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EVE Online: New Combat Features Interview



  • DrAtomicDrAtomic Member Posts: 281

    Originally posted by bawldeux

    1----->>>>I find the direction they are forcing all to take is not worth it.

    2----->>>>The game is supposed to be fun, and I do not find fun in the act of ruining the game for others by destroying what it takes weeks if not  months to build, in a few seconds...i.e. violence and grief towards others players is all that is left to do in the game, there is no other way to play it now...not what  they advertise, "choose your own path, free form professions.." what a bunch of b-s.

    3----->>>>30kish after 3 years...HAH, pathetic performance for a company....lets see what spin they can put on that fact.

    Sjeesh, I'm pretty harsh on the game myself but if you are gonna bash do it on facts that weren't pulled from a dark exit place in someones pants.... At least get your facts straight.

    1. Aaaaah, so you are saying they changed too much and that you can't handle the change.

    2. Eurhm, totally incorrect. You can be whatever you want (if training wouldnt take so bleeding long when you decide to change professions). EvE is a PvP game, full-on. The tutorial even teaches you that you are nowhere safe. Which ever profession you choose, personal security is something you should always take into account. If you played since beta you should have been more then aware of that. Sounds to me you took a risk, got ganked hard and are now bashing the game for your gameplay mistake.

    3. Dude... How many people does WoW accomedate in one world? 3000? So does Daoc and many others. EvE is truly one world. It holds more then 11 times what one server in any other MMORPG normally holds. No what server are you playing on bullshit, if you play EvE you are all in the same world as how all MMORPGS should be. 170k subscribers makes EvE THE leading Sci-Fi MMORPG, beating renowned ips like and the Matrix. 170K subs is a very very healthy number which would make many other MMORPG companies jealous.

  • LordNLordN Member Posts: 6
    Just to avoid misunderstandings about  "lag", Fleet combat lags still like crazy and is simply unplayable.. not to mention pos-warfare is unplayable. Rest is playable I think.. haven't done missions in empire in ages so not sure if it has still crash to desktop and lag problems outside market hubs like Jita system.
  • DrAtomicDrAtomic Member Posts: 281
    Originally posted by LordN

    Just to avoid misunderstandings about  "lag", Fleet combat lags still like crazy and is simply unplayable.. not to mention pos-warfare is unplayable. Rest is playable I think.. haven't done missions in empire in ages so not sure if it has still crash to desktop and lag problems outside market hubs like Jita system.

    Correct. huge bubble camps can be a problem as well (client sided overview load lag).
  • DrAtomicDrAtomic Member Posts: 281
    Originally posted by bawldeux

    1) as shown by the interview, devs lie. (lag and other bugs are rampet throughout the game...and they say it is 'ok') hell their own forums have yet to fix the "!" avatar issue, that has been there for over a year...but no, there are no problems, all is 'ok'....

    It has been fixed...
  • hyperforcehyperforce Member Posts: 8

    bawldeux there are 3 types of 'LAG' in EVE game

    Lag due to server capacity overload. (the main cause of server crashes and slow ping)

    Lag due to CPU Calculations (the main cause of fleets giving players slow FPS)

    Graphical Lag (FPS drops due to an overload of graphics to render. (this builds on the CPU lag)


    Server lag is constantly being adressed by decreasing player hubs and missions hubs, changing server nodes to other systems, rebalancing server information (like bookmark abuse and gang jumps) this last thing will be heavily adressed in KALI 3 where the new ENGINE Trinity || will be released. here the data communication will be optimized greatly making data handeling the server <-> client DATA streams a lot lighter.

    Also Server lag caused by players... if a group of players starts to do dodgy things, yes that can indeed cause lag. but this is called misuse of game mechanics and can result in a ban from the game.

