I love mmorpg but I still feel we deserve a Sigil run forum.. Here is a letter I sent them..
This letter / post, is meant to address the obvious lack of customer care I have to date experienced in an MMO. I am appalled and angered by Sigils / Sony's decision to not maintain a official forums. Here are the reasons we were given and my concerns with them
Will developers continue to post?
-Yes, we will continue to post on Affiliated Site Forums.
End Quote:
I see which Affiliated Site ? When? How will we know its you? Will the have a dev tracker? How many sites will I have to search to find dev answers to my concerns? Do you feel that we the paying customer have nothing but time to spend searching over who knows how many Affiliated Sites just to find no answer to our questions? What guarantee will I have that a Dev will ever see my post and how many others feel as I do? These are just a few of my concerns with this statement.
Why are you closing the forums?
-We feel this is the best way to promote a healthy and active community. We feel centralized communities constrain players of different mindsets and too often don't reflect the actual opinion of the majority player base.
End Quote:
How so? By providing one place we can all got to when we wish to express our feelings/concerns? By providing us with a forum that can actually claim an unbiased set of moderators because they are being paid for by the folks we pay? By providing us with and add free hassle free location? Hmmm I see...
Will there be SOE Forums? (Like their other games)
-There will only be Tech support forums; all game play and general discussion will be hosted by the Affiliate Fansites.
End Quote:
Oh yah something no different then the most bare minimum of customer tech support... but at least its there..
How will the main Community Site be updated?
-Our community team will update the site by working closely with the affiliate sites to gather news and discussion threads that large portions of the community may find interesting.
End Quote:
I see and how will we know when this is updated? What kind or turnaround can we expect?
How can we be sure that we are getting all the information?
What about fansites associated with the secondary market (Gold Sellers)?
-Sigil is strong about its stance towards the secondary market. No site will ever be listed or supported by Sigil that has Secondary Market ads or is owned by the secondary market (Zam/Ogaming Networks). If a fansite is found to be supported by the Secondary Market in any way it will immediately be removed from our program.
End Quote:
I am glad you feel this way but you are almost guaranteeing that once one of these sites starts providing the information your not, your customers will flock to these and may have to pay additional fees just for reliable information.
OK so that's my quick responses to these reasons.. My knee jerk response is right its nothing like you don't want to pay for personnel, hosting, nor be responsible directly to us..
Not only this, as an IT person how could you even suggest we look for and join sites that we will have no guarantees will not abuse any personal information we provide.. In fact name me an affiliate site that will allow me to post with out providing and email address and I will eat my hat.. Like I need them selling / losing my information so I get more spam.. At least if you maintained official boards we would know you had a vested interest in keeping this from happening.. and don't get me started about how many different people will have access to this not rather then the few you could help police.. What are you thinking?
lets go one more god forbid some one who plays Vanguard, might happen to not be very Internet / PC savvy and blunder into one of these Gold Sellers sites and lord knows these sites have security so none of there banner ads are spy-ware... Yeah right...
Face it most of the top games and many of the near defunct provide this bare minimum level of customer service.. in fact here is a list for you..
Top Game Sites with forum
not a complete list)
Sony Games
http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/forums/list.m with Dev tracker
http://eqiiforums.station.sony.com/ with Dev tracker
http://forums.station.sony.com/mxo/forums/list.m with Dev tracker
http://forums.station.sony.com/ps/forums/list.m with Dev tracker
http://soe.lithium.com/ with Dev tracker
My my look at all the sony games with official forums? Hmmmm..
Coh / CoV
http://www.cityofheroes.com/ with Dev tracker
http://www.camelotherald.com/ with Dev tracker
http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/ with Dev tracker
http://www.ddo.com/forums/index.php?23 with Dev tracker
http://forums.ac.turbinegames.com/ with Dev tracker
Defunct or just holding there own:
Auto assault
http://boards.autoassault.com/ubbthreads.php has a Dev suggestion section
Rubies of Eventide
http://www.cyberwar.com/forums/ubbthreads.php with Dev tracker
http://ubbforums.ubi.com/ has a Dev discussion section
http://community.istaria.com/forum/ has a Dev discussion section
http://www.dnl.net/forums/ no Dev Tracker (good lord even this abmonation of a game (at least it was on release)) has mantained forums...
No forum
http://www.vanguardsoh.com/status.phphttp://www.guildwars.com/Good company your keeping there Sigil...
