I am thinking of returing to l2, and was wondering what is the newest server? I know i haven't played for a while and that some people are really far ahead, and wanted to start on the newest server, American prefferably. If someone could refer me to the newest i would really appreciate it!
Teon is the other European server.
The servers are numbered in order that they were created. For example, Bartz is the oldest and is server number one. Whereas Franz is the newest and will be the highest number.
So look for the server that has the highest number and isn't Teon or Franz, and you just found the newest North American Server. Mind you that they will still all be over a year old.
Remember, starting on a new server isn't always the best. Belive it or not, Franz already has some level 75 players.
Picking a server with a decient population is probally the best bet. There are server personality profiles at the official lineage 2 website, and you can also surf the forums at l2blah.com to get a small taste of each server.
To be honest, I advise against going to the newer servers. Yes, there are less people who have reached extremely high levels, but theres also far more people trying to bend and break the rules of the game for personal profit and early server domination/power. If you've never played the game before this will come off as very hostile because the majority of players on the new server (franz) have already played the game for quite some time and know how to advance as quickly as possible.
Bartz is the standard choice for people looking to get into the action. It's server #1, it has a ton of players and a ton of diversity. I'm not a huge fan of Kain, Sieghardt, Teon or Franz. If you were thinking of going anywhere other than Bartz, I would recommend going for a smaller server where you have a better chance of really making a mark on the community and being a "somebody". That would mostly be servers 4-8. I played on server 6 for a number of years, and if I had to do it all over again I would probably stay on server 6. Sometimes I wish we had the number of players that Bartz did, but a lot of times the smaller community is nice.
The server personality profiles are pretty accurate on the official lineage 2 community forums I can't speak for other servers but I know Kain has multiple alliances (3 atm), that are constantly vying for power and server domination. The alliances are always in flux, and thus, the castles are constantly changing hands. It makes for a very dynamic server where your enemies now might be your allies 6 months from now. It's certainly better than stagnating on Bartz.
There are currently 3 super powers on the server, unlike Bartz where it is just pretty much just one. The 3 super powers make up about 85% or so (if I were to guess) of the server power. 15% is controlled by a few smaller clans.
You won't get into one of the power three until after you hit level 70, probally anyway. But there are tons of smaller clans that will accept a few new players. And if you are under level 40, you can easily get into a larger clan's academy and possibly get some help.
I expect that the player posting in this thread is not an advanced user of the game, and will not shoot up to high levels terribly quickly. He'll be relegated to some of the more minor clans before getting into a server powerhouse, and a server like Kain will be very hostile and unwelcome for him.