    CPU Calculations are greatly apperent during pos battles and sieges, as was adressed last Fanfest, this is greatly due to calculations that aren't even needed or noticed by the user. if a ship shoots another ship or object it has to calculate the direction of the beam everytime it fires, completes a cycle or is turned on. this has to be done for every hitlocation on a ship or object and if there are 2000 guns, drones and modules fireing around that can quickly add up. The strain can be greatly reduced by making these hitlocations and calculations work only when you can actually see they're effect, any calculations that can not be seen due to looking direction or range (LOD) will not be calculated or simplified). Trinity | was never build with such optimilisations in mind because at the time (before BETA) they where still trying to put togheter the engine.

    Graphics lag can be reduced due to improved data handelig and this will be adressed in Trinity || as well as changing this at the moment can only work so far.


    Besides, yes there will allways be people that abuse the GM positions to put in it they're own favor. this is the same on any other game or site or program with a GM feature. These people are if detected quickly fired and thrown out the door.



    Besides, this is a single server universe without sharding. 33000 players connecting to the same world is a record and sertainly something CCP can advertise with. you can not compare WoW with EVE. since the biggest Wow server i've seen so far is 20000 players big, and thats a SHARDED server.

    So before you go waving around the consperiousy theory flag do your homework. cause your surely not gaining any credibility by acting like a total hater.


  • MalthrosMalthros Member Posts: 239
    Originally posted by bawldeux

    Tomb is lie'ing out his fat arse.

    Lag is just as bad, but due to the lack or need for bm's, those exploiting the copying to have a few thousand bm's in their cargo hold, to induce lag, is not easy to excuse (as in, the exploiters get banned now). Why would I see lag with 15k online, then Tomb claims that when the 30k+ were online and the lag was freaking horrible in all the 18 systems I jumped into, that the server was trouble free...LIES LIES LIES.

    The 30k'ish number after 3 years???????? and the servers are not lag free, nor matter how many lies Tomb or any ccp propaganda drone can make up.

    The game is only hitting 30k players online after 3 + years, and only about 100k active accounts...while other games are in the MILLIONS of players online and 10's of millions subscribers..oh yes, CCP and their private sandbox sure as fsck isn't impressing me.

    in the truly successful games, the employees are not allowed to abuse the games mechanics to favor the group they play with...i.e. cheating via their special tools and inside knowledge. (having been a GM in two mmo's,  I know the successful companies do not allow staff to influence the outcome of the game as a participant taking sides, )

    To  improve the game, and achieve the numbers in the millions other games seem to achieve with ease, CCP needs to look at their 'sandbox', pull heads from their butts, and stop forcing violence on all the players (and allowing selective use of exploits as long as it makes the grief style players/corps/alliances happy, which the ccp staff have admitted to be a part of)...or they can settle for a very very very limited number of players,all that like to cheat, scam, lie, sell credits from the game on ebay (as well as characters, ships, other items...hell, some think it is ccp themselves selling those things on ebay because their subscription numbers just won't grow fast enough...)

    Ask why CCP allows players to buy loads of GTC's then sell them for isk in the matter how you look at it, CCP sells isk in their game. (isk = in game credits). With twisted logic and morals, who can say CCP is not selling things on EBAY just to fatten their wallets.

    I was happy to play for a bit, put up with a few bugs, even a bit of lag here and there....but when the staff of the company running the game, lie, use their powers to help their pet corps and pet players, while fsking over other paying customers, then I draw the line, and have canceled my 3 accounts. (been with the game since it was in beta, hoping CCP would pull head from arse...tired of waiting)

    CCP = lies

    CCP = encourage grief  play

    CCP = censor happy goons (see how fast anything that isn't a fanboi post on their forums, is removed, threads vanish, and the threats run rampet from their 'staff'. you don't have to violate a forum rule, you just have a negative comment about ccp or their game and poof, your post vanishes...can't have bad opinions in their own forums...people might see it and think the game has issues...)

    goodby to CCP, they can kiss my fsking arse, and use their tounge to clean my bunghole.

    btw, out of 15 people I got to try the game, none stayed...having been griefed out of the game within a back to the other mmo's we go (     )*(     ) <--plant your lips here ccp!

