With the nature of space fighers, it's hard to stop and meet and greet people. You are contantly flying about, but if you hang out at the popular docking stations/rest stops long enough, you will meet a few of the regulars.
The mission system is great. You are in and out, and the rewards are rather ample. There are main story quests, and side quests, and all sorts of fun stuff.
PvP is fierce. You need to learn the strengths and weakness of your gear in order to participate.
Again, i wish it were easier to group with other people, but i think that will come as i level. It's great for the casual MMO player because you can get a lot done in little time. The more hardcore players will really get into the PvP and the customization of your weapon systems...
Give it a try, completely free.
uhhh... what game is this? im looking for a game of this type
edit: nvm its space cowboys the game for kids! crap...
flyff , maybe.....but not space cowboy
cry more
lol i only play on my spare time and yea PvP requires more than your epeen epics hahaha
big ass thumbs up for PvP that actually requires skill
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Im 30 years old, and most of the ppl that I play with are 25+.
Although most players in the game are 16-20 years old, and that is gonna be the norm no matter what game you play.
And space cowboy online is not a game for kids, it is a game for everyone. Though kids in my mind are 14 and under and not too many of that age are playing sco.