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Stray Bullet Games begins work on a new in-house MMO based on an original intellectual property.
Stray Bullet Games has begun an exciting new era with the development of a new massively multiplayer online (MMO) game. The new project is based on an original intellectual property conceived in-house, and while the concept phase is ongoing we are actively developing a proof of concept prototype.
With this new project, Stray Bullet is committed to creating a fully-realized, ongoing online conflict that combines furious action with tactical and strategic game play. In the game to come characters, guilds, and global factions will engage in meaningful, exciting, and fun mass combat. To realize this vision the team is drawing upon our experience, the lessons learned developing and supporting Shadowbane, and is looking outside the MMO genre to strategy and tactical games for inspiration.
While it is still too early to release extensive details on the game, says Frank Lucero, Vice President of Product Development and COO, we have a firm hand on what the game will and will not be. We have taken what we've learned and applied it to every aspect of the design and development of the game.
Mike Madden, the Creative Director, had more to say about the design process for the new project. We have two guiding principles: Rely upon the familiar and Be bold. Madden explained further; In setting, systems and game play, we want to build on a firm foundation of features that are familiar and comfortable to MMO players, making the game as inviting and accessible as possible. We see no need to innovate in areas MMOs already do well. At the same time, in areas that do require innovation to achieve our goals, Stray Bullet will never think small.
Stray Bullet has already decided not to create its own game engine. We are dedicated to using middleware technology solutions whenever possible, says Ala Diaz, Stray Bullet's Technical Director. This lets us minimize risk by focusing developer efforts on fun game play and entertaining experiences instead of new technologies and MMO infrastructure.
One of the key aspects of the new project is its look and feel. Our goal is to create a dynamic art style that is timeless, and that will create passion and excitement within the studio and MMOG community, says Ivan Enriquez, the Art Director at Stray Bullet Games. We are building an unbeatable team of highly talented artists, with years of industry experience. We hope you find this small sample as exciting as we do.
When I see the passion and excitement this new project has already generated in every member of the team, I'm thrilled, says Mark Nausha, President and CEO. In a few short months Stray Bullet has generated strong buzz, and I'm very pleased with the amount of interest we are seeing in our studio and this new project. This team has the experience, the tools, and the talent to make Stray Bullet a force in the MMO game space, and this new project begins the journey.
Due to the stage the project is currently in, Stray Bullet Games will not be releasing additional details on the project in the near future but we look forward to bringing you more conceptual art as it develops.
While Stray Bullet Games currently only has an open position for a Junior Programmer, the company is always on the lookout for highly motivated individuals. If you are interested in pursuing a career in the burgeoning market of online entertainment, please don't hesitate to send us your resume and/or portfolio electronically to
Read more here.
As an avid MMO player I look forward to hearing more info on this project. Shadowbane was a great innovative game, and I am glad to know the developers are starting on a new amibitous project. We need more PvP focused MMO's.
Best wishes Stray Bullet!
Given the company's background in Shadowbane, I hope it is a PvP-focused gamewhich is not to say it can't also have great PvE content. I am glad they have chosen to buck the trend and come up with an "original intellectual property," as they put it.
Stray Bullet is committed to creating a fully-realized, ongoing online conflict that combines furious action with tactical and strategic game play. In the game to come characters, guilds, and global factions will engage in meaningful, exciting, and fun mass combat.
This definitely sounds PvP-ish. I think they should keep an eye on AoC and see if their player-skill based combat system actually works. From the only two images shown so far, I am guessing some sort of fantasy/sci-fi blend with a dash of post-apoc. Sounds pretty good to me.
Stray Bullet Games says they're making a new MMROPG.
See how easy that is to say? The above sentence contains ALL of the information contained in the media announcement.
Next time try EDITING something, instead of just mindlessly cutting and pasting entire pages full of some coke-addicted marketing idiot's completely meaningless hype-speak.
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
"It is in your nature to do one thing correctly; Before me, you rightfully tremble. But, fear is not what you owe me. You owe me awe." ~Francis Dolarhyde
Hehe, that was the first thing i thought of when i read the artical it doesn't let any news drip about the actual game but then i read hte almost last sentence
" Due to the stage the project is currently in, SBG will not be releasing additional details on the project in the near future..."
But what i have seen from the art it kinda looks like a sort of Mystical Conan like Sci-fi mmo....maybe ......
I hope this game will bring forth more then a combat related mmorpg, i just wish someone had the spirit to really creat a mmorpg again, i know VSoH is doing its best and maybe Lotr.Online will become abit more then we are used to till now, but i'm still missing the reall mmorpg where combat isn't the main focus but actualy every proffesion should be , this can either be a Cook, Bankers, Shopowners ect ect. When a mmorpg has a max cap for example lvl60 then i would wish that regardless what proffesion you would take they all would make it so that you are able to make it to lvl 60, afcourse this would mean years and years of development to balance everything as you need to build restrictions towards surten proffesions, can't have for example have a lvl 60 cook walking around in a lvl 60 creature area, but a lvl 60 cook would be cappable to use a Master chefs kitchen wich could be build by another lvl 60 architect for example. The way i wrote this idea is afcourse very simplistic, but gamers probebly understand what i'm saying, if not to bad that my main langauge isn't english else i would be able to explain it abit better maybe :P
Makers of Shadowbane and using middle ware...
