I cant agree that WoW sucks.........but.......... I left about a year ago (I only played casually) and signed up again today as it seems that 8 Mill cant be wrong!!! Unfortunatly I cant get back into it, every one seems to be Lvl 60 and large areas just seem empty of players. People are either waiting for the expansion or just going through the grind of bash/collect....I've done that in my time.
I think if your an existing player, BC will inject some nice new (needed) stuff...but how long will it take people to get those ten lvl's? What will be next, more then likely an expansion with a new land and ten more levels!! It sounds like im bashing the game but im really not, it is fun at the start, I just struggle to see how fun it can be for the new players who come in and find themselves so far behind every one else and with no one to complete group quests with.
Im hoping i've missed something and theres a patch that has changed a lot of stuff, after all a year is a long time and i really liked playing this game, but what do you do when you ask people to pay money to be in a mmo and they have no 'real' impact on the world itself?
I cant agree that WoW sucks.........but.......... I left about a year ago (I only played casually) and signed up again today as it seems that 8 Mill cant be wrong!!! Unfortunatly I cant get back into it, every one seems to be Lvl 60 and large areas just seem empty of players. People are either waiting for the expansion or just going through the grind of bash/collect....I've done that in my time. I think if your an existing player, BC will inject some nice new (needed) stuff...but how long will it take people to get those ten lvl's? What will be next, more then likely an expansion with a new land and ten more levels!! It sounds like im bashing the game but im really not, it is fun at the start, I just struggle to see how fun it can be for the new players who come in and find themselves so far behind every one else and with no one to complete group quests with. Im hoping i've missed something and theres a patch that has changed a lot of stuff, after all a year is a long time and i really liked playing this game, but what do you do when you ask people to pay money to be in a mmo and they have no 'real' impact on the world itself?
Alot has changed in a year, mostly more dungeons:
AQ20 (20man dungeon)
AQ40 (40 man dungeon)
Naxx (40 man dungeon)
ZG (20 man dungeon *1 of the best)
World dragons (out door world bosses)
Also all classes got changes and extra talents in their trees etc.
If i was you i would wait to tuesday, blizz are opening 6 new EU realms, so be good to start fresh on a new server.
Now tell me how much rate on a scale from 1-10 will WoW have ? and same for EVE-Online.
Then come back and say that EVE does not deserve to be on top of the charts, reality is most people on EVE are never on the forums even, the majority of eve players that does surf the forums are not even on this site.... They are quite busy forumwhoring on the EVE-Online site.
okey ... help me with this math. 8 million WoW players rate their game 8.0
150 000 EVE-Online players rate their game to 8.3 Now tell me how much rate on a scale from 1-10 will WoW have ? and same for EVE-Online. Then come back and say that EVE does not deserve to be on top of the charts, reality is most people on EVE are never on the forums even, the majority of eve players that does surf the forums are not even on this site.... They are quite busy forumwhoring on the EVE-Online site.
Not sure what ya asking but the game at the top is the game that most people have bothered to voted for.. nothing more. Obviously more EvE player come here or atleast more bother to vote than players of WoW, GW or COH/V players.
Well what I am asking or saying if you like is that it does not matter how many who vote for what game... as long as they don't give it more than 8 it will never beat 8.3
and like how it is now 7200 people have given a review of World of Warcraft and given it 8.1 and 5400 people have voted for EVE-Online and given it 8.3
I doubt seriously that many of the EVE-Online players come here to vote badly for WoW... most EVE-Online players give a shit about this site and WoW.
I don't get it...maybe some ppl are jealous about WoW being the most popular MMORPG game in the history and constantly bugging how their GW, EVE etc. is better. I'm playing WoW about year and a half now, got in a good guild, lots of real life friends in it, and we are still having lots of fun! Expansion is out tommorrow and gonna buy it.
Next, would never write against other MMORPG's cos I like WoW and enjoy it very much and don't have time to check what is happening in other neighbours backyards. If you like your type of MMORPG then why spitting on those who actually love this game?
If GW and EVE were so great games then why are people playing those games, always picking on WoW?
Play your game and leave others play what they like.
As a conclusion...World of Warcraft is a good game thanks for your time!
lol you are using this online site as for as people who log on and give their favorite game a 10 and all the others a 1.. please the hype meter and rating has nothing to do with quality nor should you assume that all 8mill people come to this site and vote. get real.