    The person that turned me onto the game quit for the same reasons I am after 3 years...too many lies and the encouragement from ccp to be grief players (not wars, just pure fsking grief play)

    Looking for a 'good' game, then look to FF series, or even WoW, just steer clear of grief play based games like Eve-online.

    so CCP, go get your clubs, bash some baby seals to death while on coffee break, slaughter some whales, and then back to the fun of your little sandbox, minus 17 players (Iceland pasttimes, wonder if those two things influenced the CCP staff to enjoy senseless grief style play...nothing like killing those that are unable to defend themselves huh???)

    Your stupidity (oh and racism), is so staggering that I don't know where to begin.

    I laugh at your claim you have been a GM on TWO MMOs, when you act like such a stupid child.  If you were a GM, I'd be surprised if you weren't fired from both jobs for your attitude.

    Please do the world a favor and shut up, you don't like CCP, you are a carebear whose friends were 'griefed' out of the game (I bet they got pirated once, petitioned, cried that the GMs didn't ban the pirates, and quit) and you are a co0mplete pansy without question.

    But yes, go play FF11, let me know when you get that party assembled.  5 hours of grouping for 5 minutes of exploring, awesome.  Or maybe some WoW, where you can now gain 10 more levels, people who spent hundreds if not thousands of hours gaining epic sets, have had their time invalidated because more common higher level blues are better now due to the level increase, and where a 200 person melee would crash the server.

    If numbers dictate Quality, then Christina Agulera(sp) is a better singer than any Opera singer in known history, and Wal-Mart sells the best products in the world.

    You are so stupid that reading your post causes a person's IQ to drop.
  • MalthrosMalthros Member Posts: 239
    Originally posted by bawldeux

    1) as shown by the interview, devs lie. (lag and other bugs are rampet throughout the game...and they say it is 'ok') hell their own forums have yet to fix the "!" avatar issue, that has been there for over a year...but no, there are no problems, all is 'ok'....

    2) players only know of those times we actualy had many times was this done and never caught by players? (dev mentioned below, said they know there were more instances, but they don't monitor their own people)

    3) you failed to read the content and missed that part....patience, I liked parts of the game enough to over look other aspects that were wanting...until a member of ccp staff admitted to me that they did in fact actively played with intent to destroy what we had built, all due to a dislike towards a few members in our group...that quit the game due to the grief they were subjected too...that was the decision maker to QUIT.

    Point is, in case you missed it, that ccp lies to the public and their own playerbase.

    1.  Lag is better, no dev has ever said is is GONE, they have said it has improved, and it has.  In the time it takes you to fly through jita while browsing the market today, you'd still be loading at the gate a year ago.

    2.  In the instance not long ago where a officer fitted scorpion was destroyed, a CCP staff member stated that every action by a CCP member, in game, is logged.  Old text MUDs do this, you'd be a moron to think an MMO doesn't (and the fact you think CCP doesn't police its people further proves you lied about being a GM on other MMOs, but you are ignorant enough to think CCP is evil and wouldn't do it).

    3.  This is where you prove it with the evidence that you must have clearly seen.  If you are condemning CCP for playing the game with normal character, fighting in corp wars, or perhaps pirating, and you consider this to be such a travesty, then you've clearly never known the inner workings of Blizzard or SOE.  No MMO company in existence bars or restricts the play of its employees in ways different to other players.

    edit:  Also, ISD are policed just as the GMS are.  You can find a post by Nebulai in the EVE forums, where he states just who can spawn objects, and the fact that CCP audits every single item and ISK they give, and who it goes to, and for what.
  • XyangXyang Member Posts: 216
    Originally posted by Ahotare

    To poster above:

    Not to say you are wrong, but:

    Practically every PvP game I have heard of, from UO onwards and including FPS games have the issues you mention.

    Your post clearly is hostile in tone, and thus is not one to be taken seriously without some data to back it up.

    Can't you just feel the love?
    I believe to the contrary that a game must really be aweful, for someone to take his precious time and come here to tell us how EvE and the company that is running it is bad. If it would be just "so so", he prolly wouldn't bother.

    What deserves to be done, deserves to be "well" done...

