the Scooby Doo Mystery Solving Van of coolness, this game is Velma. In this current MMO climate it has about as much chance for survival as a group of inquisitive teenagers in a 1980s slasher flick. -Tardcore May, 2011
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
I think the big impact VC will have on PoTB will be that once PoTB comes out, it will have to prove it's not just a glossy version of VC. It will have to demonstrate that it really brings something new to the table to justify the monthly subscription and off-the-shelf costs.
No worries Vhaln, PotBS has been in development forever, and many felt it would never go. They pushed it back to add character avatar combat, and missions on land or it may have launched as early as Dec-06.
I think VC will probably go the way of Navy Field, fun for a bit. people play cuz it's free, but after a while it just gets.....
And many of us hope PotBS is not just some polished version of anything. EVE has held my interest, but i feel it slipping after the Revelations patch. ( Sorry to you who feel it was a pointless mission borefest ) My only real dissapointment in it is the lack of social interaction with characters ( yes i know it's comming soon, so they say) I have followed Pirates development for over a year now, and it's looking like what I want in a MMO. A player market, balanced in PvP, and non-Pvp, missions, an interresting crafting idea, and the graphics look nice to boot, plus the boats. I mean we all know Pirates trump ninjas, and can make even chuck norris run.
but that's for annother topic..
SWTOR. Face it, in the Scooby Doo Mystery Solving Van of coolness, this game is Velma. In this current MMO climate it has about as much chance for survival as a group of inquisitive teenagers in a 1980s slasher flick. -Tardcore May, 2011
Seriously though I dont think VC will lose its customer base anytime soon. I think anyone who played Silk Road Online can attest that free games do have lasting player bases. Albeit they can suck.. Alot of people will probably go to Potbs though. My entire guild plans to when the time comes. Though we are divided whether to go to Uncharted Waters Online which may be coming to america...
So, why would I switch over to POTBS? The gameplay will probably be very different, simply because aside from theme, they may not have much in common. Sure, I'll probably switch over to something before too long, but I don't think it'll have anything to do with boats or pirates.
Just saying, doubt I'm alone in that. Not sure there are really all that many VC players waiting for POTBS.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
VC is good for what it does in that it gives you a reasonable strategy based form of combat. I mean if you want to take down anyone or anything you have to be able to manage you ship's location, make sure you're not taking too much damage in the process, and are able to make a quick get away if it gets too dicey. And there's no insta-gank like you have with most Korean/Asian brand of MMOs, which is quite refreshing to be honest. I have no clue as to the state of PotBS, but I hope they're looking at VC and recognizing whatever failures it has and to sidestep them in their product which is the lack of ship design. In this case, this is where VC fails, it gives you one class of ship for your given career path [fighter, merchant, explorer, and etc], so you can't have any real specialization in your ship's classification like having a warship that has a more scouting style to it. Or having a merchant ship armed enough to handle raiders. Or an explorer's vessel with some ability to outrun a blockcade. And so on. This is where VC has a weakness, but who knows what they'll introduce in the game itself. Barring that flaw, VC is still quite fun and very easy to get into without getting too attached [which I can't since I find the lack of ship design to be the biggest hurdle for me to even consider this a valid MMO in its current state].
All in all, VC still did good and it gives you a taste of what a pirate based MMO ought to have with respect to the combat system.
-- Bridget
I will be playing this game in the next few days, I have hopes that it will satisfy me until the release of POTBS which Will release this Fall or this Summer, haven't checked lately. Also like MANY POTBS fans I played SWG also.
The best thing I can say about POTBS and VC is they are aimed at an older more mature audience. Now if I cuss like in World of Warcraft no one will ask me what the word means. Also I won't have to baby-sit my group which made me mad. For example in WoW I formed a group. a guy asked me to make him leader to invite a friend, I agreed, we got to the final boss of... that one quest in the cave with all the pirates on the boat.... an item dropped. I needed it, but he did also. I rolled for it against the rest of the group, lost but he booted me because I didn't ask permission to roll for it. When I talked to him he explained how since he was the group leader I had to do what ever he said. Then we talked for an hour and I came to the conclusion he was a dictator... :P
(as a note I hear the horde doesn't have so many little kids, don't know if its true or not. Maybe I would of liked it more if I tried horde, in all fairness. Then again killing the kids seems it would be too easy.)
Anyway, I can't wait to try it, even if the gameplay isn't top notch it will still beat most of the MMOs out there simply because all of the kids. I admit every MMO will have some kids, but this genre interests few of the younger ages. I could be wrong, but from all the polls on POTBS half the players will be in their 30-50s. AND since this game is where most POTBS fans will hang out while they wait for POTBS I expect the same.