The original poster is a complete idiot. The "only" reason why WoW has so many subscribers, it's because their huge fan base or "fan boi biased" based if you want to call it that way, has follow them into WoW. Not because it's the best MMO rpg you moron.
That's why if you look through the MMO community of "real" hardcore MMO players, you won't even find WoW anywhere near the top 10. Because those who still play WoW have no MMO culture what so ever, and don't know any better since they mostly haven't try the best MMO listed in the top 10 right now.
And quit your gloating about playing with 8 millions: You are only playing with a few thousands per server. So there could be a one game server with 20 000 people and it would be just as crowded.
So go eat your junk food, be happy with it and crisse nous patience esti d'epais.
What deserves to be done, deserves to be "well" done...
Cause we all know that 8 million players are paying $15 a month to play a crappy game.
Why not play better MMORPGs? According to this webpage, MMORPGs like Eve Online, with less than 120,000 subcribers is the top rated MMORPG at the moment! Or better yet, play Dark Age of Camelot and have fun trying to find low level people to quest with you since there's less than 110,000 subscribers! Oh I know, play Final Fantasy XI Online.... 500,000 players!!!! Over 350,000 of them are asian accounts though, so have fun with the 100,000+ or so North American players. Oh OH!! What about Everquest 2??? Come on, you gotta play this game... less than 175,000 subscribers! They even revamped the whole game and it plays just like WoW now! Come on, 8 million players in WoW VS 175,000 players in EQ2, obvious EQ2 is better!
So come on! Go play those MMORPGs! World of Warcraft sucks! 8 million players worldwide? Oh yeah, this game is horrible. We all know the MMORPGs with less population are the MMORPGs to play, cause obviously when a MMORPG only has in between 100k to 500k players, it means it's a GREAT GAME TO PLAY! Don't play a game where 8 million subcribers are playing, cause according to those that don't play WoW or never played WoW, this game sucks!
Oh well, that's all I wanted to say. I'll go play World of Warcraft now with 8 million players now. Obviously to some, I'm one of those 8 million players that are playing a "Sucky" MMORPG and I should be playing on a low population less popular MMORPG like Eve Online or Everquest 2 or something.
Gee, have some people ever thought for a second why WoW has 8 million players and other "top rated" MMORPGs on this webpage can't even get more than 200,000 players?
Millions of people do crack is that good too?
Lots of people kill themselves... are we just missing it?
There are lots of bigots and racists to... maybe we should hate more?
Just because there are alot of people playing WoW doesnt make it the best game right now, just makes it the most popular. I wont go into the fact that blizzards statements leave a lot of room for interpretation either, but one thing to realize. There hasnt been another GOOD Mainstream MMO since 2004. People are bored and people want a new game.
Lets see how many subscribers WoW has this time next year after the Three new games come out (add one more and it could be the apocolypse )
Cause we all know that 8 million players are paying $15 a month to play a crappy game.
Why not play better MMORPGs? According to this webpage, MMORPGs like Eve Online, with less than 120,000 subcribers is the top rated MMORPG at the moment! Or better yet, play Dark Age of Camelot and have fun trying to find low level people to quest with you since there's less than 110,000 subscribers! Oh I know, play Final Fantasy XI Online.... 500,000 players!!!! Over 350,000 of them are asian accounts though, so have fun with the 100,000+ or so North American players. Oh OH!! What about Everquest 2??? Come on, you gotta play this game... less than 175,000 subscribers! They even revamped the whole game and it plays just like WoW now! Come on, 8 million players in WoW VS 175,000 players in EQ2, obvious EQ2 is better!
So come on! Go play those MMORPGs! World of Warcraft sucks! 8 million players worldwide? Oh yeah, this game is horrible. We all know the MMORPGs with less population are the MMORPGs to play, cause obviously when a MMORPG only has in between 100k to 500k players, it means it's a GREAT GAME TO PLAY! Don't play a game where 8 million subcribers are playing, cause according to those that don't play WoW or never played WoW, this game sucks!
Oh well, that's all I wanted to say. I'll go play World of Warcraft now with 8 million players now. Obviously to some, I'm one of those 8 million players that are playing a "Sucky" MMORPG and I should be playing on a low population less popular MMORPG like Eve Online or Everquest 2 or something.
Gee, have some people ever thought for a second why WoW has 8 million players and other "top rated" MMORPGs on this webpage can't even get more than 200,000 players?
Jesus effing christ. When will pointless threads like this STOP.