  • ArekaineArekaine Member Posts: 72
    Reguardless of how big and bad they make thier servers. There is always going to be lag pending on the players own personal system. If you are only using 1 gig of RAM. Then that's all your computer is going to run at. Am looking forward to the new bombs. Being a bomber pilot  I have always thought the bombers needed a tab bit more intention are were very very limited in thier role. The formations, while maybe not entirely needed. Will look so awesome it makes me want to PUKE lol. I have always thought that would make the game so much better is to have that little fuction. I am really looking forward to it. Good job CCP, been playing for a year now and expect to be playing as long as the game is around

    There is a Madness that has grown in the Light. And it is coming to burn you a cinder

  • LordSlaterLordSlater Member Posts: 2,087
    Originally posted by Xyang

    Originally posted by Ahotare

    To poster above:

    Not to say you are wrong, but:

    Practically every PvP game I have heard of, from UO onwards and including FPS games have the issues you mention.

    Your post clearly is hostile in tone, and thus is not one to be taken seriously without some data to back it up.

    Can't you just feel the love?
    I believe to the contrary that a game must really be aweful, for someone to take his precious time and come here to tell us how EvE and the company that is running it is bad. If it would be just "so so", he prolly wouldn't bother.

    Then i take it WoW must be pretty bad then as its had plenty of such posts too.



  • b0rderline99b0rderline99 Member Posts: 1,441

    i was hoping for something more major, like "We are making combat twitch based"

    then i would most likely play

  • ViramorViramor Member Posts: 68

    I don't think EVE could ever be twitch based, at least not with current technology, it would just be far too demanding on hardware.

  • -Rodriguez--Rodriguez- Member Posts: 151
    Originally posted by bawldeux

    Ask why CCP allows players to buy loads of GTC's then sell them for isk in the matter how you look at it, CCP sells isk in their game. (isk = in game credits). With twisted logic and morals, who can say CCP is not selling things on EBAY just to fatten their wallets.

    Hahaha great post! You really make yourself look like an ass.

    Check out the next part:

    ... and have canceled my 3 accounts. (been with the game since it was in beta, hoping CCP would pull head from arse...tired of waiting)

    Sooo, you dislike people why buy isk but you buy yourself a huge advantage with RL cash with your 3 accounts...

  • TheKronosTheKronos Member Posts: 2

    This is my third year in eve. After 6 months of PVE, I never did something else than PvP.

    I'm witness of what CCP did well recently :

    • They improved greatly the lag by removing bookmarks
    • New gang system is awesome, organized fleet by ship class helps you to manage gang bonus and remote tanks (as healers)
    • New content is amazing : new cosmos missions, exploration, mini-professions (hacking, archeology, salvaging...)
    • As usual, more ships : new great battleship class
    • New business capabilities with "Invention" that permit players to invent high technology level modules and ships

    More important is that, as a 100% pvp player, I rarely have lag issues, even in fleet battles (200 players in same grid). CCP continualy upgrade hardware (no doubt the best hardware on the world). Eve online is no doubt the best balanced game, ships classes, races etc...

    Community, politics, game events, market, industry, combats, pve are awesome. And they still making more and more... New 3D engine, walking in stations, conquering planets...

    TomB is 100% thruth.

    Keep the good work CCP

    /[DICE] Fire Hawk

  • -Rodriguez--Rodriguez- Member Posts: 151
    Originally posted by TheKronos

     Eve online is no doubt the best balanced game, ships classes, races etc...
    *cough*  Caldari  *cough*

    Well, besides that, I agree its a very good game.
  • LeJohnLeJohn Member Posts: 313

    Ok after reading every post,

    1. The DEVs do play but they limit themselves to a point. Now There is a diffrence between a GM,  a bughunter and a DEV. There are no DEV GMs or Bughunters.

    Theys do however have special equipment and wetwear (inplants) which is clearly marked that if you are not one of the 3 and are caught with it you will be banned.   They have access to Jove ships which are not much better than the new T2 ships and the wetwear is +4 to all related slot atributes. While this is a great advantage over players with out wetwear any player with a complete set, say a halo or slave 1 thru 6 actually has better buffs.

