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When I played the trial, I really wanted to play as a trader. But, it wasn't as easy as I thought. Going from station to station just to make a few ISK didn't cut it. So here's my question...will the developers ever make it easier for traders to find out what prices are in different places? Like, a window that tells them all the prices in the region, or whatever? If there's an upcoming expansion that enables it, please let me know. Thanks.
The easiest way to keep track on market variances in different regions is to create an alt & base it in your target region. Hey presto ! Instant insider info !
If you have the right skills, you can not only browse the prices in every station within the region, but buy and sell from anywhere within the region, even from space!
Combined with the ability to do courier contracts, you can control your business in several regions from a couple of well-placed intersection systems.
Of course, the trade skills are bit on the expensive side, but then again, traders do tend to have the ISK, what with not blowing it up on new ships for PVP...
Guides & Trials for EvE Online:
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
Ok 2 ways of doing it first one first.
make a new guy just to do the tutorial.
Select an item on amrket and go to the market details tab. Thats it. i think......its been awhile really for me. but it can be found in the market window.
1. Buy and sell destructable mods that can't be made.
2. Do your research, relevations came out and we all new there would be new battlecruisers so there would be a extra demand for heavy launchers as everyone clammers to build new ships. Sure enough prices of X-3200 rose by 400%.
3. Don't expect things to sell straight away, pacience is the key.
4. never under cut the lowest price, you'll start a price war and your profit margins will soon vanish. Place mod at same price as the lowest mod on market, don't get greedy.
5. Don’t lower your price.
5. Sell at choke points to 0.4 and supply the PvP community with mods used in PvP.
6. Use your map, check how many ships active and docked in system and sell mods there.
7. Sell across boarders. ( jita-Sob) 1 jump 2 regions sometimes massive price differences. Sell between rens and Jita. (23 jumps) even better profits.
8. Use a frigate with good cargo hold (kestral is ideal if afk between jumps).
9. stockpile when prices are low.
10. place sell orders and stations with high quality agents.
11. Have a secondary profession, mining and sceince go very well with trading.
There just a few to help you along your way. The system does not need changing.
All the tools are there map, market, graphs, quickbar buy and sell lists etc, chat channels so can ask friends in other regions how much things cost there (try the price check channel).
1) go to market screen.
2) look to the left of the screen. There should be a list of stuff like ship equipment, ships etc..
3) Above that list there should be a tiny window that says station/solarsystem... click the arrow next to it.
4)There should be a dropdown menu from the little window with Station, Solarsystem and Region.
5)Click on the range you want.
Here is a link on trading advice
My other advice is ask people ingame if your stuck with something. If you cant do that then just quit because you won't make it and not get an enjoyable experience from the game.