Yeah I know you guys (MMORPG Staff) was just letting us know that they have built a website for Star Trek Online but it was kinda lame that once you got to there all it was, was a way to sign up for the newsletters
Hope they keep this level of quality in the final site.
Now it wouldn’t be Star Trek if we couldn’t nit pick and point out the imperfections right?
So as a web developer myself I like their flash portion of the intro and like that they opted for XHTML for the non flash portions... but they should get their pages to validate and apply some notions of markup semantics
I went to that website and three Klingon Birds of Prey appeared on the Horizon and blew up my computer....................
Way to sneak in the Kobayashi Maru...........................
but you know.....there's an old saying in Tennesse, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennesse....that says.....fool me once......shame on me...............................shame on fool me, ya can't get fooled again...........................
I like the new starfleet logo... though I don't like that it's now even on the left and the right (yea, I know. What a lame nit-pick but consider it payback for launching such a lame opening to a new website. At least put something new in there, even if it's just some pics or something).
Disappointed in both and
Disappointed in MMORPG's simplistic report of "a whole new look", which is basically a "look" at not much to nothing, even less than the old STO site.
Disappointed in for probably sending this out as "news", rather than "go here and sign up for the new newsletter". The fact that STO seems to be incapable of transfering their fan's email addresses from one database to another, doesn't inspire alot of confidence in me. If the "new and improved" website, when they actually get it up, contains nothing more than was in the old website/forums in a "new and improved, shiny new wrapper", I'll be even more disappointed.
In a nutshell, I feel like i just put money into a soda machine , expecting a nice cold refreshing drink to satisfy my thirst, and the machine just ate my money and gave me nothing.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the franchise and eagerly awaiting "REAL" news on STO, but if this was a joke, I'm not laughing....
Well.. What did you expect? Thats why they call it a "Teaser" site.. lol..
Makes ya yearn for more, doesn't it? heh heh
I can't wait
You are right its a teaser...but after i read : Star Trek Online has updated its website with a whole new look. View the new website here. i was expecting abit more then a teaser..oh well atleast we know it didn't die and we wern't told about it, so can't wait either but it wouldn't suprise me if we would not see it any earlyer then 2008/2009 released if not still in beta
hopefully not 2009, 2008 is bad enough but im sure the site will expand hopefully fast like the game process should start doing moving fast i need a good mmo that has familiar content to start with(like swg used to be) theres just so much they can do with this game as long as they get it right i guess its ok if they take there time....................
Perpetual continues to show great progress and now allows us to see the greatness they are creating, as they know they are nowhere without catering to their fans.
/sarcasm off
What did you guys expect from a company that has managed to be in development for years, without so much more than concept art, two consecutive "websites" that qualify more as screensavers, and have shown an uncanny ability to ignore,annoy, and generally piss off the one's whom they are supposed to be marketing this game toward.
Well at 1st I did not agree with most of the posters here bashing Perpetual but after reading this and seeing the website LOL. Star Trek Needs a new Developer like Bioware or maybe Bethesda,or even Mythic to develop this game because Perpetual has no Idea how to develope a game of this magnitude. I can see them screwing it up way way early in concept. The 1st thing is adding Kilingond to Starfleet outside of Worf is pure and simple ignorant to what Klingons are Worf was a rare exception and in the end He went back to the Klingon Empire as a Ambassador. Ok 1st Perpetual needs to sit every Dev they have and make them watch The next Generation series in its entirety all the way thru DS9 and Voyager at least 5 times then maybe then they will understand how to make this game.
Not funny, I thought this was something cool
Nice site tho
Yeah I know you guys (MMORPG Staff) was just letting us know that they have built a website for Star Trek Online but it was kinda lame that once you got to there all it was, was a way to sign up for the newsletters
Oh well.
Makes ya yearn for more, doesn't it? heh heh
I can't wait
Not much to see but I like that flash animation!
Hope they keep this level of quality in the final site.
Now it wouldn’t be Star Trek if we couldn’t nit pick and point out the imperfections right?
So as a web developer myself I like their flash portion of the intro and like that they opted for XHTML for the non flash portions... but they should get their pages to validate and apply some notions of markup semantics
/nit-picking off
MY devil log sig only!~
Way to sneak in the Kobayashi Maru...........................
but you know.....there's an old saying in Tennesse, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennesse....that says.....fool me once......shame on me...............................shame on fool me, ya can't get fooled again...........................
I think that about sums it up.
<alternative MMO> sucks!!! can't wait for this game to come out!!!!
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Disappointed in both and
Disappointed in MMORPG's simplistic report of "a whole new look", which is basically a "look" at not much to nothing, even less than the old STO site.
Disappointed in for probably sending this out as "news", rather than "go here and sign up for the new newsletter". The fact that STO seems to be incapable of transfering their fan's email addresses from one database to another, doesn't inspire alot of confidence in me. If the "new and improved" website, when they actually get it up, contains nothing more than was in the old website/forums in a "new and improved, shiny new wrapper", I'll be even more disappointed.
In a nutshell, I feel like i just put money into a soda machine , expecting a nice cold refreshing drink to satisfy my thirst, and the machine just ate my money and gave me nothing.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the franchise and eagerly awaiting "REAL" news on STO, but if this was a joke, I'm not laughing....
Perpetual continues to show great progress and now allows us to see the greatness they are creating, as they know they are nowhere without catering to their fans.
/sarcasm off
What did you guys expect from a company that has managed to be in development for years, without so much more than concept art, two consecutive "websites" that qualify more as screensavers, and have shown an uncanny ability to ignore,annoy, and generally piss off the one's whom they are supposed to be marketing this game toward.
Well at 1st I did not agree with most of the posters here bashing Perpetual but after reading this and seeing the website LOL. Star Trek Needs a new Developer like Bioware or maybe Bethesda,or even Mythic to develop this game because Perpetual has no Idea how to develope a game of this magnitude. I can see them screwing it up way way early in concept. The 1st thing is adding Kilingond to Starfleet outside of Worf is pure and simple ignorant to what Klingons are Worf was a rare exception and in the end He went back to the Klingon Empire as a Ambassador. Ok 1st Perpetual needs to sit every Dev they have and make them watch The next Generation series in its entirety all the way thru DS9 and Voyager at least 5 times then maybe then they will understand how to make this game.