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How does targeting work?

StereoviewerStereoviewer Member Posts: 238
I red that the game both have mouselook and targeting by clicking. How does this work? Also, I saw a crosshair (FPS-style) in a demo. Can someone expalin this?


  • nolfnolf Member UncommonPosts: 869

    unfortunately no one in beta who could answer this is allowed to.

    i'm sure the info will flow once the nda has been lifted.

    Nolf - Master Asshat

    Someone's gotta do it!

    I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.

  • StereoviewerStereoviewer Member Posts: 238
    NDA is lifted now, so can someone answer my question plz?

  • heartlessheartless Member UncommonPosts: 4,993

    You click on the mob/person you wish to target with your mouse. You can also press the Tab key to cycle through mobs in your line of sight.

    There is a free mouse look and you control the movement with W, S, A, D keys and Space key for jump.



  • StereoviewerStereoviewer Member Posts: 238
    Thanks, but how can there be free mouse look and clicking on mobs at the same time (the mouse can obly have one of these functions at the same time)? Also, how is targeting visually presented ( a name over the mobs name, a square around it, an other type of marking)?

  • ViridiaViridia Member Posts: 142

    Not sure about anyone else but i thought the mouselook thing was only if you had right mouse button held down, and otherwise the mouse was used for targeting and using objects.

    Well thats how it works for me anywayimage

  • StereoviewerStereoviewer Member Posts: 238
    Ok, what about my other question then? The visual presentation of targeting?

  • ViridiaViridia Member Posts: 142

    Hmmm at the moment targetting seems a bit messy to me, and I haven't quite got the hang of it.   Basically there is a square (or at least the corners) around the mob targeted and a name above their head, they also have a health bar that shows above their head when they are targetted so you know how close to dead they are.

      There is also the more normal target box on the screen that has name, lvl and health of the mob too, or 'no target' if you don't have one.  It starts life in the top left corner of the UI but is draggable and closable.

       But when I am in a fight there also seem to be other  targeted mobs around, and other mobs with names and health lvl showing.   It seems that for me at least that my team mates targets come up with names and the corners around them as if they are a target too, although these are always duller than the ones for the mob I am actually targetting, but in a big fight it can get a bit confusing for me.   I guess this is to help the crowd control people with targeting mezzes and such and also help people to target mobs that are already half dead, but I have not really had a chance to go heavily into tactics and gameplay yet.   I am mainly playing characters below 10 while i try the different powers and combos and alot of the people who actually figured out how to play well and could tell me have moved on I think, and I tend to be left with other people who have only recently started playing and are as clueless as me image

    It does seem that they have tried to make things clear in battle, each affect like mez or charm has its own visible graphic so that you know who not to target and what affect is on them.   Although at the lower lvls no-one seems to bother with this, the auto targetting of the game doesn't differentiate between mezzed or normal mobs and people tend to just kill the mob the computer targets for them.   I know I have stopped bothering to say 'don't kill the guy with the purple and green bubbles floating round his head he is my pet.' lol.

    Anyway I hope that doesn't confuse you more, and if anyone could explain to me more of the targetting nuances I would be much obliged,  I guess I am a bit slow, I only learned how to use the CoH version of 'assist' after playing for a week, lol (although that is another one alot of people don't seem to bother with at the lower lvls)

    I guess it will be easier once I get to the higher lvls where you need tactics and also once I get the real game which hopefully has an instruction booklet image

  • nolfnolf Member UncommonPosts: 869

    targeting is pretty easy, i use tab and shft+tab. tab cycles through the enemies from closest to farthest, and shift tab cycles them backwards.

    there is a box around the target, and you can see the name, health and endurance, plus there are one/two/three little markings on the top the denote whether the mob is a minion (3 triangles), lt. (2), or boss (1). minions are the easily defeated masses, lt. is a rough fight, and a boss fight can get "involved" as they say.

    you get free mouselook while holding down the right mouse button, meaning you can either use the mouse to navigate, or you can use the Q and E keys to rotate. It all pretty much depends on the moment, or you personal preference.

    while grouping, assisting is GREAT. you click on a teammate, and you can see THEIR target. use a power while having that mate targeted, and you will attack their target. makes group missions very organizable, and it also leaves the potential for different supergroups to have completely different fighting styles.

    YAY for the NDA being lifted!

    Nolf - Master Asshat

    Someone's gotta do it!

    I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.

  • MirthMirth Member Posts: 28

    I'd love a closest monster button though. ;)

    When in doubt, Right click.
    When in doubt, Right click.

  • nolfnolf Member UncommonPosts: 869

    Originally posted by Mirth
    I'd love a closest monster button though. ;)---------
    When in doubt, Right click.

    now theres an idea that would make the targeting system even better!

    i've found the best way to get to closest monster in my view, is to hit esc (untargets) then tab real quick. it may not be the closest mob, but at least its the closest one in sight.

    Nolf - Master Asshat

    Someone's gotta do it!

    I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.

  • Kram59Kram59 Member Posts: 153


    I was worred about targeting. Having played intensivly EQ, Camelot and most other games out there. Targeting is essential. Clicking on main assit toon in your party makes things very straightforward. You will attack anything he is and at the same time allow you to throw a heal on him when there is not well defined shapes in front of you. (aka buttloads of mobs) Tab through all current targets or click to select. Two thumbs up for targeting

    Nuff said, kick booty


    King of the world

    King of the world

  • XyzzyxXyzzyx Member Posts: 7

    Re: Targeting the nearest enemy

    I think ... if I don't have anyone targeted and I hit an attack button twice, it targets the nearest enemy. However, this may only work if the enemy is attacking. Give it a try and see if this is what you're looking for. I'm still learning the ropes myself.



  • nolfnolf Member UncommonPosts: 869

    Originally posted by Xyzzyx
    Re: Targeting the nearest enemy
    I think ... if I don't have anyone targeted and I hit an attack button twice, it targets the nearest enemy. However, this may only work if the enemy is attacking. Give it a try and see if this is what you're looking for. I'm still learning the ropes myself.

    I just came to this thread after figuring that out this morning!

    Here's how it works:

    Make sure you have no target, and hit an attack button ONCE. This will then highlight you closest enemy. Now, you've got the closest guy in your sights, so the next attack you push will attack that target.

    Just like any other game like this, the UI can take a bit of getting used to, but I think I've learned this game's UI faster than any other I've played thus far.

    Although, I'm still figuring out the intricacies of how the chat system works.

    Nolf - Master Asshat

    Someone's gotta do it!

    I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.

  • StereoviewerStereoviewer Member Posts: 238
    Is it possible to configure the visual presentation to your own liking (take away the square around the target for instance)? I play with 3D shutterglasses and want as few 2D-elements on the screen as possible to minimize eye-strain.

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