I was wondering, will the people who signed up for closed beta like a year ago and didn't make it have a chance to test the game before the actual open beta (where everyone can join) ?
I think I've heard something like all CB registrants who didn't make it to phase 1/2/3 will get to try the game at the very end of CB, before OB. Is that true ?
Still, I could be wrong ...
I've heard TCoS is actually a myth and this whole MMO thing is just a big hoax brought about by the evil bare durids form da planet "Grywiedsjsierteon" and sya "HAY GYUS its me, The balls are inert".
I've heard TCoS is exactly like a Post Pre-Open Closed WOW beta clone.
I've heard TCoS is the exact opposite of <insert every game known to<insert everyone here>>
I've heard this game is the internets minus al gore divided by zero
I've heard TCoS can be bought for FREE for 54.644 and a half dollars with No Monthly Payment ! only OVER 9000 bucks a year.
I've heard that Beta 3 is over; I've heard that Beta 3 just begun; and I've heard that Beta 3 hasn't started yet
Yes, I've heard a lot of things, and none of most of the minority of the facts are true. (This stays true forever)
NathanC is correct.
No, that has never been said, nor even hinted at.
It is also not true that all who signed up for closed beta will make it into open beta. Long time registered fans were promised a surprise a couple of times now. I wonder what that will be.