Another one is up
here. And like always I cant bring you anything new, but hope you still can enjoy it.
Used the newest screens that we got, and some quotes from fans, developers and some of what the game will offer us.
Found some minor errors (like always) after uploading the video, but then I thought 'Mneh!'.
Thanks to:Would like to thank Preston for helping me with this one. He has been great feedback from the start and have contributed with alot of good ideas. So thank you Preston! *bow*
Future videos:If you have a great idea for a movie or if there is anything you would like to see in the next one, please PM me. Have some more ideas for other videos, but would be great if you could contribute with more.
More Blue Monkey Videos can be found
Hope you can enjoy even though I cant give you anything new.
For a video entitled "Voices of the Game" it seemed to be a little short on voices. "Posts of the Game" maybe.
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
The voices are magnificient.
Think of all you can do when we have some more gameplay footage
Don't be stupid, it's a video.
l2p please.
"<Claus|Dev> i r pk"
No it's not a video.
It's a slide-show of concept art. And how long has this thing been in development? Are you kidding me? That is it?
Oh, and wasn't the release date Q4 of 2006? What is it now?
Also I hear that it will be direct download, no box sales? That can't be good.
1. //the game entered true development with a considerably larger team in 2003//
2. No, they havnt set a release date at all on anything.
3. No, they havnt said that at all either.
Thanks for your comment.
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
We heard about it, we saw pictures, but no one ever seen the real thing.
Not sure if it even exist.
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
The Key Features video is the best one, the most inspiring. Although the World of Darkfall video has the best game video clips.
What did you use to edit the videos?
Good things come to those who go out and get them!!!
But that isn't the point here.
How can people even think that the game doesnt even exist? I mean sure its a bit vague but look at this..
last time i checked Vaporware games dont release in game footage of fighting, its just a mtter of waiting, they are very slow, but the game is be patient!
How can people even think that the game doesnt even exist? I mean sure its a bit vague but look at this..
last time i checked Vaporware games dont release in game footage of fighting, its just a mtter of waiting, they are very slow, but the game is be patient!
What does that prove? Nothing.
from what i've seen and heard of this game, they are having a laugh and stringing everybody along.
If there is ever a darkfall game i'll show me arse in briggate and eat me hat!! but....
i would LOVE to be proven wrong
will you put it on youtube and link it for us here? (after release in 2037)
will you put it on youtube and link it for us here? (after release in 2037)
Believe me xauss when i say you really dont wanna see my lardy arse, but then again if you a hot chick maybe you do he he.
How can people even think that the game doesnt even exist? I mean sure its a bit vague but look at this..
last time i checked Vaporware games dont release in game footage of fighting, its just a mtter of waiting, they are very slow, but the game is be patient!
What does that prove? Nothing.
from what i've seen and heard of this game, they are having a laugh and stringing everybody along.
If there is ever a darkfall game i'll show me arse in briggate and eat me hat!! but....
i would LOVE to be proven wrong
The guys from Ten Ton Hammer ( tested Darkfall out at E3 and WomenGamers.Com ( visited Darkfall's office.If you want to see the articles, here you go:
To the OP: Nice job Dronjak! I can't wait to see what you put together when you get some actual video footage of the game, keep up the good work
Thanks for all the comments.
Dark and Light 2...
MMO's Played: 20 , Closed Beta: 9 , Open Beta: 3 , Currently:Warhammer Beta
Guild: Futilez
How can people even think that the game doesnt even exist? I mean sure its a bit vague but look at this..
last time i checked Vaporware games dont release in game footage of fighting, its just a mtter of waiting, they are very slow, but the game is be patient!
What does that prove? Nothing.
from what i've seen and heard of this game, they are having a laugh and stringing everybody along.
If there is ever a darkfall game i'll show me arse in briggate and eat me hat!! but....
i would LOVE to be proven wrong
hmmm, salt and hat at the ready! it seems there may be a darkfall game after all, after seeing the new video, maybe just maybe....
Of course Darkfall is real!
The only reason why it hasn't released is because everytime they consider it, a new MMO hits the market in which darkfall chooses to go through a major overhaul in order to top it. Darkfall will be the best MMO out there, not the 2nd best. Patience is a Virtue. And The Dev team behind Darkfall has plenty of Patience.
"Can't... Sleep... The Carebears... Will get... Their way..."
That is a slide show of the same old 5 year old screenshots.
searching for the next DAoC....
It’s either that you are totally unjustified, or that 5 year olds in planet Flamewar are very advanced.
Most likely is that You R just an idiot….
After watching that pathetic video of WAR, with those idiots pretending that they have fun by playing their sad-sad game, I m sure that WAR is the definition of vaporware! (
Don’t you think?