Anyone know how the 3 day head start thing works? I ordered online from Ebgames tonight. Do I just wait for an email? There was no Info about it.
After doing some searching I learned that you basically need a preorder box for a guarenteed 3-day head start. Which people have who went into a store and got one. What about online? I know Gamestop is giving away keys via email but, what about EBgames? Has anyone gotten a key via email when they purchased online? I have only seen one person say they got a key from EBgames but it wasn't clear enough. He never said if he ordered online or not.
I tried canceling my order from EBgames but couldn't find an option too... so I'm basically SOL unless someone can shed some light on it. My only option is to go down to EBgames and tell them I purchased online and to give me a box :P
Though we did just find out for some odd reason that our release date is the 22nd of Feb
Don't know how that ties in with the 3 day 'get in early key' ;}
I can't understand why they aren't doing a worldwide release at once for all countries, instead of these staggered releases. I thought they were a thing of the past.
the shops in belgium don't even have a release dat for it. In asked in the game mania stores to preorder the game. But they even havent heard of the game yet???? So my only option was to buy it via soe allthough i would have wanted the more expensive version
Oh well, i'm playing it so i can't complain.
You've successfully registered for Vanguard beta and consumed a Vanguard beta key.
It never asked me to enter my account key that came on the card. Should I be worried? Or is this how it works? It only said what I wrote, + blah, blah, download beta here.
Any Ideas?
As for people that live in other countries where this game is not coming out retail on the 30th. Just buy it online through SOE. While you won't get a physical box, you will still be able to play on the 30th when it goes live, at least.
Anyway, I tried doing it with a new account and got to a page where it asked me to enter my beta key or preorder key. I than proceeded to copy the link and sign into my older account (The one I want it on) and than entered it. I got the same congratulations message as I did before. So I'm not sure if it worked or not.
The newer account, the dummy one, now has Vanguard under it's subscriptions. I believe it signed me up for the beta when entering my information etc etc. My older account already had Vanguard under it's subscriptions well before I even got the preorder box and key.
I did not receive any email from both email addresses that I used to sign up. Am I suppose to receive an email? I'm not sure which account is flagged for my 3 day head start, if any even are.
This is a big pain in the ass.