I cant tell you how many threads ive seen that have this same theme. " Oh wow yeah it suckz its only got 8 million subscribers lawl stop flaming wow!1111"
Everyone who plays any game other than WoW generally hates WoW ...
The reason the rating is so low on this site is that people purposefully rate it down to make themselves feel better.
Opinions are great but raw numbers don't lie - WoW has 6x the subscription base of any other MMORPG. I could write 100 pages on this topic, but in the end the massive difference in numbers > any of my opinions, or yours.
And no - the community in WoW is no less mature overall than the gaming population in general.
------ Played - UO, FFXI, WAR, WoW, EVE Currently - Bored.
The original poster is a complete idiot. The "only" reason why WoW has so many subscribers, it's because their huge fan base or "fan boi biased" based if you want to call it that way, has follow them into WoW. Not because it's the best MMO rpg you moron. That's why if you look through the MMO community of "real" hardcore MMO players, you won't even find WoW anywhere near the top 10. Because those who still play WoW have no MMO culture what so ever, and don't know any better since they mostly haven't try the best MMO listed in the top 10 right now. And quit your gloating about playing with 8 millions: You are only playing with a few thousands per server. So there could be a one game server with 20 000 people and it would be just as crowded. So go eat your junk food, be happy with it and crisse nous patience esti d'epais.
I agree fans made WoW a sucess but 2 years on if the game was not any good do you think ppl would still be playing? Fan base and hype gives a game a boost for a few months after which if it sux it would die but its far from dead.
Name 1 of MMO where shops open at midnight to sell an expansion.. I can its called "World of warcraft".
WoW might not be the best MMO in the eyes of a few ppl, but how do we measure sucess? its numbers sold and reviews, WoW has been in the top 10 PC charts for 2 years and the vaste majority of reviews give is 90%+.
The original poster is a complete idiot. The "only" reason why WoW has so many subscribers, it's because their huge fan base or "fan boi biased" based if you want to call it that way, has follow them into WoW. Not because it's the best MMO rpg you moron. That's why if you look through the MMO community of "real" hardcore MMO players, you won't even find WoW anywhere near the top 10. Because those who still play WoW have no MMO culture what so ever, and don't know any better since they mostly haven't try the best MMO listed in the top 10 right now. And quit your gloating about playing with 8 millions: You are only playing with a few thousands per server. So there could be a one game server with 20 000 people and it would be just as crowded. So go eat your junk food, be happy with it and crisse nous patience esti d'epais.
I agree fans made WoW a sucess but 2 years on if the game was not any good do you think ppl would still be playing? Fan base and hype gives a game a boost for a few months after which if it sux it would die but its far from dead.
Name 1 of MMO where shops open at midnight to sell an expansion.. I can its called "World of warcraft".
There's of course a lots of other factors. One being that people are lazy, and won't seek for better once they have find a home. They play WoW more as a bad habit then by fun right now. Second: They are sheeps, so if 8 millions play WoW, that prolly also means nothings better outhere. Combine the latest both and you have a recipe for the success, a recipe by the way who was carefully studied and applied to the letter by the maker of WoW. (Cheers to them)
But once again, the number of CD music you sell doesn't make you a good singer. Most of the music i listen (like Birthday massacre) don't even play at radio, and when i make someone listen to it, they instantly falls in love with it. But i ain't going to go on a campain to tell people how popular music, McDonald and WoW sucks: It's their own responsibility to stop being sheeps and get their head out of their asses to see what's really good outhere.
Bottom line: Numbers mean "nothing"....
What deserves to be done, deserves to be "well" done...
The idea is "Top RATED" MMORPG not "Top SUBSCRIBED" which means that the people that play these other mmo's believe their quality is higher than those who have rated WoW.
Stop being a baby about it and enjoy what you enjoy. Who cares about the game's rating on this site? Shouldn't your own opinion be the only thing that matters? Or are you so caught up in the highschool popularity contest that you cannot think for yourself?
[quote]Originally posted by Xyang [b][quote] There's of course a lots of other factors. One being that people are lazy, and won't seek for better once they have find a home. They play WoW more as a bad habit then by fun right now. Second: They are sheeps, so if 8 millions play WoW, that prolly also means nothings better outhere. Combine the latest both and you have a recipe for the success, a recipe by the way who was carefully studied and applied to the letter by the maker of WoW. (Cheers to them) But once again, the number of CD music you sell doesn't make you a good singer. Most of the music i listen (like Birthday massacre) don't even play at radio, and when i make someone listen to it, they instantly falls in love with it. But i ain't going to go on a campain to tell people how popular music, McDonald and WoW sucks: It's their own responsibility to stop being sheeps and get their head out of their asses to see what's really good outhere. Bottom line: Numbers mean "nothing".... [/b][/quote]
Who the hell are you to tell me what sort of person i am because i play World of Warcraft? I have never heard such a massive amount of un-educated, ranting drivel in all my life.
