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We all want to be MMO devs right? And a lot of us flame WoW on a daily basis or at least when riled up by a fanboi who thinks WoW invented the level. So, here's my unique take on the "What's wrong with MMOs today?" thread:
If you could change WoW(to make it into a better/more enjoyable MMO) what would you do?
I don't think I have to lay down verry many ground rules.
You can stick to Craft Lore or choose to denounce the Lore, it's your choice.((Cause let's face it. Not everyone thinks Warcraft has the best lore out there. I'm sure someone thinks it would of been a better MMO if they threw it out and started fresh.))
(Working on my reply now)
Don't fix what ain't broke
No matter how many people on this board don't like it for whatever reason, the fact of the matter is that they have a winning formula thats gotten them loads more money than any other mmorpg could have ever dreamed of.
Eternally mine,
The MMO gaming blog I write for.
while wow may not be broke it could use some adjustments to give non raiders a better chance of wanting to stick aroudn at endgame. Wow maybe successful because it attracted all the mmo noobs of the world and kept all the i'm to lazy to do anything other than kill types it can get really really really repeative and boring.
I really think wow could look into some sort of high level guild quest system like EQ2 has that might give players with little time to raid or pvp grind a chance to keep up. Plus it would add another layer to the game.
btw their formula may work for them but for many other games it wouldn't work at all.
Fanbois if you can't keep to the topic and make suggestions why bother? no one's here to flame. I enjoy warcraft from time to time, but to be honest I Just got bored after a year.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
The end game is broken.
WoW work from level 1 to the last level, past that, it is sourly broken.
Raiding is broken since it was created. Peoples leaving WoW ANGRY is certainly an issue to correct for Blizzard...Peoples leaving happy, playing and happy are good. Peoples staying and unhappy or leaving and angry, this is problematic, and this is raiding.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Game is so repetitive because there aren't that many classes and the talent tree doesn't specialize enough to add replayability.
On the other hand, since after a couple years they release an expansion that doesn't add new classes! Which to me, just shows that they really prioritize balance above all... and how difficult it is to keep balance in check.
So basically, even if I stand by what I said earlier (adding more diversity and uniqueness through specialization), i'm not sure if it is even possible on a pvp game like WoW.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
I'm going to split hairs here but for good reason: technically BC is not WoW; it is an upgrade. I think that expecting players to buy an upgrade that arguably fixes perceived problems is wrong. Personally I would have preferred it if Blizz had put the instances (BWL, Nax, etc) and new races into the expansion and addressed the' problems' in the free updates. I might still be playing.
it is yet to be seen (by me and by most anyway) how the level 70 end-game experience will compare to the level 60 end-game most of us know and many dislike.
will the 25-person cap on raids make them more accessable? will the "winged" raids (broken up into 1-2 hour "blocks" rather then one straight through encounter) make raiding more casual and enjoyable?
will the Arena system and new PVP world objectives/battlegrounds improve the PVP aspect?
all of which make me very positive about the value of level 70 end game.
as for classes, many classes play completely differently depending on which talent spec you choose for your toon, biggest example I imagine is the difference between a Holy priest and a Shadow priest.
Problem is that group/raid dynamics require players of most all talent specs, however tend to heavily favor certain builds (i.e. Protection Warriors, Holy Priests, Restoration Druids) so you have to choose between a PVP or PVE(raid) friendly build when it comes to end game.
Only way to fix that is to make the raid/dungeon encounters more generalized, however this also tends to "dumb down" the encounter. or balance the different aspects of a class' three talent trees, but this in turn weakens the importance each role plays.
I only hope and pray that the tier 4-6 gear isn't sooo incredibly ridiculously powerful and hard to get that only the most hardcore raiders will have access to it, and thus dominate the playing field in all aspects. that being said, my idea to correct this imbalance is as follows...
1. max out all gear you get level 60-70 to be comparable to tier 3 raid sets. so best-you-can-get gear comparable to current tier 3
2. different tier sets (4-6) correspond to being designed for different talent builds rather then progressively more powerful. for example, tier 4 raid set optimized for fury warrior, tier 5 optimized for arms warrior, tier 6 optimized for protection talent spec, but all of them comparable in terms of overall power/ability/stats
3. make these three armor sets available through combination of 5 person, 10, 20, and 25 person raids/dungeons. For instance like the belt and bracers from the 5-man dungeons, gloves/boots from 10-man, shoulder/legs from 20-man, chest/head piece from 25-man... that way everyone can get SOME of it however those who really more "hardcore" can get ALL of it.
4. make sure the abilities and stats they give are designed so that they can further specialize your talent build, OR if you so choose offset the weaknesses of your talent build. For instance, the Fury spec warrior can get the Protection spec tier set which will offset and enhance their ability to tank successfully, however if they were to get Fury spec tier set it would increase their pwnage potential.
