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Ok, I'm bored at work so here's a different thread.
I'm guessing most people at this site have played more than one MMORPG, so which was your first and why did you like it?
How did it get you hooked on MMORPGs?
I played the Beta for Rubies of Eventide, but then got really into AO so I would count that as my first.
I loved how huge the world seemed and how you could go anywhere in it, so different than console games.
Also I thought it was a big step up from MUDDs, which I enjoyed in the past.
What got me hooked was how I thought, and still think, its the future of gaming.
I think we've hit a stagnant period in terms of creativity in the last few years though.
I started in Brit, walked up to a GM, asked if I could have a cool robe like that. I think I was about 13 or 14.
I was laughed at, ignored, and finally gave up. I logged on that character a few years later. My backpack had so many things I picked up at the bank that were worthless.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
Lineage. Quite fun at the time.
There are so many reasons why i played it for 4 years. Some include:
Huge world. You see something, you can go there. Head out of anytown in any direction and you will likely find a remote river, lake, mountain top and even an empty dungeon or ruined castle. No instances, no zones = beautiful. I spent months just exploring.
Skill based leveling. Customisation at it's best! Want to run faster, pump more skills into your run skills. Jump higher? Boost your jump skill. There was no waiting till 'level up' before you could start increasing your stats! Amazing variety which kept me hooked for years. And NO auto homing projectiles like arrows and spells - can you say ahead of it's time!
PVP. FFA, partial loot and the guild politics it offered. The extra dynamic this brought to the game was unbelievable. An always updating KOS (kill on sight) list, deciding which guilds were worth forming alliances with, resolving disputes with other guilds and going all out war with rival guilds was simply amazing. Fighting over and defending important towns, hubs and dungeons was probably the best memory in gaming i have.
It left such an impression on me i can still recall around a dozen player names (friends a foes) as well as around 15 or so guilds right off the top of my head, yet i havent played the game in roughly 4 years.
The adrenaline rush of PVP in this game is still unrivalled for me. Yes, i was addicted!
Quests. They were extremely complex. Often they were riddles or simple lore. What you did with that was up to you. I spent a good month doing ONE single quest. The quests also varied greatly, i still remember the one where we ran up a hallway, pulled a level and huge boulder came crashing down towards us...indiana jones style with everyone running down the hallway, oh yeah!
Community. Sure there were idiots (they are everywhere), but on a whole everyone was just there enjoying the game and the freedome it offered. The main conflict revolved around two different playstyles, RPK and anti - but conflict was meaningful, eventful and exciting. I also loved helping out noobs and protecting them from the 'evil' RPKS. Guarding them while they shopped and escorting them from town to town was quite rewarding.
Player freedom. Need i say more.
This is all MY OPINION on my first MMORPG. Please don't hijack this thread with unwarranted flames.
And if it was not of raiding...I would still play it most likely. I discover a much better MMO afterward with CoV, so raiding-suckiness was positive in that sense that it make me go away and try competitors. I even try DAoC and WoW!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
It's also how I got hooked into animal taming (Those custom-color mustangs were a big seller).
Mythic Entertainment was the company that made me play a MMOG for several years then. After or during my DAoC time I never found another MMOG that made me hooked again. Now I'm checking plans for upcoming MMOGs which keep disappointing me on a regular basis and other than than... I play adventure games ( SCUMM) or FPSs.
WARNING! Long read skip now and you won't have to gripe later ;p if a long read bothers you. If your interested in my MMORPG expiriances read on.
DAoC was my first MMORPG. I had played quite a few multi player games before that, Diablo Diablo 2, NWN etc. And just about any and every Dungeons and Dragons PC game that I could get my hands on from the 80's till pressent. I also enjoyed the Might & Magic games and other similar games.
A couple of guys that worked for me played either EQ or DAoC one Played them both and UO. Got to be good friends with one of them and he finaly talked me into playing DAoC wich had not long been out. At first I was like WTF this is crap and boaring he kept telling me just hang in there try to get in some groups and see what happens.
At some point I made my way to PK bridge and found the the hot spot for getting groups. This when the game got interesting and fun. The game it self wasn't neccsarily all that great it was the adventure and making friends and working togeather for a common gole that took the game from boaring hack n slash leveling to something more. Back then people would sit and wait for someone to leave to get in our groups. Sometimes we would run into an asshat and we would make sure we didn't group them any more. The quest in the game initialy were crapy n boaring. One thing i can say I loved about the game was the amount of realism that was mixed in with the fantasy system. You could only cary so much weight and you couldnt move etc. The traveling, weather changes and what not added a since of realism. As long as you had a good group the game was easy to get immersed in.
I got my first taste of PvP in DF they had a group of mids running through farming everyone. I died many a time to enemy highlevel stealthers that was most annoying but this added danger added to the excitemnt of DF. I snuck in on legion raid when i was 20 the raid was large enough hat was easy to hide in the middle of it. I only died once on the way down and some nice cleric was kind enough to rez me. I even managed to land a hit on legion for a lil bit of damage. The bowels of DF was by far the best looking place in the game at that time. By this time I was thoughly hooked on the game and in a decent guild and had a lot of friends. I still wasn't verry high in level but at that time there were only a hand full of 50's around and most everyone were mid 30's to mid 40's. And my buddy at work was like "dude whats you hold up you need to level up." A problem I had back then and still do when playing something new is I like to go exploaring and learn where everything is. I hate to look something up on the web or consult a guide unless its just absolutley a problem finding something. I must confess that one of the most annoying things in a game to me is when people just just start spouting off asking for information with out even putting some effort in to it.
