Welcome to the boards. Many of us are in the same boat, and I have been wandereing about since the exile from SWG. It's gonna be a hard wait til 2008-'09 for worlds to launch, but then it looks well worth it.
Loosing SG-1 will sux, but at least there is the upcomming movies, and possibly a 3rd series to look forward to. Guess it's time to buy the Sg-1 on DVD to become the complete udder fanboi
SWTOR. Face it, in the Scooby Doo Mystery Solving Van of coolness, this game is Velma. In this current MMO climate it has about as much chance for survival as a group of inquisitive teenagers in a 1980s slasher flick. -Tardcore May, 2011
The best thing you can do till beta is annouced is Sign up on the SGW Forums and start posting ideas of things you would like to see in game. The devs there constantly read the community threads almost daily so your voice will be heard and one of your Ideas could end up in game
Welcome to the boards. Many of us are in the same boat, and I have been wandereing about since the exile from SWG. It's gonna be a hard wait til 2008-'09 for worlds to launch, but then it looks well worth it.
Loosing SG-1 will sux, but at least there is the upcomming movies, and possibly a 3rd series to look forward to. Guess it's time to buy the Sg-1 on DVD to become the complete udder fanboi
SWTOR. Face it, in the Scooby Doo Mystery Solving Van of coolness, this game is Velma. In this current MMO climate it has about as much chance for survival as a group of inquisitive teenagers in a 1980s slasher flick. -Tardcore May, 2011
The best thing you can do till beta is annouced is Sign up on the SGW Forums and start posting ideas of things you would like to see in game. The devs there constantly read the community threads almost daily so your voice will be heard and one of your Ideas could end up in game
Anyways happy posting!