Thats all i need to hear, where do i send my money?
Shadowbane was buggy as hell. The game engine was definitely 1st generation 3D and just could never handle the requirements of such a massive conflict game.
However, Shadowbane is still the best Player versus Player, Guild versus Guild, Nation versus Nation, Race versus Race, Lore versus Lore game ever.
Despite such buggy software, SB stayed alive forever and even now has avid fans logging more time. Why? Because the Shadowbane ruleset just provides the most fun game ever.
Now, the technology has matured. 3D mmo middleware is readily available. Add the genius of Shadowbane developers... omg! I need a towel to clean up the mess i just made.
I just hope they put some sex appeal like Lineage II (only reason i stayed with L2 for 3 years is for the amazing lush imagery and moderate PvP/Seiges).
Qualme Ilifirin
Elf Druid, Mourning server, Shadowbane
Dwarf Warsmith/Shillien Elder, Bartz server, Lineage II
the rest of the games just sucked, so no toons there i care about
forgotten characters (Ultima Online,Everquest,DAoC)
Qualme (Shadowbane on Mourning)
Pandamonia (Lineage 2 on Bartz)
Bridgit (Soul of the Ulimate Nation)
deLiber (Aika Online)
Qualme (ArcheAge on Kyrios)
Looking for next PvP game
More details imo :P
Notice: The reviews expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the reviews of or its management.
I agree about the marketing scum (I personally despise those people, they're as bad as politicians. So much talk saying nothing, and thats when they're telling the truth! Which seems very rare...). I saw 2 illustrations on their site which definitely look like some kind of post-appocalyptic scenario. Who knows, it's years away anyway... Like oh so many of these projects it may well never see the light of day.
According to the Community Manager on their official forums (follow the link in Garrett's article)..."I will go ahead and say that this game will not be set in a post apocalyptic setting or SciFi."
Been waiting for this for awhile. About time the guys behind Shadowbane started fresh with a new game after learning the do's and don'ts of the industry.
This has me quite excited.
Shadowbane 2.
With no bugs...with no...lag...with not whinners who shoulda have stayed in non-pvp games anyway.
I am back in SB for few days now and I am loving it. The game is now basically player controlled, the people who used to play the game are now in control and the patches coming out are really really making the game even better. Xp gain is very fast and Gold drops are huge so its easy to get high lvl and go PvP... the problem is low population.
And about WSAD controls in Shadowbane:
Inferior to Mouse movement and if they did allow you to use WSAD you'd quit anyway because you'd get pwnd by mouse movement.
WTB Shadowbane 2
=The best quote ever=
Curt teh Juggler: our graduation ceremony was today, and right when some gamer nerd got his diploma, someone in the audience played the zelda "get item" music and he did the zelda spin-hold-out-item stance
Curt teh Juggler: it was quite possibly the most amazing thing ever.
Definately looking forward to more details. Just hope they dont try to do what SoE did with EQ and re make something that already was working for the most part. That is my opinion of course.
I may be mistaken, but didnt shadowbane have a large problem with cheating? I never did play the game so please correct me if I am wrong. I personaly feel the cheating is one thing that can bring a game down, along with currency farmers like we had in Lineage 2. I am sure SBG will take a dash of this and a dash of that and build off of the positive things from each game and such that they have researched. If developers keep that mind set, then MMO's should only get better and better.
I look forward to seeing what happens here.
To error is human, to forgive is devine. Neither are US Marine Corps doctrine.
Yeah. What he said.
"We're making a new MMO." [insert standard, marketing tripe here]
Great info! Thanks for the clarification.
I'll be the first to give the respect and support of those who had the original "vision" of the game but to say that the current team that is now known as Stray Bullet Games didn't work on the game is ludicrious. It is the current team (as well as fantastic other co-workers such as Ubiq, Lietgardis, Tangent, etc) that has helped correct many of the core issues of the technology and brought the design of the game into focus.
Personally, I think it is quite petty of you to post such a thing on a forum basically to promote your own company. No one here has ever dismissed the idea that you and a few of the others at King's Isle had a major hand in bringing Shadowbane into a reality nor have we said we are the creators of the game. I was quite specific in saying that Stray Bullet Games learned its lessons by "developing and supporting Shadowbane". I personally will have been doing so for seven years as of May 31st of this year.
Sean "Ashen Temper" Dahlberg
King of Ravens