Since the 8th around 5pm Central Time I have not been able to get back in. Are they working on the server login problem still. I noticed the offical website has not been working at 100% which tells me they are still having some serious problems.
I was able to log in last night after the crash the night before but its a major pain now and all about luck. Something is seriously wrong with their log in server right now. On the bright side if you do get lucky and get in the servers all have light populations since few people can get in.
They say their network engineers are working on it but havent given much of an update. Seems pretty amazing for it to still be a problem 36 hours after it started...
I agree Misti, The fact that it takes this long for the network team to fix this issue is going to cause my judgment on if I buy this game or not. While I do know they are going to be adding 3 more servers in the future , this will not fix the issue when the game becomes retail on the 28th. The nework team has some serious miracles to pull before the 28th.
Ever since I had the run in with neverneverland, I've had issues with log in. It takes me around 15 minutes to finally log in, usually. Once Logged in, the population is thinned out a bit, as Misti had mentioned. My advice is to just keep working on it. Hopefully the Devs will find time to correct this problem soon?
Yeah let me in too Its sick i was able to log in ONLY 2 times for 2 weeks thats insane .I just want know how they want release the retail when the people cant join?!?That`ll piss off a lot of people and L2 will have a very hard way.And at least i think that this was unresponsible from NCSoft to mark L2 as gold even when peoples cant join.
"Johnny, what do you see?"
"I see a lot of things"
"Johnny, what do you see?"
"I see a lot of things"
I was able to log in last night after the crash the night before but its a major pain now and all about luck. Something is seriously wrong with their log in server right now. On the bright side if you do get lucky and get in the servers all have light populations since few people can get in.
They say their network engineers are working on it but havent given much of an update. Seems pretty amazing for it to still be a problem 36 hours after it started...
I agree Misti, The fact that it takes this long for the network team to fix this issue is going to cause my judgment on if I buy this game or not. While I do know they are going to be adding 3 more servers in the future , this will not fix the issue when the game becomes retail on the 28th. The nework team has some serious miracles to pull before the 28th.
LineageII (OB-WAR) =Erica=
Horizon-White Dragon =Spirit=
"I'm not suffering from insanity, I'm enjoying it every moment of it"
Paradigm, an Accretia Clan
"I'm not suffering from insanity, I'm enjoying it every moment of it"
It took a week for NC to contact me, and now this? Am I the only person that hasn't tried this game?
EDIT: Turns out Norton antivirus/firewall was causing the problem.
It's hip to be square.
It's hip to be square.
Yeah let me in too Its sick i was able to log in ONLY 2 times for 2 weeks thats insane .I just want know how they want release the retail when the people cant join?!?That`ll piss off a lot of people and L2 will have a very hard way.And at least i think that this was unresponsible from NCSoft to mark L2 as gold even when peoples cant join.
Wu name dizirgee->Tough Destroyer
I`m Lawful Good Human Fighter Paladin
and you?
The Best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.