Next patch 17.1 fc is nerfing away bio cocoon lol. Goodbye to more of your paying customers fc that enjoy pvp. Since the nt class caused this i pity anyone playing one after this patch goes live lol. All nts look forward to being shunned by the in game community.
"There was no alternative to this change once people started not raising their Body dev deliberately (items we can modify but we cant force people to put IP into Body Dev ). yes it will reduce effectiveness in PvP slightly, we realise that fully. We will of course monitor the overall effect, but this change was necessary to prevent these almost invulnerable builds."
Note he says "invulnerable builds". There are large imbalances in PvP from some classes, and part of that is being addressed here. Low HP setups are now a thing of the past, as are absorbs that are too powerful. It's a step in the right direction, trying to balance things out. If you played an uber class that got "balanced" by the patch, cry or whine all you want. The fact is, balance is good, imbalance is what truly makes people leave.
As for NTs being shunned by the community: they already have been for the last five years. I play an NT as my main, and all the NTs I know are alts. There isn't one person I can think of that plays one as their main. NTs need love so bad to bring them back to a "main profession" it isn't funny. FC also needs to make up for the lack of love and poor gameplay for the last five years for the class, so expect more of the same in the future, I think.
Cancel your account over that if you want that will be one less ignorant in AO.
edit: I just thought of something, tell me the class of your main. When you do my friends and i will find an exploit on another class in game and use it to death and when fc decides to fix it i'll be sure to tell fc to nerf your main's class. After all you should pay for others mistakes thats only fair in the eyes of funcom lol.
Its not a nerf, its a wide bug and balance fix.
That's actually good news, less people that think imbalance in PvP is a good thing. Enjoy your time away.
By the way, NTs weren't the only ones exploiting the low HP, but they were the easiest to do it with. And since this change brings more BALANCE to PvP as a whole in AO, it's a good change. Sorry you don't see that, and are blinded by the "I'm no longer ultra-uber" in PvP thing.
It's probably the same way low-HP setups would have felt if they had been allowed to remain as they were for five years. Gods in PvP, then reduced to a more balanced and fair role by a change to the mechanics. People would scream, not realizing they had it GOOD for all that time, and should have been nerfed into balance long ago.
It's truly amazing how people don't see this. Or know it and still try to fight it. It's ignorant, and selfish. And anyone fighting for it leaving the game has my blessing.
As for the nuclear bomb dropping comparison, this change wont kill anyone and prevent them from logging in a radioactive server for the next centuries. If something kills the game, which imo is already dieing, it wont be because of 1 small change like that, contentless 30$ expansion will more likely do the job.
They saw a change to the way layers work would not only correct an exploit going on, but HELP to balance PvP across the board for many overpowered professions there. So instead of "nerfing" one profession, they "nerfed" the way a particular advantage works for multiple classes, and brought greater balance overall.
If you can't see that, go get some Windex and clean off the old glasses friend. Everyone pays the same, everyone should have nearly the same fun in-game, and not constantly be a target or on the loosing side. Balance across the board is a GOOD thing. FC saw an opportunity to introduce more of it, and did so.
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
Fantasy from reality? Your the one who said improving the game was unethical and wrong just because they havent explicitly stated it in the PRELIMINARY patch notes. Its a good thing you dont do buisness with them anymore you obviously are the kind of people I wouldnt want to deal with if I ever decide to play again. Its not a nerf for once they improved the game! Dont bother looking for post where I disagree with Funcom in the future, you could just check past post and see I disagree with most of the time, but in this case its just a great change I cant whine about that.
The AO forums are full of clueless whiners fanbois so arguing with people like that is hopeless. I know most vets agree with the change, I read a few page of the thread your talking about and the whiners were mostly noobs and RPers. We might finally be able to see who are the good advys/keepers even tho evades are still overpowered.
Sorry again for your lvl 150 cocoon character but if you end up still playing good luck with the adaptation.
I can certainly say that this is a good change by Funcom... I've played the game since beta of it's original release.
This change will help bring better balance to PvP, although several other changes are still needed (namely Aimed Shot/Evades). There are a few rants on this topic on different boards including those on the official website, but honestly all the ranters are people whom may not be playing in God Mode in PvP soon.
This will not only get rid of an exploit, but the change also helps balance PvP both at a high end (so called 'lovechild' professions) and at a low level end (where the Layers/HoT/ Low HP tactic have been used for years).
Much of the community is excited about this change and I've seen posts on the official forums where some people are coming back as a result.
Also, take the original poster with a grain of salt, because as he admitted himself, he had already cancelled his account before this change.