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Is it me or does anyone hating leveling? I hear how a lot of people love the way from 1-60 but hate the post 60 content. And this has to do with every MMO. It must be because I use to play SWG constanly and burned my self out from all the holo grinding that i can't take it anymore.
Anyone else like the the Post 60 better?
Anyone else feel this way?
As for now, it's moot for the moment because I now have 10 more levels to make with my (old) main, and another 60 to make with my new BE main. So plenty to do!
I like the new content for 60+, I haven't done a whole lot yet, because I made my new main a BE Paladin. The BE area is wonderful and so many quests my quest log is always at least half full. All in all I would say that BC is the best expansion for a MMORPG I have ever played.
Wounder-60.5 Orc Rogue -Norgannon
Valorian-18 Blood Elf Paladin -Norgannon
Well I find raiding incredibly stupid and borng so I can't appropriately answer yoru question for WoW.
However I generally find the low levels when you have limited abilities annoying and much less interesting and in the context of WoW prefer the gameplay of 40+. However I would rather drills holes in my head than raid in WoW so I can say much about post 60. And in general I very much dislike the idea of a capped level but ever increasing item power endgame. Its a cheap ass cop out that perpetuates the problem the cap is designed to solve all just to capitalize on obsessive behavior. Post 60 WoW is all around disgusting. Or post 70 now I guess.
leveling from 1-60 more then once per side (horde/alliance) does get a little bland. though I agree with what someone else mentioned earlier that the leveling and questing in WoW is the best part.
BC gives 4 new noob zones, I only really plan on playing my Blood Elf and Dranei character up to the point I have to leave the new zones (level 20 or so I think) and so far I absolutely love the new content. it's so nice to have fresh, interesting, and most of all unknown content to enjoy.
Though I haven't gotten too far into Outland, so far I really really enjoy the way they've done the post 60 game. True, it's pretty much the same old formulas of "kill this", "collect that", "go there" but if you take the time to read the quest text a lot of it is really cool. Also, guess I'm the type of player who gets excited seeing new things and fighting the unknown.
Who knows what's going to happen when I get to 70, probably same raid/raid/pvp repeat formula as before, but the part I enjoy most about the game is the community and all friends I play with, so raiding Sun-Thurs for hours on end is still a lot of fun if you are playing with people you really enjoy talking to and hanging out with.
I only pray that the 25-man raid cap, difficulty settings, and hour or so "wings" for all raids will greatly help the end game move more quickly and be more fun.. as well as the 70 arena system with ladders and contests and champions should be a fun break from battlegrounds and raiding.
A complaint of mine about how Blizzard set their game up is with the BOP items in the various Instances. For example, my level 60 Warrior is still wearing his green Imperial Plate armor...that he can make as a Blacksmith!...because I cannot buy complete sets of the better blue gear such as the Valor and Light forge stuff. I wish Blizzard would make all of the Instance Drops BOE because otherwise only a few items in any complete set are BOE while most are BOP. This sort of forces you into the Instances that can take many hours at a time...and I simply can't do that. Don't get me wrong..I'm certainly not saying, "Hey, Blizzard just because I can't get this stuff you Need to change it to suit my needs." I'm just saying that it's a grievance of mine, that's all.
Or maybe they could at least make some of the sets completely BOE while the more lusted after stuff could remain BOP...oh well.
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