We must said that with a great and Totaly FREE game, Voyage Century is going to sink POTBS.
Why customer is going to pay an game (POTBS) while a better game is Totaly Free (Download and fee/month). You think that customer is plenty of money and all can paid the game and fees?
I played a lot with Voyage century and it s a great game. There are full player in all 3 servor. Potbs will be released to late because in 6 month Voyage century will be better (no bug +expansion) with high level player.
What are you thinking about the sink of POTBS?
Actually, I think it was quite the contrary. Didn't it recently receive the Top 20 Most Anticipated award or something?
I have faith in PotBS.
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...
Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 33.33%
I dont think Voyage Century will become a good game. Right now i even think its horrible. It has some great ideas, but it lags like hell, the translation is horrid, and bugs are plenty ... However the game is in open beta, and therefor i cannot say much about since its not finished.
Pirate's of the burning sea is more of a grown up game in my opinion. They have started making a game, and when players told them it needed work, they went back to the drawing board and worked on it. That (in my eyes) is GREAT! Beside's it looks better, its made by a company that can spell, and i think it will be a little deeper and more skill based then Voyage is or will be.
Voyage century is new, but still feels like "just another game". You click on a enemy ship, click auto fire , occasionally use your repair kits, and postion yourself well. Except for the positioning , thats just a ordinary mmorpg. I think POTBS will go far beyond it by making it more focussed and making things matter more, like wind direction and ammo choice. Voyage has those things too, but it does'nt make the greatest of impacts on how you play.
As far as paying for it, i'll glady pay for a product i enjoy, if its free or not does not influence my decission to play a game at all. Maybe if im bored i'd try a free game that doesnt look like fun just to see how it is, but if i'm interested in a product i'll get it. Whether its free or not.
P.S. 2 POTBS bash threads on 1 page by you. It's quite clear you don't have faith in this game now, please go play Voyage
If you said that VC is laging what did you said about POTBS who have a more detailled ship with crews??
I try to explain to you to save your money or give it to iraq war cause. If you have a lot, try to change your PC because VC isnt lagging.
.Sure im going to play at VC because anyone cant play to POTBS right now. I dont know if i will play at this game one day.
I m going where i want to go like a bird.
Im bored to see bad MMORPG like Vanguard where no one can play without lagging a lot.
Company didnt respect customer to put their lagged game in the market. They want one thing, your money.
Then dont speak to me about company game.
I think POTBS is going to lag a lot too.
VC isnt lagging but Potbs have better feature game..
In reality you know ,i will like to see POTBS with a good performance, no bug, good econimic, good PVP, good customized character and ship.. .
But im not sure we will see a good game.
Im like a bird in the sky...
You see 1 minor bug in VC ? Wow . .. Your a real beta tester then are you ? The bank system does'nt even work . But hey, love makes one blind i guess.
Im getting connection lag in VC. You are talking about graphical "lag". VC lags (stutters) like hell in athens where lots of players are going about their business. This might be because of my connection to their servers, but on any other mmo its generally fine, so VC probably has some problem in that department. No big deal, they are still in beta after all.
Anyway, im quite confident my €1200,- (mid-range) pc can run potbs on high/semi high settings without a stutter, if their engine is anything i think it will be.
You dont have to explain to me how to spend my money. I have tried VC and don't like it, i know its unbelievable to you, but its true nonetheless. I will try POTBS and hope (and think) i will like it. We will see when it releases though.
Why you bring vanguard into this i dont know ... My thinking is that your just little bitter about POTBS's release date, which you thought to have been 2004. Well, i think more company's (like the voyage online company) should wait with releasing their game untill they optimized the netcode, engine and content (or translation for that matter). POTBS is doing that, and i respect that.
They are in fact not after your money, they chose to wait with the release untill they have a quality product on their hands. In stead of just releasing it broken, and patch it up as they charge money.
Thing is noone will be sure how both VC or POTBS will do when properly released. However you cant blame Flying Labs because you have a crappy computer that might not be able to play their graphical enhanced game.
But hey, your just repeating your arguments, and obviously favor VC, you made that clear, so GG & HF
please stop spamming forums with advertising for VC!
I play VC beta and I like the game, it has some nice features. But I really hate that mmorpg-forums all over the world get spammend with advertising for VC by people who speak the same way of (broken) english!
VC is free but there is an item mall that offers equipment and scrolls that heavily reduce time for crafting, getting XP, etc. So people with money will just level up in half time as the normal player.
I really prefer a monthly fee, it gives all players the same opportunities to play and get ahead, keeps the kids and too many alt characters away.
PotBS will be a different game and play in another league!
Life is too short to play bad games.
So, you are saying that PoTBS will lag because it has more detail than VC? And you use Vanguard as the example? Vanguard is still in Beta! They are still running it in debug mode - it has not been optimized. The client and server are being extremely chatty at this point in time. Vanguard does not equal PoTBS.
The system requirements for PoTBS seem pretty low (esp. compared to Vanguard, which you like to bring up), so I'm thinking it will run fine on most machines.
BTW, If your goal was to get people to go over and try VC with these posts, then you have failed with me. You are not doing that game any favors by coming here and trolling.
Hehe, actually i think it will work for noone, since everyone who is even slighly interested int he game has allready tried it or is playing it. Everyone on these boards knows about the game now, and since its free allmost evryone tried it. I dont think any kind of advertisement for the game would have any effect at all.
Oh and i think we have established that Guntam is just a bit on the VC lovin' .
Honestly Im a VC fan. I love the game. I honestly like the way Potbs looks to so I support both of them. Having two games in the genre of sea mmorpgs is awesome!
Voyage Century is not one of those free games that is better then paying ones.
I'd prefer to wait for PotBS and pay for it :P, and yes I have tried Voyage Century
POTBS and VC does not play in the same league. They are aimed at different market segments. If you want to compare how VC will do against another product you should compare it to the Pirates of the Caribbean mmorpg Disney is making.
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
When i saw voyage century on this site i actually got mad."there go the Koreans, see an untapped market that someone else has worked hard and thought of an idea for, so lets throw a ****ty game together and release it first." I'm very pleased from what I've read that its as bad as any other f2p ripoff.
=The best bash.org quote ever=
Curt teh Juggler: our graduation ceremony was today, and right when some gamer nerd got his diploma, someone in the audience played the zelda "get item" music and he did the zelda spin-hold-out-item stance
Curt teh Juggler: it was quite possibly the most amazing thing ever.
One shall stand and one shall fall.
Your opinions seem very one sided. How much time have you spent playing PoTBS? I'm guessing none. I tried out Voyage Century and thought it was ugly graphically and boring playwise. I sincerely hope that PoTBS attempts to be a very different game from VC. Very different.