I've been looking around for an RPG to play, and i recently considered FFXI. I've looked up all kinds information on it, classes, races, gameplay, graphics, battle system, etc. And I'm almost positive i'm gonna get FFXI. I've had experience with other RPG's like Guildwars and Diablo 2. But from experience, there's a lot of rude and immature people on those games, and the constant racial slurrs and dropping of nerd-terms like "Noob" and the countless other ways to type it .... "newb, nub, n00b" has made me second guess getting FFXI. I just want to know before i get this game, what the atmosphere and people are like, when you're playing? I've read all about how it can be hard to get groups and what not, but aside from the gameplay itself, do FFXI players tend to be more helpful, mature and understanding of other players, whether they be veteran players or new ones? I've seen from watching my friends play online games, that more often than not, people just aren't very nice or accepting of new players, and being understanding in the fact that we are new and need time to get used to the game. I'm a friendly, reserved person, and i don't trash on people for dying or making mistakes, i just like to have fun. I love the idea of community, I like meeting new people to play with from around the world so i'd like to get a game where i feel that i can get help if needed and if i ask something like "where is (NPC Name, Shop, etc.) located ?" i won't be hounded with messages calling me "noob" and degrading me, just for asking a question. I don't want to be stressed out and upset while playing a game, which for me is relaxing and a release from working construction, where everyone's barking at everyone all day.
I hope i have expressed myself clearly, and personal feedback from your own experience is what i'd like to see before i make a decision.
I found FFXI community the best out there. Not like WoWs where you have kids goofing off or Guild Wars with its constant beggers. Its all in all a very mature community. I met some great friends in FFXI. Though I dont play it anymore I had the best experience with an mmo I could possibly imagine. The reason for its lovely community is that the game is far more complex so you want have your average kid playing it. Its far too much for them to take in. Its group based leveling can get a little extreme but for the most part I loved it. You get to know a lot of people by grouping so much and usually you group up with the same people so you form great friendships. I never wanted to quit FFXI because you get sucked right into the world it was just that good, but sadly school/work plus FFXI got to much. I still have memories of leveling with people I met in the world of FFXI, it was truly a pleasure to play. You will be helped no matter what questions you have. No noob calling that i remember. Hope you try it out!
I just got an e-mail saying someone replied ( you )
Thanks for sharing your experience, that's just what i wanted to hear. And another question came to me earlier, how do you pay for it, i've heard only credit card..?
Thanks again for responding, people like you that take the time to give personal insights is what makes the gaming world a better place.
Yea the only way to pay is a credit or debit card which is too bad. You wont have a hard time finding great people on this game to help you along the way. Of all the online games I have played this is by far the best community of all. Hope you enjoy the game cya around
Thanks for your help. I still can't decide if i want to get it or not. i should anyways just to try it out for the free 30 days. can't hurt to try i guess.
Well I guess the biggest question you need to ask yourself is if you have enough time to play this game. This is one of the more demanding MMO's as far as time comsumption goes. If you are one of those players who just enjoys the online atmosphere then give it a shot its a great game but then again I believe that the community in any online world makes or breaks the game the game but thats just my opinion
I've played more than a few MMOs and I have to say that FFXi is by far the best one yet. I agree that it is very time consuming but at least it provides you with a variety of different things to do no matter what level your character is. Not like WoW for example where, when you reach the highest possible level (which can be done in less than a week without problem) you will find yourself doing the same thing week after week. The atmosphere in general is alot more mature than any of the other games I played as well.
well yea you will but most of these places are really big so you will spend a lot of time runnign to these places. Besides that it takes a long time to get out of the first few places cuz of all the Job changes that happen right away. But once you get your adv job to 30+ it gets so much more exciting/fun.
Alright, here comes a long post (I think).. I've played FFXI for about 3yrs and 1/2 on Fairy surver before I quit the game for good... From my experience and time put apon it, I had a blast playing the game.. All the people i've met and experience with online in the game was pretty interesting and gotta say it was hella alot of fun.. But, this game requires alot of time and effort put upon it. There are times where you will feel that "F*** i'm gonna just quit this F***** game" and times where "damn i feel pretty damn good that i got that shit done" days. because, this game requires ALOT OF TIME.. where i mean ALOT OF TIME I mean hours upon hours to get things done. Because, 90% of the time in this game requires you to party up with people to get things finished unless you know people in the game that are high lvl enough to get the things you want to acomplish.. There isnt anything in this game that will take mins to finish because everything you need to get done is required a party to finish it, such as doing missions and certain quest..
