Got an invite but codemasters account page has been offline or down all day, when I do manage to enter my key I get a blank screen after i submit and the key does not register?
Was looking forward to playing with this while I w8 a few days for my WoW:BC box =(
when i try to enter the game , it says "Erreur de serveur d'inscription"... wtf
If i can't login in the game in this days, i can't play the beta...
Is there anyone that didn't fail to enter?
Who knows how they're going to deal with this. They had a 12 hour window for people to register accounts and log in. Those that can register their key can't log in.
I read the login server is telling people who' already DID manage to login that they have no beta account. Who knows what the hells going on.
Put it this way though, the stress test has been successful, there is no f---ing way their server can handle a couple thousand players and at time, at least so far.
<aref="" alt="rift guild hosting"><img src=""></a>
Not very promising but Hey-Ho that's Beta
Vanguards winning on points atm.
Maybe i´ll find another new MMO out there that is actually interested in their (to be) customers..
i did make it in after 6 hours
made it to lvl 3 than the server crashed
Kudos to them for admiting so openly that they are "not on target" and that they have a lot of work to do.
Fingers crossed I suppose
I just wanted to let you know the following which I have just found out. This way those of you that want to go and enjoy the rest of your weekend can do so.
We constitute a successful login if you managed to get as far as the server select screen, i.e. the bit just after you've entered your ID and password and after hitting "Enter".
It doesn't matter if you saw Northmoor as up or down, as long as you got to that screen that constitutes a successful login, ok?
Please note, that if the authentication problems continue throughout today too we will of course revisit our current deadline of midnight tonight. Please do not worry about this! "
Hope you will find another MMO indeed cause LotrO is no place for people that can not understand stress test
(lol and those 9hours are nothing compared to most of us on the beta forums :P )
Hello guy's
I was selected for the stresstest and received a beta key today. Done everything that needed to be done... now when i try to login nothing really happens. I just see "loggin in..."
I kinda expected this to happen since its a STRESStest., so no problem. But since i havent been able to login and create a char, am i still able to play the beta after 12 AM?
That said there are still a LOT of problems trying to log in, so you may need a lot of patience