Well I finaly buckled down and spent most of my vacation time that year leveling my Armsman rather than hitting the river for some fishing. I have to say that the RvR aspect of the game is what made the game great for me. Defending our frontier and attaacking the enemys was the best. DF runs were fun to. I started getting into crafting (like pulling my eye teeth sober with pliars) an leveling some other toons and about this time SI came out. I thought inconnus were ugly as hell and looked goofy but everything else about SI great. I had mnay toons buy the time TOA came out but my main was always my arms.
By this time we had housing a while wich with the merchants killed off a lot of interaction in the citys between crafters and buyers. the /level command alienated a lot of new comers and it became popular for people to power level with buff botted necros. So there was allready a change happening to the game community wise by the time TOA came a long. At first TOA seemed adventeruse enough sometimes a pain but i got a few master levels on my arms picked up a few pieces of gear to blend in with my PC gear. At first it didnt seem like that much of an impact but then again people werent artied out with lvl 10 artis and no one was ml 10.
Then everyone started getting gready stealing artis people were starting to quit because for what ever reason there was one ml they couldnt finish or they had been on a ml that turned out bugged one time to many. But there were still lots of folks playing n having fun and the game went on.
NF comes in seemed kinda nifty at first. But it wasnt long to figure out that Armsman were only good for siege and dragon raids. Palis were more suited for 8 man groups because they brought utility to the table and mercs had more dps. So for an armsman it was verry disapointing. I ended up just deleting my Armsman in disgust at how worthless they had become for RvR. But I still loved the game and wanted to play a tank class so i finished off leveling a pali i had been playing with and he became my main for some time. Then I finaly broke down and leveld me a buffbot and a farming necro so i could farm most of what i needed and use my necro to help friends n guildys level. Eventualy I had a 50 in all my slotshad a lot fun with my caster toons they were easy enough to get groups with in RvR but I missed OF and my arms and the game pre TOA. More and more of my friends left for other games. I would try other games from time to time.
Shadowbane sucked.............. SWG.......meh few cool things but it was a let down. Tried EQ wtf daoc pve x2 the grind with no rvr no thx. Tried a few other games but cant say was anything even worth mentioning
ABout the time Catacombs came a long majority of my friends form over the years were gone. I made a heretic had a few laughs with him. But WoW had come and I was like WTF where did everyone go. CLustering was the suck. My buddy that had got me to try DAoC to begin with talked me into trying WoW. I wasnt impressed went back to DAoC. Started leveling toons selling them trading them etc. All my friends were now gone I just couldnt seem to find a place to fit in anymore. Gave classics a whirl It was ok for a while but I realy had lost the flame for DAoC. Tried WoW again had to much resentment against it just seemed like in the back my mind it had stolen most my old friends away from DAoC also tried GW and DDO along the way . Ended up playing EvE for a while and realy enjoyed it just got be to much a hastle to mine enough money to keep equiped for PvP. Gave WoW another whirl been enjoying it got a hunter to lvl 52 atm and climbing I realy enjoy PvPing in Arathi BG. Bought BC started a dreanei priest and blood elf warlock started alternating playing them with my Hunter. Looking forward to getting my hunter high enough for the Areas in BC.
That game had the sexiest community ever, tight knit and friendly, although when game shark works online to....yeah...
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
If they didn't introduce trammel i would of never left.
I remember you had to stare directly at the ground and use the radar to even stand a chance navigating through town. God forbid should you bring the horizon into view.
My geforce MX wasn't up to par, either. Half of the game's textures were artifacts, showing up as black and white stripes with pink and teal dots. Imagine a whole landscape with these colours. I had to look away from the screen at regular intervals because of the strain on my eyes.
Still, it's obviously one of my most memorable mmo periods ever. The music, the settings, the people. It was all so "real". I remember the sun's lens flare as being some uber special effect, comparable to how we would think of realtime blurring and specular bloom today.
I was so amazed when I logged on my character, and he was standing right where I logged off. I didn't have to "save game" or anything. This world-persistence is what really sucked me in. The sense of the world really existing even though I was logged off. It made it so incredibly immersive.
Now that I look back, I can't believe I liked that crap. So tedious, it was like an online job if you ever wanted enough money to get good gear. Terrible, terrible waste of time...
I logged on had a quick look around then seen someone and thought it would be fun to try and kill them, moments later i realised that was a mistake, just as i was about to write it off someone asked if i wanted to go on a hunt, a year later i was still there.
Why i liked it, people, i've always been a gamer but the community aspect was new to me and made it seem a far more interesting game than it actually was.
In hindsight, its a very basic mmo, thats poorly supported and run by incompetent morons, but it was fun.
Why? Because back then, it was Chaos. Now its all gay. I am serious.
In a PVP server, if you killed someone, you can steal their 10,000 plat item, log and be happy for the day.
Or, someone could of jacked your ass up and you were screwed over like a mofo.
That what FEAR FACTOR was all about.
'Nuff said.