Now if you are planing on playing this game, It will take you about a Year to get to the cap lvl which is lvl 75 on any job. Cept for bard, white mage, black mage, red mage and I think corsairs also lvl up pretty quickly but even it will still take almost a year to still lvl these jobs to lvl 75 because @ certain lvls there will be a cap to it.. @ lvl 50 you will need to do a mission that is required to do which is called "genkai" which will up the lvl cap to 55. then @ lvl 55 you are required to do genkai 2 then 60, 65 then 70 which is the hardest to finish for certain jobs... Doing all this will require lots of time and effort to be done.. This game isn't like WoW where you can get to the lvl cap in a matter of weeks, this is a game which will require lots of time and effort to get shit done because when i was still playing... From my experience took me about 1yr to get to lvl 75pld, 5-8 months to get everything for my pld (gear wise and weapon lvl caps). 5months or so to lvl Ninja to lvl 75.. and then on till i quit took me like a yr to get everything for ninja (which is full god armor, and certain gear).. Oh ya i forgot to mention, to get all these gear that i've got and accomplish requires you to join a good Linkshell (which is aka a guild) to get things done.. So I recomend you or any1 that wants to get into a good one is. DON'T DO STUPID SHIT in the game that will make your repuation go to shit..
Now for the community of people you will meet in this game.. The community all depends on which surver you join in even though every surver has its group of assholes.. But, even though i was in the fairy surver I do not recommend you to join that surver because there are certain people in the game that will make your gaming experience a living shit.. These people are "Kinesis, Poof and Thunderblaze". These people are pretty much famous among the fairy community.. If you don't believe me, read this thread about kinesis and I'm pretty sure poof is involved in it as well. (http://ffxi.killvoid.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=144871). I'm not sure about the other survers but I know that this surver has these idiots in it that will ruin your game experience if you came across these dumbasses.. But other then that, like what people has said, there is alot of great people in FFXI that you will meet and enjoy playing with.. Even yet become best friends with.
Now to finish it off, my overall rating of this game is a 10/10 and by far the best mmorpg you will most probably play.. The game is worth the monthly payments because its an addictive game and will probably ruin your real life soical life because when i used to play it I couldn't get off my seat because It was just that good of a game.. So if you are planing on playing this game, play it and enjoy it because it will take a lifetime to get everything done in this game..
IF you have any question, just pm me and i'll gladly answer it.
This is a good game, what you need to do as you started this game is to explore. Let the game flow through you if you know what that means. If you are a final fantasy fan then this game is for you. Understand that this game is hard but rewarding for the community is in top shape.
I have been playing this game for around 6-8 months after a guy i was training in work told me about it and all i can say is
This game is a whole lot of fun, i was lucky when i started as i got a substantial amount of seed money to start off with and then found a brilliant LS that i have yet to leave, the social aspect of the game is something i love and yes you do get a few idiots but they generally tend to get put on Blacklist
I have yet to enter several areas and after 6-8 months have got my main to 45 RDM, BLU 23 WHM27 BLM 23 and various jobs, i love leveling and i have to say the only problem i have with this is sometimes hanging around waiting for parties to form, this is a problem at lower levels but once you hit 30 and leave whats known as N00b territory (this is meant affectionatly...Mostly!!) you start getting lots more invites, WHM (white Mage) will always get invites cos everyone loves a healer
All i can say is try it out, you will enjoy it if its the type of game you love to play and there are constant updates going on, People are alwasy willing to help out and get a good LS and you are sorted
One thing tho is check out the websites and read the forums for starters as for example Mithra and taru starting in Windy gain a bonus item
Galka and hume in Bastok and Elvaan in Sandoria also gain their respective items
forgot to add that in my post lol.. ya depending on the race you are also depends on which nation you ally too.. like the guy above me said, mithras or aka manthras lol and tarus are windurst people because there magic affiliated people.. when you ally with them, you get a windurstian ring ( good for starter mages).. and for hume and galka they are bastok... and elvaan (the best race ever because i was one XD) are sandorian peeps..
Its good to know this info because you get a good starter ring that will stay with you forever!!
I've been looking around for an RPG to play, and i recently considered FFXI. I've looked up all kinds information on it, classes, races, gameplay, graphics, battle system, etc. And I'm almost positive i'm gonna get FFXI. I've had experience with other RPG's like Guildwars and Diablo 2. But from experience, there's a lot of rude and immature people on those games, and the constant racial slurrs and dropping of nerd-terms like "Noob" and the countless other ways to type it .... "newb, nub, n00b" has made me second guess getting FFXI. I just want to know before i get this game, what the atmosphere and people are like, when you're playing? I've read all about how it can be hard to get groups and what not, but aside from the gameplay itself, do FFXI players tend to be more helpful, mature and understanding of other players, whether they be veteran players or new ones? I've seen from watching my friends play online games, that more often than not, people just aren't very nice or accepting of new players, and being understanding in the fact that we are new and need time to get used to the game. I'm a friendly, reserved person, and i don't trash on people for dying or making mistakes, i just like to have fun. I love the idea of community, I like meeting new people to play with from around the world so i'd like to get a game where i feel that i can get help if needed and if i ask something like "where is (NPC Name, Shop, etc.) located ?" i won't be hounded with messages calling me "noob" and degrading me, just for asking a question. I don't want to be stressed out and upset while playing a game, which for me is relaxing and a release from working construction, where everyone's barking at everyone all day.
I hope i have expressed myself clearly, and personal feedback from your own experience is what i'd like to see before i make a decision.
