They come down to Azoroth in a crudely made ship, crash it, than start hording in and trying to be a part of the alliance, even though they can barely speak common.
Not to mention, they don't know how to drive, they proved that with crashing the Exodar.
...Buuut, they're my favorite race on the Alliance now.
They look cool, unique, and bring a lot of flavor to the alliance.
....As for the Blood Elves, they don't really make sense.
They're suppose to be addicted to Arcane magic, yet they're so clean.
I've never seen a drug addict be clean, they're usually in the dirt looking for pennies to pay for their next rock.
The BEs are, to be honest, a fish out of water in the Horde. Sure, they are addicted to magic and somewhat "edgy", but in reality their entire feel is high fantasy high elf. They fit more cleanly with the Alliance in terms of ambience, and alongside Tauren, Trolls, Orcs and Undead, they seem the odd man out. It's also odd that two of the five Horde races have only tenuous ties to the larger Horde -- that isn't really the case on the Alliance side.
blood elves look preety stupid... i see them running around and its hard to think they are members of the horde they look so sissy...
no offense tho lol
yeah, draenei and blood elves are a contradiction made flesh.
The draenei looks like demons. big bad ass eredar that are known to be the leaders of the burning legions... you know? archimonde? good. now, the draenei are the goodier of all the races. they are honorable, just, mercyful, peace-loving, you name it.
Blood elves? other way around. they look really beautiful and even angelic, the epitome of the good guy... and they are really really cruel, allied with the burning legion even! I dunno if they are the evilest race around (Forsaken are pretty bad too) but if they aren't, they are number 2.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
no they didnt.
if u look at the story line (from warcraft 3 ft) the blood elves were once the high elves utill Arthas stormed suwell and cut the elves magic off. the blood elves then sold their souls to a deamo becoming part of the hoard.
the dratini were the ones who left and did not trust the deamons. they helped the blood elves ad the naga and evetually left them because they were followig a deamon
therefore blizzard did not mix up the two races
It's obvious blizzard gave Horde Night elves and Alliance tauren tbh :P They made it fit into the storyline, but they clearly wanted to fix the 3:1 ratio alliance have over horde. From what i've seen it's worked, BE outnumber Draenei by like 100:1 lol.
I think Draenei are the best race in the game on the cinematic anyways.
I'd have to agree. Also, I think that the Draenei zones and quests are fantastic. The best quests in the game, imo. I tried a BE, but sorry, I couldn't take the lore or the character models seriously.