In closing let me state that I really like this game so far it has a lot of potential, but the fact that I have no single reliable, safe and responsible site to go with my current questions (see the following list) is the single biggest thing that may in the end drive me from Vanguard to one of the next games coming out..
Why is gnome civic diplomacy not working?
When can we expect the chunking pet loss but still have one following me issue to be fixed?
What happens to the diplomacy card vendors?
Which site can I go to when the servers are down and find out why?
Which site will you be posting / responding to Necromancer concerns to?
Which site will you be posting / responding to Gnome concerns to?
Which site will you be posting / responding to Diplomacy concerns to?
etc. etc. etc..
Spirithawk: Defender
Dampyre Defender:
Dead O' Nite: Scraper
Poltergiest: Controler
Warlock Hunter: Blaster
Undead Stalker: Controler
SecretAgent Man: Blaster
Dark Intellect: Defender
I don't want official forums.
Basically what they're doing is not providing official forums so it doesn't become a cesspool of only fanboys and trolls like the WoW forums are.
With the affiliated sites, you know which sites will have reliable information, information that's supported by Sigil, and there'll be a few different places to get that information. Don't trust info from a site that's not "Affiliated" because that means they haven't gotten Sigils seal of approval. Whether it be because they do goldselling or whatever.
Try SilkyVenom, or TenTonHammer, those are two sites I use.
Personally I think your argument is faulty. For example, you put out SWG and MXO as games for Vanguard to strive to be like? I don't think so. As well, you make it sound like Guild Wars is some horrible game, when in fact it's a very well done and great game played by many.
Personally, I say kudos to the devs for putting the focus on the fansites instead of a pit of forums where all the vocal minorities will collect.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
Coupled with active forums and a helpful community, This makes for better game.
Spirithawk: Defender
Dampyre Defender:
Dead O' Nite: Scraper
Poltergiest: Controler
Warlock Hunter: Blaster
Undead Stalker: Controler
SecretAgent Man: Blaster
Dark Intellect: Defender
There's no guarantee in official forums that the company will listen to your or even respond. I don't really care if they have official forums, though it does make it difficult to find good forums to stick with for Vanguard.
Heh, I think you kinda meant it as a joke, but actually I think Vanguard would be very happy with the subscription numbers of both Guild Wars and Final Fantasy XI.
The no official forums were talked about and decided over a year ago when the official forums were still up. Here's a link to one of the last threads that they talked about it.
Perhaps it will answer some of your questions for you.
I'm shocked that they've decided not to have official forums. When I want to hear what's going on with the game I'm paying for, I want to hear it right from the source. Hunting for accurate information spread out on several sites just sounds frustrating to me. I don't want to see official information offered through someone else's rose colored glasses, if you know what I mean.
Are they trying to save money by not shouldering the costs that go along with maintaining forums? I don't get it. What company doesn't like to have direct communication with its customers?
It answers all those questions you just asked and then some. If you don't agree or like the answers, well so be it.
There's a lot of truth to that.
Official forums allow a company to control the message that is put out there about their product. Leaving it all to fansites is dangerous, because fansites are notoriously cliquish and ruthlessly censor anything that they don't like hearing. Without an official forum, the devs of a game don't get a real sense of what is being said out there about their product, since on fansites, anyone who doesn't tow the party line 100% of the time gets marginalized and ignored, and only a rosy picture gets shown.
Also, by giving the fans control over how the information is distributed, you stand the very real chance of customers that don't care about fansites, and who just want information becoming frustrated by not being able to simply find what they need at an official repository, which is what people generally expect when they buy a product these days.
It's a very dangerous, double-edged sword here for Vanguard to not have a unified, official forum, IMO.
The Devs are just as capable of browsing through a few forums to figure out ways to improve and expand their product as we are.
Perhaps we could encourage people to only use a few forums to keep the information concentrated and the communities diverse.
Good information and forums can generally be found at the following site: http://vanguardvault.ign.com/
The in-game community is what matters, not the forum community. The focus should be on the in-game experience and community growth, rather than the community growth on an official forum.
Hopefully the result will be a more meaningful, deep and involving experience with a considerably more mature, helpful and welcoming atmosphere.
By forcing customers to have to crawl around several different fansites for information, and to navigate the politics of those fan forums in order to get any solid answers, Vanguard is only doing a disservice to itself.