Shall we analyse you in the same way? I know nothing about you but i am gonna say that you are a sad loner who tries to appear cool by listening to obscure bands and putting down popular games because it is a form of anti-establishment protest.
Who is the biggest sheep here, the guy who plays a game regardless of what mindless idiots say, just because he likes it or the guy who is putting him down to appear 'cool' in front of all the other put down drones?
WoW may not be the 'best' game in the world but at the end of the day the only thing that marks any product is the amount of boxes it shifts and even after two years, WoW is making massive headway in customer gain.
It simply comes down to the fact that you may not like the game (although i have a sneaky feeling that you probably have an account yourself), but there are over 8,000,000 that do. If you don't like it, don't play it, but don't put other people down because they do.
FYI - Just in case you need some more ammo for a reply, i love the TV shows friends, scrubs & Sharpe, my musical tastes vary from Eric Clapton (from Bluesbreakers era up to today), Evenescence, Bob Marley, Fall out boy, My chemical romance and the Sugababes.
PS FYI: My MMO history includes Earth & Beyond (from Beta), Dark age of Camelot, Star Wars, EvE, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, Shot online and of course WoW so i have been round a few.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The reason for 8 million players is simple and has been stated many times. Most of the WoW player base has never had a previous MMORPG experience, it is a simple game to get into, and most of the things you do are scripted therefore you put very little effort into the game.
That being said the fact that its so easy to jump into makes it appealing to casual gamers and people with less experience in the genre. It is also because Blizzard has done a great job in its PR department and has targeted a wider range of people to play their game. WoW is by no means a bad game imo, however for people who want some endgame content or perhaps more challenge WoW simply doesnt cut it. The masses will always want instant gratification and the feeling that you accomplished something when you logged out (in WoW it usually means you lvd). Its like in school, when given a choice the masses will pick the easier classes whereas some will pick the harder classes simply because its what they want to learn regardless of class difficulty. This is the basis for WoW. Why play something complex like Eve for example when you can play WoW and feel more accomplished quicker.
The issue i see with the WoW formula and this is something which has been brought up my many WoW players whove played since the beginning is that the game has no end-game at all. You simply gring up to 60 then you grind for gear. Once you get the gear you simply make another character. To be thats no fun but if your having fun doing so (and its obvious many do, then its not a problem).
Another issue is that some games pursue open pvp, this creates a problem for many people who rather have consensual pvp rather than being ganked. I love open pvp and therefore i play games which employ it, but a majority of people do not. 1st thing you see in games with open pvp (l2/Eve) is that when a WoW player hits the game they are not prepared to deal with such mechanics so they automatically strike down the game. For those who have played MMOs for years and play WoW is more of a case that perhaps theres nothing in the market that catches your attention atm, which is why i see so many MMO vets later complain how their experience in WoW was shallow because it was not what they expected.
Games like UO, DAoC etc are dying by now because they have been around the block, some others dont have the numbers because the companies involved has messed the game up: SWG, EQ II (lol SOE), and in some aspects NC Soft's inability to deal with botters has alienated many players who dont want to buy ingame currency simply to make it in the game. But when its all said and done the fact of the matter is that Companies market their products for certain audiences (Eve for the pvp/sci-fi fans, L2 for the sieges/pvp) while others attempt to be mass market (EQ II) but fail due to poor implementation.
With such a large following EQ II could have very easily blown WoW out of the water, after all Warcraft was an RTS and No one was sure that WoW would be any good. But i remember people flooding EQ II in the 1st weeks only to be highly disappointed. WoW happened to be easy enoguh to pick up and get together with friends and because of that its become the entity it is today.
Another aspect id like for you guys to notice about numbers is the times themselves. 6 years ago not many people played MMORPGs even before that most were read-only. UO revolutionized the genre and EQ brought a more mass appeal along with other games. By the time WoW came into the market the online population as a whole had grown and with it the market in wich to sell the product. Blizzard did a good job at making a mass appeal game, and this has worked for them.