Thank you,
Thanks for sharing your experience, that's just what i wanted to hear. And another question came to me earlier, how do you pay for it, i've heard only credit card..?
Thanks again for responding, people like you that take the time to give personal insights is what makes the gaming world a better place.
But my heart lies in Vana'diel.
Alright, here comes a long post (I think).. I've played FFXI for about 3yrs and 1/2 on Fairy surver before I quit the game for good... From my experience and time put apon it, I had a blast playing the game.. All the people i've met and experience with online in the game was pretty interesting and gotta say it was hella alot of fun.. But, this game requires alot of time and effort put upon it. There are times where you will feel that "F*** i'm gonna just quit this F***** game" and times where "damn i feel pretty damn good that i got that shit done" days. because, this game requires ALOT OF TIME.. where i mean ALOT OF TIME I mean hours upon hours to get things done. Because, 90% of the time in this game requires you to party up with people to get things finished unless you know people in the game that are high lvl enough to get the things you want to acomplish.. There isnt anything in this game that will take mins to finish because everything you need to get done is required a party to finish it, such as doing missions and certain quest..
Now if you are planing on playing this game, It will take you about a Year to get to the cap lvl which is lvl 75 on any job. Cept for bard, white mage, black mage, red mage and I think corsairs also lvl up pretty quickly but even it will still take almost a year to still lvl these jobs to lvl 75 because @ certain lvls there will be a cap to it.. @ lvl 50 you will need to do a mission that is required to do which is called "genkai" which will up the lvl cap to 55. then @ lvl 55 you are required to do genkai 2 then 60, 65 then 70 which is the hardest to finish for certain jobs... Doing all this will require lots of time and effort to be done.. This game isn't like WoW where you can get to the lvl cap in a matter of weeks, this is a game which will require lots of time and effort to get shit done because when i was still playing... From my experience took me about 1yr to get to lvl 75pld, 5-8 months to get everything for my pld (gear wise and weapon lvl caps). 5months or so to lvl Ninja to lvl 75.. and then on till i quit took me like a yr to get everything for ninja (which is full god armor, and certain gear).. Oh ya i forgot to mention, to get all these gear that i've got and accomplish requires you to join a good Linkshell (which is aka a guild) to get things done.. So I recomend you or any1 that wants to get into a good one is. DON'T DO STUPID SHIT in the game that will make your repuation go to shit..
Now for the community of people you will meet in this game.. The community all depends on which surver you join in even though every surver has its group of assholes.. But, even though i was in the fairy surver I do not recommend you to join that surver because there are certain people in the game that will make your gaming experience a living shit.. These people are "Kinesis, Poof and Thunderblaze". These people are pretty much famous among the fairy community.. If you don't believe me, read this thread about kinesis and I'm pretty sure poof is involved in it as well. (http://ffxi.killvoid.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=144871). I'm not sure about the other survers but I know that this surver has these idiots in it that will ruin your game experience if you came across these dumbasses.. But other then that, like what people has said, there is alot of great people in FFXI that you will meet and enjoy playing with.. Even yet become best friends with.
Now to finish it off, my overall rating of this game is a 10/10 and by far the best mmorpg you will most probably play.. The game is worth the monthly payments because its an addictive game and will probably ruin your real life soical life because when i used to play it I couldn't get off my seat because It was just that good of a game.. So if you are planing on playing this game, play it and enjoy it because it will take a lifetime to get everything done in this game..
IF you have any question, just pm me and i'll gladly answer it.
I have been playing this game for around 6-8 months after a guy i was training in work told me about it and all i can say is
This game is a whole lot of fun, i was lucky when i started as i got a substantial amount of seed money to start off with and then found a brilliant LS that i have yet to leave, the social aspect of the game is something i love and yes you do get a few idiots but they generally tend to get put on Blacklist
I have yet to enter several areas and after 6-8 months have got my main to 45 RDM, BLU 23 WHM27 BLM 23 and various jobs, i love leveling and i have to say the only problem i have with this is sometimes hanging around waiting for parties to form, this is a problem at lower levels but once you hit 30 and leave whats known as N00b territory (this is meant affectionatly...Mostly!!) you start getting lots more invites, WHM (white Mage) will always get invites cos everyone loves a healer
All i can say is try it out, you will enjoy it if its the type of game you love to play and there are constant updates going on, People are alwasy willing to help out and get a good LS and you are sorted
One thing tho is check out the websites and read the forums for starters as for example Mithra and taru starting in Windy gain a bonus item
Galka and hume in Bastok and Elvaan in Sandoria also gain their respective items
forgot to add that in my post lol.. ya depending on the race you are also depends on which nation you ally too.. like the guy above me said, mithras or aka manthras lol and tarus are windurst people because there magic affiliated people.. when you ally with them, you get a windurstian ring ( good for starter mages).. and for hume and galka they are bastok... and elvaan (the best race ever because i was one XD) are sandorian peeps..
Its good to know this info because you get a good starter ring that will stay with you forever!!