5. this in combination with pvp sets that compliment or suppliment a talent build along the same lines, and it's conceivable that you can have different "uber" sets for different situations you find yourself in. and by "you" i mean everyone having access to at least part of the uberness
1) balance the classes
2) age appropriate servers
3) make raids an option for the leet gear not a requirement
4) player housing
5) make preform groups in bg's fight preform groups and pick up groups fight pick up groups
These are just 5 off the top of my head
as someone who has a real distain for WoW here how i would fix it.
1) more classes more customization choices or allow multiclassing to add more depth.
2) make PVP less gear based and more skill based
3) make raids just one form of the endgame not THE only endgame
4) just personal preference ... more life like characters not so cartoony
I'm going to make this a 2 part reply. One to respond to the TBC posts here, and one to respond to the OP.
About TBC:
Currently I see the Outlands as a good thing for WoW. Firstly, it gave the high-end community a central area to quest/explore/raid. Before, things were so split up, that really, no one was anywhere but the capital cities. The smaller cities in the outlands now feel alive, which is one thing that was sorely lacking before.
The new raids are definitely well split up. If anyone has done Hellfire Citadel yet (although it is only a 5-man), you will notice that the instance is not long at all. With a little co-ordination, our guild ended up running it in 30 minutes. This was the first day of the release, and it was only our 4th run. How will the 25-man raids run? Don't know yet, but plan to find out soon.
The new Arena PvP, I think anyways, will make the more hardcore of PvPers fall in love. For anyone who has ever played a Blizzard RTS game, you will know that all their competitive leagues run in seasons. These seasons allow players to have a small competitive "Season" where they compete against each other, then they reset, and you fight for the new title, just like any competitive sport. This will allow for new players to actually compete in PvP, all they need to do is wait for a new season, and there's their in. Also, it will allow for a nice reward system. Since there is officially a "Winner" now, instead of just innate Battleground grinding, people can have prizes for being the winner. I think that will definitely add a new element of prestige to being a top Arena team.
To the OP:
As a semi-casual player (meaning I have my spurts where I play 60 hours a week, and my times where I play 6 hours a week) I am in high hopes of the new 25-man raiding system. I find the 40 was insane, and at best, pugs were a near impossibility anyways.
The new legendary and normal systems will set pugs and guild runs apart, which was one thing I thought needed fixing, until TBC. The problem was, a pug wasn't good enough to do a raid well enough, yet guilds could do it too easily. Now there is an even curve, so I think that's good now as well.
What would I change? I would find a way to reward players for all the hard work they did over the past 3 years, instead of just saying "here's some world drop greens to replace the gear you spent hundreds of hours raiding for." I think that was the biggest slap in the face possible. Not only did people put their heart and souls into getting this gear, but now, someone who just hit 60 a day or two ago, has the exact same gear as these people who had tier 2-3, and just hit outlands. It's pathetic. (No I don't have the tier gear like them, I just see the flaw in it)
I would turn Battlegrounds into something along the lines of playing a marine commander in Natural Selection. Basically, one person in the Battlegrounds, who would "sign-up" for being the commander (the commander would be picked by rank, kind of how Battlefield 2 does it, anyone can sign up to be commander, but whoever has the highest battle rank gets it; experience gains you the position) and would have an overhead Real-Time Strategy view of the field. From here, they would be able to view how the teams are spread out, and would be able to issue orders to players. Each group could be a team, and commands could be issued per team, so battlegrounds would be organized, and just not the chaos it is now. They were designed to be played with strategy, but the only strategy I see most of the time is "Zerg".
I'm sure there is more I would do, but these are the biggest flaws I see in the system as it sits. Everything else is pretty bearable at the moment.
2. Buy Guild Wars
3. Use tripe internet meme to be a smart ass.
4. ???
5. PROFIT!!!
Guild Wars is still an MMO.
2.) More challenging leveling process
3.) Bigger world
4.) Less 5 year olds
besides that its a doing good the way its done
you might spice it with some extra-content
but you dont really need to fix it
for some people wow is just perfect
just becouse there is an opposition it doenst mean that it needs to be fixed
there is always opposition anyway
Pi*1337/100 = 42
Remember that WoW BC also have brought something very special into the end-game for casuals. Heroic Mode.
While the instances themself have already become way more casual, most of the end-game instances are still for 25-man raids, if not for Heroic Mode.
When you reach level 70 you can do a quest or become revered with a faction (dont know how yet) and then put the instance to Heroic meaning that all the mobs and bosses rise in difficulty so that level 70 casuals are going to need skill instead of time. As far as i know, all 5-man instances in outland can be set to this difficulty in level 70 once you have met the requirements.
And please go away with the GW bullshit, thats not the subject here.