I play Eve and i played L2 to me those are far better than WoW because for me a good game needs to give me a reason to play other than lv to get the epic armor or weapon, i want to affect the world i play in, so these 2 games do that for me. L2s grind was worth it for me because i knew there was an endgame for me. That being said i still think WoW is a good game, we all have differing opinions and opinions cant be imposed on others. Its pointless trying to prove one game is better than another simply by numbers or whinning about how much better one is than another. AS LONG AS YOU HAVE FUN IN THE GAME YOU PLAY ITL BE THE BEST THERE IS.
Something to keep in my in mmorpgs where there is competition.
The simpler a game the more difficult it is to master because the number of options are less meaning each strategic decision is more important.
By this logic....
it is harder for a good to lose in WOW then it is for a good player to lose in EVE. Keep in my you must take game dynamics into account.
those who say that eve is more difficult ot master because it is more complicated are wrong. Things aren't based on complication they are based on your physical ability to do them. Even with computers, your limited to what you can do with your fingers and mind working together, not what your mind can do alone.
For example it is easy to learn accounting and get a cpa it is just time consuming. But it is difficult to master guitar even though it is a much simpler edifice.
So my point is that WOW simplicity actually makes it more demmanding on the player to contrive success.
I personally despise eve. IT is a micromanaging fiasco barely able to be called a game. It's like a board game that's on a computer monitor. WOW is an actual game.
a Ford Taurus is cleary a superior car to any Ferrari. I mean just look at how many Taurus have sold
This is a bad comparison, because they are very differently priced.
Looking at how many people buy something that is in the same price bracket however is a significant judge of the value of the product. Because World of Warcraft is priced similarly to other MMORPGs, the ammount of player's who subscribe to it instead of other games does go to show that it is most likely a superior product.
If u dont think worldofwarcraft is good then there is something wrong with your head. I admeet there are some things that make it boring but it is still a good game.
This is just plain stupid, yet i will post to extend the stupidy even more. To say that for most ppl that WoW is there first MMO is a conclusion that really cant be made, or supported. I myself have played a few MMO, but WoW is the best for my taste. It is casual yes, not hardcore. This game has very few bugs (besides rencently with all the random server downs due to expansion updates). I have rarley had the problem of population, and being able to quest with ppl. If you really want to start a new account, join a server that is new, most ppl will be low lvl toons. They have good GM response time compared to some MMO, responding in less than a half hour for me. Now if you dont like WoW, say why. Most ppl that say a game is better or worse dont have very good reasons. To say that WoW is a good game or a bad game based on subscripers alone is stupid. BUT.. having the most popular MMO is saying something. I play WoW because its fun, simple, and the story arcs are good. So bash away, but this will be debated untill the end of time
I gave up WoW a couple of days ago after not even completing my free first month. In one sense I didn't give it much of a chance because I scarcely got to know anyone there. I didn't really want to know them because the ones who caught my attention the most were yelling 'Kick the Baby' or spamming duel invites in Goldshire.
However I explored the various classes and professions and came to like some of them (although not enough to justify continued play) because they gave characters purpose other than reaching the next level. I became despondent when I realised that since many other players chose professions for their characters, there wasn't much chance of making things that would see genuine interest at the auction house except as energon for enchanters.
I found WoW a great way to kill time but definitely not a keeper. I felt that although it sated my appetite for online gaming it wasn't by any means a cut above the rest. I'm not saying it sucked, but I've had better
Population stands equel to a good game, but.. i do say "but" because that may not be your or mine standard of a good game, but a overall score of a good game having a large fanbase/playerbase still makes it a good game. You me and everyone else might have a complete different look on what is and can be a good game, but we speaking commerce here and then Mass rules and numbers count, we all know what happens with mmorpg's when the numbers start to drop........
wow was the first good mainstream game to come down the pipe in a long time witch is why it has done so well. Now this year 3 new Mainstream games are coming out 1 pve, 1 pvp, and 1 a mix. It will be interesting to see how it holds up with some real competition
I cant agree that WoW sucks.........but.......... I left about a year ago (I only played casually) and signed up again today as it seems that 8 Mill cant be wrong!!! Unfortunatly I cant get back into it, every one seems to be Lvl 60 and large areas just seem empty of players. People are either waiting for the expansion or just going through the grind of bash/collect....I've done that in my time.
