Hi there.
I know.. another "looking for guild"-like post... pardon me but i'm desperate.
Here in Italy there are very little roleplaying people since UO times... there're a lot of pvp fans and, as someone call them, 'bottle-pissers'.
So i'm searching for help..
I'm an "old-school" RP player... i'm looking for people to play with, to explore, to have fun without the "i absolutely need to grind" style.
I'm te so called "casual player". I work in the IT industry and I am in front of a monitor all day long. So I simply don't likle to drive home and stay other hours in front of another monitor till night!
So I play little hours on the weekdays and a lot in the weekends.
Since I live in Italy i prefer similar timezones for obvious reasons.
I've no problem for the language if it's English. It will be a way to learn it better.
Well i love elves and magic... in evry MMO i've played a Male (Dark) Elf... mage.. black. In VG I think i will try Sorcerer.
Tipically I play only one character... cause my char is my avatar... i'm him in that world. With his stories and his life.
Well.. what to say more? send me a message if you like.
I see a recent post in this forum by the Ordine della Rosa guild. It appears they are Italian, but I don't know Italian well enough to tell for sure. Also I don't know if they are roleplayers.
The semi-official roleplayy server is Florendyl (I hope I have that spelling correct). There are several guilds already recruiting on the Ten Ton Hammer (Vanguard@TenTonHamme)r forums. I recall that at least one of them was European. Even if not, I expect more listings soon.
You might check the other fan sites as well. Following a link to likely guild websites is likely to pay off better than just posting that you are searching.
Yes I'm also searching on sites and forums.
I just posted a recruitment thread here at mmorpg.
Our website is http://www.ageofjudgement-dnl.org/.
They also are elves of various kinds lol.