These days, people like convenience when it comes to getting information. They don't like having to jump through dozens of different hoops to get what they need to know. Getting the official scoop at an official site goes a long way in that regard. Having to go to different fansites to get answers? Not so much.
this thread was locked and we reposted it here
Spirithawk: Defender
Dampyre Defender:
Dead O' Nite: Scraper
Poltergiest: Controler
Warlock Hunter: Blaster
Undead Stalker: Controler
SecretAgent Man: Blaster
Dark Intellect: Defender
you are of course are correct that I am to lazy... hmm seems like a lot of work I went through to post my opinion here and on 2 other sites as well as email both sigil and soe to express this but your right I am lazy...
Spirithawk: Defender
Dampyre Defender:
Dead O' Nite: Scraper
Poltergiest: Controler
Warlock Hunter: Blaster
Undead Stalker: Controler
SecretAgent Man: Blaster
Dark Intellect: Defender
Okay well you're not helping your case by calling that guy a troll. Some would call you a troll for posting these threads on multiple sites, and emailing sigil, and email soe.
I certainly have no problem finding information on the game, it's just that other people would rather have all the information handed to them on a nice silver platter. They'd rather have other people do the work and spoonfeed them than spend a few minutes looking for the information.
It gets frustrating sometimes when you spend the 2 minutes required to get information (ie, Why isn't there a manual? Well there is, type in 'vanguard' and 'manual' into google. How many people say "Will my machine run this?" when there's minimum and recommended specs in like 10 different places?). Don't get me wrong, I don't mind helping people, I do it quite frequently, especially ingame.
However, all the information is readily available out there if you actually try to look for it yourself. When there's a big problem, like the level loss issue last night, they post info about it on the main page, and the tech support forums, and they broadcast info ingame multiple times.
They've stated why they are not having official forums, and the majority of people are fine with this. If you don't like their reasons, that's up to you, but they've made their decision and they aren't going to change it without signifigant good reason. From what I read of your reasons, personally I don't think they're good enough to warrant a change.
Edit: oh I wanted to add on another point. They say they don't want to centralize players of different mindsets, which was something I don't know if you'd grasped or not. This basically means when they want to get info on druids from druid players, they can go over to the Druid affiliated site and talk to people who are there all the time because they like being druids and they really know what they're talking about. Then they can freely exchange information without worrying about other classes' vocal members chiming in to complain about this or that.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
The idea that anyone who wants an efficient system (read: NOT a bunch of fansites handling distribution of official information) is some sort of gibbering, simple-minded retard or mindless kiddie who wants it all handed to them is both insulting and elitist.
Some people actually prefer a more streamlined, efficient system of information. Who wants to have to go to twenty different fansites and fan forums to get an answer that could much more easily be handled by a single post at an official developer forum at the official Vanguard site? it's a waste of valuable play time that could otherwise be spent in game, or in doing something more productive.
Wanting an efficient and streamlined process for information, and preferring that all that information and interaction be readily available at an official site doesn't make someone a helpless kid who wants a handout. It make them someone who expects a level of professionalism from a company that expects you to pay to play their game. If you're paying for it, then you have the right to expect some level of service in return, and that includes an official forum.
Official forums suck balls. The WoW forums totally killed off any community sites where people could say whatever they want. In DAoC they followed the forums very well. No official forums meant that the community actually had MORE involvement if anything.
Official forums are always 99% whines or spam.
Lidane, you don't get it.
The system they have now isn't "inefficient", it's just decentralized. If anything, the information is in more than one spot, and on sites that are endorsed by Sigil. Not having an official forum for you to bitch in does not make it a "niche" game, the two have nothing to do with eachother and it's a pretty big leap to come to that conclusion.
You guys are falsely claiming that no forums means no information. That's just an outright lie. Infact they post very important information on their main website, and if necessary their technical support forums. The only difference is that there's no place for players to directly bitch at the developers. about unimportant things.
Tell me, what possible information could you want that's important enough where you need a direct line to the developers, which isn't major game information like that which they post on their main page, or in their technical support forum? Seriously, I'd love to knowwhat kinda super important stuff requires an official forum, which you can't get from simply looking at one of the many affiliated sites. I mean, it's not like you get charged for each page you view on the internet. It takes about as much time to do a quick search for something as it would to search through some forums.
Besides, most of the people (in this thread for example) are fine without having an official forum. Sigil also gave very good reasons as to why they decided not to. It's not a game breaking decision as much as you'd like to think so either.
So seriously, what possible information could be so important that it requires a direct line to the developers, but isn't covered by their main page or the technical support forums? Personally I can't think of anything except information that would just be frivolous spoonfeeding.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
does Vanguard have any sites that compare to the Camelot Herald, which has been there since before launch BTW linked at the top the official page
I miss DAoC