I think if your an existing player, BC will inject some nice new (needed) stuff...but how long will it take people to get those ten lvl's? What will be next, more then likely an expansion with a new land and ten more levels!! It sounds like im bashing the game but im really not, it is fun at the start, I just struggle to see how fun it can be for the new players who come in and find themselves so far behind every one else and with no one to complete group quests with.
Im hoping i've missed something and theres a patch that has changed a lot of stuff, after all a year is a long time and i really liked playing this game, but what do you do when you ask people to pay money to be in a mmo and they have no 'real' impact on the world itself?
AQ20 (20man dungeon)
AQ40 (40 man dungeon)
Naxx (40 man dungeon)
ZG (20 man dungeon *1 of the best)
World dragons (out door world bosses)
Also all classes got changes and extra talents in their trees etc.
If i was you i would wait to tuesday, blizz are opening 6 new EU realms, so be good to start fresh on a new server.
okey ... help me with this math.
8 million WoW players rate their game 8.0
150 000 EVE-Online players rate their game to 8.3
Now tell me how much rate on a scale from 1-10 will WoW have ? and same for EVE-Online.
Then come back and say that EVE does not deserve to be on top of the charts, reality is most people on EVE are never on the forums even, the majority of eve players that does surf the forums are not even on this site.... They are quite busy forumwhoring on the EVE-Online site.
Well what I am asking or saying if you like is that it does not matter how many who vote for what game... as long as they don't give it more than 8 it will never beat 8.3
and like how it is now 7200 people have given a review of World of Warcraft and given it 8.1 and 5400 people have voted for EVE-Online and given it 8.3
I doubt seriously that many of the EVE-Online players come here to vote badly for WoW... most EVE-Online players give a shit about this site and WoW.
I don't get it...maybe some ppl are jealous about WoW being the most popular MMORPG game in the history and constantly bugging how their GW, EVE etc. is better. I'm playing WoW about year and a half now, got in a good guild, lots of real life friends in it, and we are still having lots of fun! Expansion is out tommorrow and gonna buy it.
Next, would never write against other MMORPG's cos I like WoW and enjoy it very much and don't have time to check what is happening in other neighbours backyards. If you like your type of MMORPG then why spitting on those who actually love this game?
If GW and EVE were so great games then why are people playing those games, always picking on WoW?
Play your game and leave others play what they like.
As a conclusion...World of Warcraft is a good game thanks for your time!
The original poster is a complete idiot. The "only" reason why WoW has so many subscribers, it's because their huge fan base or "fan boi biased" based if you want to call it that way, has follow them into WoW. Not because it's the best MMO rpg you moron.
That's why if you look through the MMO community of "real" hardcore MMO players, you won't even find WoW anywhere near the top 10. Because those who still play WoW have no MMO culture what so ever, and don't know any better since they mostly haven't try the best MMO listed in the top 10 right now.
And quit your gloating about playing with 8 millions: You are only playing with a few thousands per server. So there could be a one game server with 20 000 people and it would be just as crowded.
So go eat your junk food, be happy with it and crisse nous patience esti d'epais.
What deserves to be done, deserves to be "well" done...
Millions of people do crack is that good too?
Lots of people kill themselves... are we just missing it?
There are lots of bigots and racists to... maybe we should hate more?
Just because there are alot of people playing WoW doesnt make it the best game right now, just makes it the most popular. I wont go into the fact that blizzards statements leave a lot of room for interpretation either, but one thing to realize. There hasnt been another GOOD Mainstream MMO since 2004. People are bored and people want a new game.
Lets see how many subscribers WoW has this time next year after the Three new games come out (add one more and it could be the apocolypse )
Jesus effing christ. When will pointless threads like this STOP.
I cant tell you how many threads ive seen that have this same theme. " Oh wow yeah it suckz its only got 8 million subscribers lawl stop flaming wow!1111"
Please... Stfu
The reason the rating is so low on this site is that people purposefully rate it down to make themselves feel better.
Opinions are great but raw numbers don't lie - WoW has 6x the subscription base of any other MMORPG. I could write 100 pages on this topic, but in the end the massive difference in numbers > any of my opinions, or yours.
And no - the community in WoW is no less mature overall than the gaming population in general.
Played - UO, FFXI, WAR, WoW, EVE
Currently - Bored.
Name 1 of MMO where shops open at midnight to sell an expansion.. I can its called "World of warcraft".
WoW might not be the best MMO in the eyes of a few ppl, but how do we measure sucess? its numbers sold and reviews, WoW has been in the top 10 PC charts for 2 years and the vaste majority of reviews give is 90%+.