    Not all of the DEVs are Prats, only six have admitted to it while the rest are considered carebears (mining bisk in a titan carebears).

    2. Does CCP lie, duh... where you been?  They are no diffrent from any other seller, yes that are trying to sell a product so will only hit the high points and ignore the problems. I have no problem with CCP lying about EVE, I do have a problem with the Fanboi's regurgatating the lies.

    3. Lag, yes there is lag and truth be told if you play on line you should expect it. Now that problem with the lag is not that there is lag but that the lag (most of it) is server side not client side. When you jump into a DS and are targeted by the NPCs you will lag until the server downloads all the info to your client.  This is a problem that CCP meeds to address and while it is getting better (I only loose 1-2 ships a month to lag now as opposed to loosing 1-2 ships a week to lag until late 05) it is no where near fixed. The real question is; Is the game unplayable becuse of the lag? That actually depends on the player, I was helping a new recruit through a lvl2 dead space mission and we both lost our destroyers to the jump in ontop of a spawn, lag,lag, lag and wake up in your pod when the lag stops. Since I build every T1 ship in the game 20 at a time we were back in ships and refitted with 5 min.  So for me the lag is a nusance but for a younger player loosing a ship can be devestating thus unplayable.

    4. What annoyes me about these type of interviews is that they are not real. You can tell that the questions are not from someone that actually has played EVE but instead is simply reading from que cards provided to them, read this as properganda.  This is no diffrent than an Infomercial where they are just selling a product but make it look like a newscast., next time you are going to do an interview I have some real questions to ask CCP

    1. Now that EVE has 30k players is it not time to end the Prat welfare program? (was put in place to force the 3k players to interact)

    2. What about the reverse engineering you have been talking about since 2003, is it coming or are you going to let the unballanced market continue?

    3. You are always saying that you want more people in low sec, are you going to reinstate the effects of crimanal flagging that was removed as part of the Prat welfare program?

    There is more but that would take someone that actually plays EVE to ask the hard questions.

  • MinscMinsc Member UncommonPosts: 1,353
    Originally posted by LeJohn

    Ok after reading every post,
    1. The DEVs do play but they limit themselves to a point. Now There is a diffrence between a GM,  a bughunter and a DEV. There are no DEV GMs or Bughunters.
    Theys do however have special equipment and wetwear (inplants) which is clearly marked that if you are not one of the 3 and are caught with it you will be banned.   They have access to Jove ships which are not much better than the new T2 ships and the wetwear is +4 to all related slot atributes. While this is a great advantage over players with out wetwear any player with a complete set, say a halo or slave 1 thru 6 actually has better buffs.

    You are referring to DEV ACCOUNTS, these are different from their PLAYER ACCOUNTS. DEV accounts are used mostly for forum posting and on the test server, Sharkbait is an exception as he will periodically show up in a jove ship to observe fleet battles and collect data. Beyond this you will NEVER see a DEV account being used on TQ. The devs have separate PLAYER accounts that are identical to what every other paying member uses in every way.
    Not all of the DEVs are Prats, only six have admitted to it while the rest are considered carebears (mining bisk in a titan carebears).
    2. Does CCP lie, duh... where you been?  They are no diffrent from any other seller, yes that are trying to sell a product so will only hit the high points and ignore the problems. I have no problem with CCP lying about EVE, I do have a problem with the Fanboi's regurgatating the lies.

    What lies? Please post examples.
    3. Lag, yes there is lag and truth be told if you play on line you should expect it. Now that problem with the lag is not that there is lag but that the lag (most of it) is server side not client side. When you jump into a DS and are targeted by the NPCs you will lag until the server downloads all the info to your client.  This is a problem that CCP meeds to address and while it is getting better (I only loose 1-2 ships a month to lag now as opposed to loosing 1-2 ships a week to lag until late 05) it is no where near fixed. The real question is; Is the game unplayable becuse of the lag? That actually depends on the player, I was helping a new recruit through a lvl2 dead space mission and we both lost our destroyers to the jump in ontop of a spawn, lag,lag, lag and wake up in your pod when the lag stops. Since I build every T1 ship in the game 20 at a time we were back in ships and refitted with 5 min.  So for me the lag is a nusance but for a younger player loosing a ship can be devestating thus unplayable.

