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WTF ? Am I crazy or did they remove all those awesome environmental screenies from the official website and replace them with mediocre beta screens ? Can you say "touched up" ?
"And by the way, did anyone ever tell you that you look exactly like Garfield but run over and skinned and then someone threw an ugly Ferragamo sweater over you before they rushed you to the vet ?. . ."
- Brett Easton Ellis, American Psycho
Requiiem, Templar
Dreamers can find their way by moonlight and their only punishment is that they see the dawn before the rest of the world
Dreamers can find their way by moonlight and their only punishment is that they see the dawn before the rest of the world
Dhirmadi: Shade of the Moon : Clan Leader
Dhirmadi: Shade of the Moon : Clan Leader
Lots of landscape... if they are in beta where are the models and other screen shots?
Cool concept ... decent scenery... just not feeling the love for some reason...