Name 1 of MMO where shops open at midnight to sell an expansion.. I can its called "World of warcraft".
There's of course a lots of other factors. One being that people are lazy, and won't seek for better once they have find a home. They play WoW more as a bad habit then by fun right now. Second: They are sheeps, so if 8 millions play WoW, that prolly also means nothings better outhere. Combine the latest both and you have a recipe for the success, a recipe by the way who was carefully studied and applied to the letter by the maker of WoW. (Cheers to them)
But once again, the number of CD music you sell doesn't make you a good singer. Most of the music i listen (like Birthday massacre) don't even play at radio, and when i make someone listen to it, they instantly falls in love with it. But i ain't going to go on a campain to tell people how popular music, McDonald and WoW sucks: It's their own responsibility to stop being sheeps and get their head out of their asses to see what's really good outhere.
Bottom line: Numbers mean "nothing"....
What deserves to be done, deserves to be "well" done...
The idea is "Top RATED" MMORPG not "Top SUBSCRIBED" which means that the people that play these other mmo's believe their quality is higher than those who have rated WoW.
Stop being a baby about it and enjoy what you enjoy. Who cares about the game's rating on this site? Shouldn't your own opinion be the only thing that matters? Or are you so caught up in the highschool popularity contest that you cannot think for yourself?
[quote]Originally posted by Xyang
There's of course a lots of other factors. One being that people are lazy, and won't seek for better once they have find a home. They play WoW more as a bad habit then by fun right now. Second: They are sheeps, so if 8 millions play WoW, that prolly also means nothings better outhere. Combine the latest both and you have a recipe for the success, a recipe by the way who was carefully studied and applied to the letter by the maker of WoW. (Cheers to them)
But once again, the number of CD music you sell doesn't make you a good singer. Most of the music i listen (like Birthday massacre) don't even play at radio, and when i make someone listen to it, they instantly falls in love with it. But i ain't going to go on a campain to tell people how popular music, McDonald and WoW sucks: It's their own responsibility to stop being sheeps and get their head out of their asses to see what's really good outhere.
Bottom line: Numbers mean "nothing"....
Who the hell are you to tell me what sort of person i am because i play World of Warcraft? I have never heard such a massive amount of un-educated, ranting drivel in all my life.
Shall we analyse you in the same way? I know nothing about you but i am gonna say that you are a sad loner who tries to appear cool by listening to obscure bands and putting down popular games because it is a form of anti-establishment protest.
Who is the biggest sheep here, the guy who plays a game regardless of what mindless idiots say, just because he likes it or the guy who is putting him down to appear 'cool' in front of all the other put down drones?
WoW may not be the 'best' game in the world but at the end of the day the only thing that marks any product is the amount of boxes it shifts and even after two years, WoW is making massive headway in customer gain.
It simply comes down to the fact that you may not like the game (although i have a sneaky feeling that you probably have an account yourself), but there are over 8,000,000 that do. If you don't like it, don't play it, but don't put other people down because they do.
FYI - Just in case you need some more ammo for a reply, i love the TV shows friends, scrubs & Sharpe, my musical tastes vary from Eric Clapton (from Bluesbreakers era up to today), Evenescence, Bob Marley, Fall out boy, My chemical romance and the Sugababes.
PS FYI: My MMO history includes Earth & Beyond (from Beta), Dark age of Camelot, Star Wars, EvE, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, Shot online and of course WoW so i have been round a few.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The reason for 8 million players is simple and has been stated many times. Most of the WoW player base has never had a previous MMORPG experience, it is a simple game to get into, and most of the things you do are scripted therefore you put very little effort into the game.
That being said the fact that its so easy to jump into makes it appealing to casual gamers and people with less experience in the genre. It is also because Blizzard has done a great job in its PR department and has targeted a wider range of people to play their game. WoW is by no means a bad game imo, however for people who want some endgame content or perhaps more challenge WoW simply doesnt cut it. The masses will always want instant gratification and the feeling that you accomplished something when you logged out (in WoW it usually means you lvd). Its like in school, when given a choice the masses will pick the easier classes whereas some will pick the harder classes simply because its what they want to learn regardless of class difficulty. This is the basis for WoW. Why play something complex like Eve for example when you can play WoW and feel more accomplished quicker.