    Actually the lag you described IS client side lag. It's graphic engine lag resulting from the engine not preloading data and instead loading it when you land at the gate/station/asteroid belt/deadspace location. That is what causes the screen to freeze up. Indications of server lag are when modules take a long time to activate or when you warp to a belt/DS area and ships/structures/asteroids and such don't show up for a minute or two. The graphic lag issue will be addressed with the graphics engine update as the DX9 engine will be capable of preloading data. The other issues should be lessened by them decreasing the number of NPC's in missions and increasing thier strength. In busy mission systems that will make a huge difference. They ARE working on reducing lag, but this stuff cannot just happen overnight, some of the changes they are making will require MONTHS of design before they can be sure it's not just going to make things worse or bring up other problems.
    4. What annoyes me about these type of interviews is that they are not real. You can tell that the questions are not from someone that actually has played EVE but instead is simply reading from que cards provided to them, read this as properganda.  This is no diffrent than an Infomercial where they are just selling a product but make it look like a newscast., next time you are going to do an interview I have some real questions to ask CCP
    1. Now that EVE has 30k players is it not time to end the Prat welfare program? (was put in place to force the 3k players to interact)

    What Prat welfare program?
    2. What about the reverse engineering you have been talking about since 2003, is it coming or are you going to let the unballanced market continue?

    Already been answered, invention the replacement and will lead to Tech 3. They are going to continue tweaking it to make it more worthwhile.
    3. You are always saying that you want more people in low sec, are you going to reinstate the effects of crimanal flagging that was removed as part of the Prat welfare program?

    Again what Prat welfare program are you talking about, flagging has become much better than it used to be and made it easier to go after lowsec pirates, what more do they need to do?
    There is more but that would take someone that actually plays EVE to ask the hard questions.
  • knomegnomeknomegnome Member Posts: 9
    While I don't agree with the absolute negative ranting about EVE, I too was a -deep- player (I was in a few very large alliances and got so far as to be responsible for tending moon gardens) and finally left for various reasons, some of which related to The Big Sigh I would put out whenever I came across some of these issues. By the way, EVE -is- a great game. There is a good reason they have had steady growth. They have limited themselves to biting off less so they can chew more. Anyhoo.....

    1) 25,000+ concurrent players? CCP is being deliberately devious about this number. The only elements of the system that actually work from a single contiguous server -system- is the trade system and chat system, etc. Essentially all the asynchronous parts of the game that are cheap to interconnect, cheap technically (CPU, bandwidth), etc. When you connect to EVE you are connecting through a network proxy system that moves your connection around from cluster to cluster depending on how many systems are served by a particular cluster. EVE is actually run on MANY servers. Saying they have 25,000+ concurrent users is 'not entirely true' but its 'not entirely false' either. You be the judge. Oh also the reason they can have so many in one place at a time at all is because their models and environment are very simplified, computationally, and they've tried to lever their 2D content to make up for it.

    2) Lag issues. Heh. Anyone whom has been in any serious hunting team in 0.0 knows all sorts of lag tricks. Such as the 'Through The Gate With Group' trick. Scout reports gate camp on Gate B. Hunting party of 30 peeps get on Gate A. Everybody jumps to Gate B. Then, on voice command, everyone warps to the commanded location (perhaps 100k off the sun, or something) If there is not a warp bubble (if there IS a bubble, you send a bubble breaker through first .. be it a sacrifice BS, destroyer, whatever) what happens is that nobody in the gate camp EVER SEES YOU MATERIALIZE. The lag is enough to make it so you are already in warp before their screen refreshes. It works really well with 50+ vessels. I could go on here for awhile on tricks... but you get the idea. You can also use this to 'attack the gate camp free' as well by ordering everyone to start their engines at the same time but you need good players for that one.