The issue i see with the WoW formula and this is something which has been brought up my many WoW players whove played since the beginning is that the game has no end-game at all. You simply gring up to 60 then you grind for gear. Once you get the gear you simply make another character. To be thats no fun but if your having fun doing so (and its obvious many do, then its not a problem).
Another issue is that some games pursue open pvp, this creates a problem for many people who rather have consensual pvp rather than being ganked. I love open pvp and therefore i play games which employ it, but a majority of people do not. 1st thing you see in games with open pvp (l2/Eve) is that when a WoW player hits the game they are not prepared to deal with such mechanics so they automatically strike down the game. For those who have played MMOs for years and play WoW is more of a case that perhaps theres nothing in the market that catches your attention atm, which is why i see so many MMO vets later complain how their experience in WoW was shallow because it was not what they expected.
Games like UO, DAoC etc are dying by now because they have been around the block, some others dont have the numbers because the companies involved has messed the game up: SWG, EQ II (lol SOE), and in some aspects NC Soft's inability to deal with botters has alienated many players who dont want to buy ingame currency simply to make it in the game. But when its all said and done the fact of the matter is that Companies market their products for certain audiences (Eve for the pvp/sci-fi fans, L2 for the sieges/pvp) while others attempt to be mass market (EQ II) but fail due to poor implementation.
With such a large following EQ II could have very easily blown WoW out of the water, after all Warcraft was an RTS and No one was sure that WoW would be any good. But i remember people flooding EQ II in the 1st weeks only to be highly disappointed. WoW happened to be easy enoguh to pick up and get together with friends and because of that its become the entity it is today.
Another aspect id like for you guys to notice about numbers is the times themselves. 6 years ago not many people played MMORPGs even before that most were read-only. UO revolutionized the genre and EQ brought a more mass appeal along with other games. By the time WoW came into the market the online population as a whole had grown and with it the market in wich to sell the product. Blizzard did a good job at making a mass appeal game, and this has worked for them.
I play Eve and i played L2 to me those are far better than WoW because for me a good game needs to give me a reason to play other than lv to get the epic armor or weapon, i want to affect the world i play in, so these 2 games do that for me. L2s grind was worth it for me because i knew there was an endgame for me. That being said i still think WoW is a good game, we all have differing opinions and opinions cant be imposed on others. Its pointless trying to prove one game is better than another simply by numbers or whinning about how much better one is than another. AS LONG AS YOU HAVE FUN IN THE GAME YOU PLAY ITL BE THE BEST THERE IS.
Something to keep in my in mmorpgs where there is competition.
The simpler a game the more difficult it is to master because the number of options are less meaning each strategic decision is more important.
By this logic....
it is harder for a good to lose in WOW then it is for a good player to lose in EVE. Keep in my you must take game dynamics into account.
those who say that eve is more difficult ot master because it is more complicated are wrong. Things aren't based on complication they are based on your physical ability to do them. Even with computers, your limited to what you can do with your fingers and mind working together, not what your mind can do alone.
For example it is easy to learn accounting and get a cpa it is just time consuming. But it is difficult to master guitar even though it is a much simpler edifice.
So my point is that WOW simplicity actually makes it more demmanding on the player to contrive success.
I personally despise eve. IT is a micromanaging fiasco barely able to be called a game. It's like a board game that's on a computer monitor. WOW is an actual game.
This is a bad comparison, because they are very differently priced.
Looking at how many people buy something that is in the same price bracket however is a significant judge of the value of the product. Because World of Warcraft is priced similarly to other MMORPGs, the ammount of player's who subscribe to it instead of other games does go to show that it is most likely a superior product.
I gave up WoW a couple of days ago after not even completing my free first month. In one sense I didn't give it much of a chance because I scarcely got to know anyone there. I didn't really want to know them because the ones who caught my attention the most were yelling 'Kick the Baby' or spamming duel invites in Goldshire.
However I explored the various classes and professions and came to like some of them (although not enough to justify continued play) because they gave characters purpose other than reaching the next level. I became despondent when I realised that since many other players chose professions for their characters, there wasn't much chance of making things that would see genuine interest at the auction house except as energon for enchanters.
I found WoW a great way to kill time but definitely not a keeper. I felt that although it sated my appetite for online gaming it wasn't by any means a cut above the rest. I'm not saying it sucked, but I've had better
wow was the first good mainstream game to come down the pipe in a long time witch is why it has done so well. Now this year 3 new Mainstream games are coming out 1 pve, 1 pvp, and 1 a mix. It will be interesting to see how it holds up with some real competition