    3) Dev collusion with PvP alliances.  Most of the collusion I have seen evidence of has been passive, such as inside information collusion. Really hard to get caught at this one, but I've seen a number of 'coincidences' that all added up to something rotten in Denmark. Also, I have personally witnessed favoritism in the way of ship/equipment refunds given 'lag' problems (including a few dreadnoughts that were DEFINITELY not lagged when we killed them). And so on. None of this is taggable as cheating, or provable as 'offenses' really (I would have to have inside access to Eve-Mail. As it is I discovered some of this stuff through aliases given to me on Out Of Game team chat servers) but bias it certainly is. Now is it a big deal? Well, to most people it is not. Never affects them, in fact. However when your alliance is going head to head against a dev favorite, and you are whupping their tails.. then suddenly something odd happens.. that makes you go 'Hmmmm'. Especially when it happens more than 6 times. Of course, odds are that if you know about this, you are already IN the deep game because that's pretty much all who it affects. If you say you don't know about it you are either (a) with the devs favorite alliance(s) or (b) not in the game deep enough to have noticed.

    4) Time Commitment too large. To do ANYTHING in the deep game, except random hunting forays and loot gathering, you need to spend obscene amounts of time logged in. I am not saying you shouldn't have to put in some time.. but my god.. I had to spend several weekends coding scripts and using calendaring algorithms just to manage my moon garden. It was crazy. Mind you, thats HIGH end, however still.. couldn't I just set something up, set up a spreadsheet and timing appointments and check it from time to time? And hey guys.. why is it again that we cant have gun emplacements on gates and stations? Oh right. So we have to spend obscene amounts of time in game just protecting the things we had to spend obscene amounts of time in game to get in the first place.

    So thats 4 tidbits that I wanted to mention. Also, I don't know if you have noticed this, EVE players, but you probably noticed that 0.0 is very lightly populated? Well funny thing is that CCP envisioned that empire space would just be 'incubator' material (which is why agent missions are so repetitive) and that the 'natural

     course of player growth would be towards 0.0.

    Didn't turn out that way. CCP is still trying hard to kick people to the curb of 0.0 but so many players just want to be left alone to grind, mine, manufacture and trade that 0.0 looks like a vacuum by comparison. They keep trying to tweak the game so there will be a mass Exodus (Remember that expansion? That was supposed to get players into the deep black. Nope. Know why? Too tough.. too much time investment needed) but I don't think it will happen until they address the 'you are insta ganked' problem once you enter 0.0 without affiliation with the local ruffians. FYI alliances always assume neutrals are spies if they show up in alliance controlled space and so folks have standing orders to terminate neutrals with extreme prejudice.

    So, if you haven't played EVE, I recommend it, believe it or not :) It's a great game with some inconsistencies that really only affect us nutjobs that want to experience all the high end content. I mean really.. how many players will get to pilot a dread?

  • knomegnomeknomegnome Member Posts: 9
    Oh yeah... one more thing :)

    The top down economy is seriously screwed up. Essentially, there are X number of blueprints of important T2 things that EVER get found. The first X guys who successfully research it get them.

    Now thats ridiculous. It should be a set percentage CHANCE of getting one. There should be NO limit and this would simulate the gradual diminishing of patent value and the loss to common property.

    As it is, a few people in game own BPOs that are worth a HELL of a lot of ISK and become overnight billionaires when they get one. The system is way too one sided but CCP seems to like it. I have no idea why except perhaps they are viewing these ISK Billionaires as value sinks since they tend to spend their billions on dreads, fuel, titans, stations, and other crazy expensive things.

    But then the fact that they get to keep their power base (the BPO) for  a long period of time with no potential for challenge seems unfair. Now, I am guessing that CCP intends on having NPC corps sell T2 BPOs after a certain amount of time (perhaps once T3 gets all over the place) but thats not enough, I don't think. I could ramble on for hours about a virtual economy model.. but I'll spare you.

    Now, the idea of reverse engineering is fantastic, in any form, however I can imagine CCP never letting that in game because they might think that it would completely deflate the economy. They'd be right, but its definitely due! They never should have promised it in the first place.

    Your mileage may vary :)

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